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Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd. Informationen

Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd.

Segeln ins Paradies: Hochgeschwindigkeitsabenteuer mit Lomprayah!

Willkommen an Bord des ultimativen Inselhüpfens mit Lomprayah, der Hochgeschwindigkeitsfähren-Reederei, die Sie in die tropischen Paradiese von Koh Tao, Koh Phangan und Koh Samui entführt. Machen Sie sich bereit für eine reibungslose und aufregende Reise, die Sie von der Schönheit des Golfs von Thailand verzaubern wird.

Zügige und reibungslose Hochgeschwindigkeitsfahrten

Zeit ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, und Lomprayah weiß das! Mit unseren Hochgeschwindigkeitskatamaranen und -fähren erreichen Sie Ihr Inselziel in Windeseile. Keine langen Wartezeiten, keine langwierigen Fahrten - nur eine schnelle und reibungslose Fahrt zu Ihren Traumorten. Schnallen Sie sich an für ein Abenteuer wie kein anderes!

Entdecke Koh Tao: Das Paradies der Taucher

Wenn Sie auf Koh Tao ankommen, werden Sie von der Anziehungskraft der Insel gefesselt sein. Bekannt als „Schildkröteninsel“, bietet Koh Tao azurblaues Wasser und eine Fülle von lebhaftem Meeresleben. Für Tauchbegeisterte ist dies ein wahres Paradies! Mit Lomprayah wird das Tauchen in die Tiefen der Unterwasserwunder von Koh Tao zum Kinderspiel. Erforschen Sie die faszinierenden Korallenriffe, begegnen Sie den anmutigen Meeresschildkröten und tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt der Unterwasserwunder.

Erholen Sie sich auf Koh Phangan: Der Rückzugsort der Natur

Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Entspannung und natürlicher Schönheit sind, erwartet Sie Koh Phangan mit offenen Armen. Dieses Inselparadies bietet üppige Landschaften, ruhige Strände und eine friedliche Atmosphäre, die die Seele baumeln lässt. Wenn Sie an Land gehen, werden Sie spüren, wie die Sorgen der Welt dahinschmelzen. Ob Sie sich an den idyllischen Stränden sonnen oder eine friedliche Wanderung durch den Regenwald unternehmen möchten, Koh Phangan verspricht eine Flucht aus dem Alltag.

Erleben Sie Koh Samui: Ein tropisches Juwel

Wenn Sie nach Koh Samui segeln, werden Sie von diesem tropischen Juwel begeistert sein. Von den atemberaubenden Stränden über die lebhaften Märkte bis hin zu den kulturellen Wundern - Koh Samui hat für jeden etwas zu bieten. Lomprayah sorgt dafür, dass Sie den ganzen Zauber von Koh Samui ohne Verzögerung erleben können. Besuchen Sie den berühmten Big-Buddha-Tempel, genießen Sie die köstliche lokale Küche und lassen Sie sich von der pulsierenden Energie von Chaweng Beach mitreißen. Diese Insel ist ein reizvoller Teppich von Erlebnissen, der darauf wartet, erkundet zu werden.

Inselhüpfen mit Leichtigkeit

Warum sollten Sie sich auf eine Insel beschränken, wenn Sie sie alle erkunden können? Mit dem umfangreichen Streckennetz von Lomprayah wird das Inselhüpfen zu einem aufregenden Abenteuer. Bewegen Sie sich nahtlos von Koh Taos Unterwasserwundern zu den üppigen Landschaften von Koh Phangan und der pulsierenden Energie von Koh Samui. Dieses zusammenhängende Paradies liegt Ihnen zu Füßen, und Sie können sich Ihre Traumroute für das Inselhüpfen zusammenstellen.

Mühelose Buchung mit E-Tickets

Wir sind der Meinung, dass die Planung Ihres Inselaufenthalts so leicht sein sollte wie die Meeresluft. Lomprayah macht die Buchung Ihrer Fährtickets zu einem mühelosen Erlebnis. Mit unserer benutzerfreundlichen Website und unserer mobilen App können Sie Ihre Reise in wenigen Minuten planen. Verabschieden Sie sich von Papiertickets - mit unserem praktischen E-Ticketing-System haben Sie alles, was Sie brauchen, sofort zur Hand. Sichern Sie sich Ihre Plätze und machen Sie sich bereit für das Abenteuer Ihres Lebens.

Sicherheit geht vor, immer

Bei Lomprayah steht Ihre Sicherheit an erster Stelle. Wenn Sie sich auf Ihr Hochgeschwindigkeitsabenteuer begeben, können Sie sich darauf verlassen, dass unsere erfahrene Crew und unsere modernen Schiffe eine sichere und komfortable Reise gewährleisten. Lehnen Sie sich zurück, entspannen Sie sich und überlassen Sie uns den Rest, während Sie die verborgenen Schätze des Golfs von Thailand erkunden.

Schließen Sie sich unserer Gemeinschaft von Entdeckern an

Wenn Sie sich für Lomprayah entscheiden, werden Sie Teil einer lebendigen Gemeinschaft von gleichgesinnten Reisenden. Wir sind nicht einfach nur eine Fährgesellschaft - wir sind Ihre Partner bei der Schaffung unvergesslicher Erinnerungen. Egal, ob Sie Reisetipps oder Empfehlungen für die besten Schnorchelplätze suchen, unsere Crew hat alles für Sie. Teilen Sie Ihre Erfahrungen, tauschen Sie Geschichten aus und schließen Sie sich mit anderen Abenteurern zusammen, während Sie die malerischen Gewässer des Golfs überqueren.

Zuverlässig und beliebt

Die Liebe zu Lomprayah ist in den Herzen der Mitreisenden offensichtlich. Unser Engagement für außergewöhnlichen Service und die Schaffung unvergesslicher Erlebnisse hat uns das Vertrauen und die Bewunderung von Abenteurern aus aller Welt eingebracht. Auf unserer Website finden Sie begeisterte Kritiken, und Sie können von denen hören, die den Zauber von Lomprayah selbst erlebt haben.

Bereit für Hochgeschwindigkeits-Spaß?

Sind Sie bereit, die Segel zu setzen für ein Inselhopping-Abenteuer wie kein anderes? Ihr tropisches Paradies auf Koh Tao, Koh Phangan und Koh Samui wartet auf Sie. Packen Sie Ihre Sonnencreme und Ihren Sinn für Wunder ein und machen Sie sich bereit für eine rasante Flucht ins Paradies. Lomprayah ist Ihr Ticket zum Inselglück!

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Diese Reise ist zu den ausgewählten Terminen nicht verfügbar
Laem Sor Ferry

Ferry from Koh Samui to Koh Phangan and Koh Tao and return.


A/C MINI VAN 15 Seats


THONGASALA Catamaran YEAR : 2010 Lenght : 29 meters Capacity : 350 passengers

Nathon Pier

Gateway to Samui Island: Nathon Pier Welcomes You!


Nathon Pier stands as the welcoming threshold to the captivating Samui Island, inviting you to step onto its shores with anticipation. This busy pier is more than just a stop. It helps you discover the heart of Samui where stunning views are waiting for you to explore.

With its dynamic ambiance and awe-inspiring surroundings, Nathon Pier is your inaugural step toward a remarkable island escapade. It is one of the best Ferry Piers in Samui.

Nathon Pier is like a lively hub on Samui Island where travelers can find hidden gems. It's more than just a place to get on and off ferries. It's a lively area that lets you experience the true spirit of Samui. The lively atmosphere and beautiful views at the pier set the stage for a relaxing and exciting journey on the island.


Nathon Pier is a busy harbor on Samui Island that warmly welcomes arriving ferries. Its strategic placement positions it as the perfect launching point for a journey of exploration, leading you toward Samui's enigmatic gems. Close to the lively pier, discover delightful shops, busy markets, and cozy cafes inviting you to experience real island living.

When you leave the ferry and step onto the pier, you'll sense the blue water and the sea breeze. This will help you appreciate Samui's beauty. As you walk along the pier, you'll see the coastline and hills, giving you a glimpse of the island's stunning beauty.

Make sure you don't miss the chance to enjoy the wonderful seafood and a variety of local treats at the nearby restaurants. It's a culinary adventure that's an important part of your entire island experience.

For those who seek to immerse themselves in local culture, Nathon Pier offers convenient access to lively local markets where vibrant textiles and handcrafted souvenirs come to life. Engaging with the welcoming locals while perusing the kaleidoscope of stalls creates a shared experience, allowing you to carry a piece of Samui's warmth back home with you.

Water Sports and Island Adventure: Seeking adventure? Head to the west coast of the island, near Lipa Noi, where water sports enthusiasts find their haven. The crystal-clear waters and gentle waves create an inviting playground for activities like snorkeling, kayaking, and paddleboarding. Delve into the underwater wonders and discover the rich tapestry of marine life that calls these shores home.

Food and Drink Delights: Your journey at Nathon Pier is not only a visual feast but a culinary odyssey that celebrates the island's flavors. Embrace the street food scene, where tantalizing aromas and bold flavors of Thai cuisine dance in the air. From aromatic curries to succulent seafood, the street food vendors offer a symphony of tastes that encapsulate the essence of Samui.

Nearby Destinations: Should your wanderlust extend beyond Nathon Pier, embark on ferry services that open doors to picturesque destinations like Koh Phangan and Koh Tao. These tropical paradises are easily accessible, allowing you to explore vibrant markets, witness cultural vibrancy, and dive into the underwater wonders that these islands hold. Koh Phangan's lively markets and handcrafted treasures beckon, while Koh Tao's crystalline waters and diverse marine life create a haven for diving enthusiasts.

And for a taste of local life, venture into the bustling walking street of Nathon. As the evening lights up, this vibrant thoroughfare transforms, adorned with stalls selling a medley of local handicrafts, textiles, and street food that caters to both your palate and your curiosity.

Visit Nathon and Discover: Make Nathon Pier your starting point and explore the enchanting side of the island. Wander through Nathon's charming streets and uncover a myriad of shops selling everything from intricate crafts to stylish clothing. Engage in the friendly banter with local artisans and find that perfect memento to carry a piece of Samui back with you.

Side of the Island Adventures: Venture beyond the vibrant hub of Nathon to the island's serene western side, where Lipa Noi's tranquil beaches await. Here, you can embrace the serenity of soft sands underfoot and bask in mesmerizing sunsets that paint the horizon. With its laid-back ambiance, Lipa Noi offers the perfect escape for those seeking a peaceful and rejuvenating retreat.

Practical Information: As you plan your journey to Nathon Pier, make note of the ferry schedule for seamless island hopping. The pier's central location and well-connected ferry services facilitate easy exploration of neighboring islands such as Koh Phangan and Koh Tao. If you're seeking a glimpse into Surat Thani Province's capital town, Nathon Koh Samui, you'll find it encapsulates the island's charm while offering insights into its local way of life.

In summation, Nathon Pier transcends its role as a passage; it becomes the threshold to Samui's treasures. With its lively environs, captivating destinations, and access to water sports and adventures, this pier beckons you to embark on a journey that encapsulates the very spirit of the island. Drawn to delicious food, cultural marvels, or exciting island adventures, Nathon Pier enthusiastically guides you into an exploration that captures the very essence of Samui.

Things to Know:

Island's Heartbeat: Nathon Pier is not just a passage; it's the vibrant heartbeat that connects you to Samui's core.

Scenic Harbor Views: Immerse yourself in picturesque seascapes as you disembark at Nathon Pier, setting the stage for your island adventure.

Local Culinary Delights: Indulge in the island's flavors with freshly caught seafood and local delicacies available at nearby eateries.

Cultural Souvenirs: Explore local markets for unique handcrafted souvenirs, allowing you to take home a piece of Samui's charm.

Gateway to Adventure: Beyond the pier, discover the awe-inspiring Ang Thong Marine Park and serene Fisherman's Village.

Thong Sala Pier

Thong Sala Pier: Gateway to Phangan Island Adventures


Welcome to Thong Sala Pier, your gateway to the captivating wonders of Phangan Island. Nestled in the heart of the Gulf of Thailand, this bustling pier connects you to an array of exciting adventures. For all travelers, Thong Sala Pier serves as your starting point to explore the island's natural beauty and vibrant culture.


Thong Sala Pier is the central hub for both locals and tourists, providing access to Phangan Island's hidden gems. As you disembark from the boat, the warm tropical breeze greets you, and the inviting azure waters surround this picturesque spot. The pier itself is a lively scene, bustling with activity as travelers disembark, and merchants offer their colorful wares.

Just beyond the pier, awaits a multitude of enchanting landscapes ready for you to discover. Thong Sala Pier is where your adventures begin, taking you from lush jungle interiors to pristine shoreline beaches. Whether you're seeking relaxation or thrill, this station is your doorway to a world of possibilities.

Unveil the natural wonders of Phangan Island with ease from Thong Sala Pier. Head north to the iconic Phaeng Waterfall, where the cascading waters create a refreshing oasis amid the lush foliage. If you're looking for spiritual peace, the Wat Phu Khao Noi temple provides a serene ambiance and island-wide panoramic views.

Bask in the sun's embrace at Ao Chaloklum Beach, a tranquil haven perfect for swimming and lounging. Or set off to the east and discover Thong Nai Pan Noi Beach, renowned for its powdery sands and turquoise waters. Both beaches promise a great escape from the daily grind.

Dive into local culture at the Thong Sala Night Market. Taste Thai street food, find crafts, and colorful textiles. The market's scents and lively vibe bring island life to you.

Experience the world-famous Full Moon Party in Haad Rin, an exciting beach celebration that draws revelers from around the globe. Dance beneath the moonlight, surrounded by pulsating beats and a vibrant energy that's impossible to resist.

Thong Sala Pier is your link to nearby islands and attractions. Catch a ferry to the tranquil shores of Koh Samui, known for its laid-back charm and diverse cultural offerings.

If you're up for underwater exploration, take a short trip to Koh Tao. It's a diver's paradise, famous for its beautiful coral reefs and vibrant marine life. Sending postcards home or staying connected is a breeze with the local post office conveniently located near the pier.

Seek solace in the serene village of Baan Tai, just a stone's throw away from Thong Sala Pier. This tranquil escape offers a glimpse into local life, with traditional Thai architecture and a laid-back ambiance that invites relaxation. Take leisurely strolls along the village's quaint streets, interact with friendly locals, and absorb the unhurried pace of island living.

The Thong Sala Pier area is not only a gateway to adventure but also a haven for food enthusiasts. The local food market, teeming with stalls that offer a plethora of culinary delights, is a paradise for your taste buds.

Embark on a journey through a variety of dishes. From aromatic curries with balanced spices to mouthwatering seafood dishes celebrating the island's coastal treasures. Indulge in the famed pad Thai, a harmonious blend of flavors that captures the essence of Thai cuisine.

The food market at Thong Sala Pier is a true reflection of Koh Phangan's cultural tapestry. Sample dishes prepared with love and expertise, each telling a story through its ingredients and presentation.

Things to Know:

Ferry Marvel: Thong Sala Pier isn't just a passage; it's a doorway to island dreams, where ferries create maritime magic.

Retail Haven: Explore an array of shops selling unique handicrafts, where each item whispers tales of local artisans' skill and passion.

Nathon Excursion: A short jaunt to Nathon unveils serene beaches and a tranquil ambiance, a testament to the island's timeless allure.

Taste the Magic: Let local flavors excite your senses, taking you on a delicious journey into Thai culture.

Sunset Serenity: Thong Sala Pier's sunsets are a spectacle in themselves, casting a golden glow on departing ships and hopeful hearts.

Surat Thani Town: Tapee Pier

The Ultimate Guide to Tapee Pier in Surat Thani


Surat Thani Tapee Pier isn't just a port; it's your launch pad to some of the most stunning islands in Thailand. Located conveniently in Surat Thani town, it serves as the hub for voyagers keen on exploring the Gulf of Thailand.

Imagine stepping off the pier onto a boat that whisks you away to heavenly islands like Koh Tao (or Ko Tao), Koh Phangan, and Koh Samui (Ko Samui). That's precisely what Tapee Pier offers.

With top-notch services like the Lomprayah High Speed Catamaran, you're looking at incredibly efficient travel times.

What’s more, the pier is smack-dab in the heart of Surat Thani town. This makes it exceedingly easy to hop from urban excursions to island adventures. From retail spaces to delicious eateries, the surroundings add an extra layer to your travel experience.

So, whether you're here for the islands or the mainland attractions, Tapee Pier serves as your one-stop travel HQ. Ready to start your island-hopping journey? Tapee Pier is the gateway to your dream vacation.


First up, let's get the logistics out of the way. Tapee Pier is very well-located in Surat Thani Province. That makes it not just an essential part of the town but also the broader region.

You'll find an array of boats and services destined for the jewels of the Gulf of Thailand.

There are multiple routes to consider. Koh Tao, renowned for its scuba diving opportunities.

It is very easy to go from Tapee Pier to Koh Tao. But if you're craving more of a resort experience, you might want to check out Koh Samui. The island promises luxury, coupled with mesmerizing beaches.

One of the best things about Tapee Pier is the range of ferry services available. Lomprayah High Speed Catamaran is a favorite for its speed and comfort. On good days, you could find yourself reaching your island destination in less than 30 minutes.

Close to the pier, you'll find retail and convenience stores. Whether you’re looking to grab some last-minute essentials or indulge in local Thai delicacies, the options are abundant. Plus, you're never too far away from the main attractions of Surat Thani town.

Tapee Pier also serves as a docking point for local fishing boats. This adds a touch of local flair to the place. It’s a constant reminder of the rich marine life in the Gulf of Thailand.

If you find yourself with some time to spare, consider a quick visit to Lan Lake. Just a stone's throw away, it offers a serene backdrop perfect for some relaxation before you embark on your sea journey.

For those interested in a more lively island experience, please visit Ko Pha Ngan (local spelling). This island isn’t just famous for its Full Moon Parties. It also has some of the most stunning natural landscapes you'll ever see.

Koh Phangan, as it is internationally spelled, is easy to reach from Tapee Pier. Many boats go to the island. You can easily pick a time that fits your schedule.

Ready to book your trip? Phuketferry.com offers many routes. We recommend both Koh Tao and Koh Samui as premium destinations. We provide a seamless booking experience for travelers.

As for the commute to the pier, you have several options. Taxis and buses ply regularly between the pier and Surat Thani town, making the entire experience hassle-free.

Safety is paramount at Tapee Pier. Rest assured, you'll find the staff helpful and well-versed in ensuring a smooth boarding process.

If you’re looking for food, Tapee Pier won’t disappoint. From local snacks to quick bites, there’s something to satisfy every palate.

And don't forget about souvenirs! Grab a keepsake from one of the local shops to make your journey memorable.

Overall, Tapee Pier is more than a travel station; it’s the starting point for countless memorable experiences. From luxury islands like Koh Samui to diving paradises like Koh Tao, your choices are aplenty.


Tapee Pier serves as an essential cornerstone for any traveler looking to explore Surat Thani and its surrounding islands. From high-speed catamarans to a diverse array of destinations, the pier is the quintessence of adventure and leisure.

Beyond just serving as a transit point, Tapee Pier represents the perfect blend of urban convenience and natural splendor. It’s a hub that connects the mainland to the islands, making it an essential part of your travel plans.

Your options for islands are varied, each offering unique experiences. Whether you're a party animal targeting Koh Phangan or a tranquility-seeker heading to Koh Samui, there's something for everyone.

The availability of various services, like Lomprayah High Speed Catamaran, ensures a smooth transition from mainland to island. It is amplifying the overall travel experience.

If you're planning to visit Surat Thani or any other islands around, Tapee Pier is your go-to gateway. It’s the starting point that sets the tone for the rest of your epic journey.

Things to Know:

Lomprayah High Speed Catamaran is a quick and comfortable ferry service.

Nearby Lan Lake is a quick escape for nature lovers.

The pier offers a range of culinary options, ensuring you won't board hungry.

Souvenir shops are available for last-minute gift shopping.

Luggage storage facilities are available, allowing you to travel light.