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Phuket as a Honeymoon Destination

Phuket as a Honeymoon Destination
9 Februar 2018

Phuket, the gem in Thailand’s Crown. This stunning island has fairly gained its nickname, also known as the Pearl of the Andaman Sea, Phuket is the largest island in Thailand and one of the most beautiful ones.

48km large coastline formed by the most crystalline blue water and awesome sandy beaches make the perfect spot to spend your vacation in, there is no doubt that people from all over the world want to be here.

Visiting Thailand, and specifically visiting Phuket is such an amazing experience for leisure and joy; yet, going to this majestic island to spend a special occasion such as your honeymoon is just flawless.

Lovers adore this idyllic destination to start a new stage of their lives and, let’s be honest, who wouldn’t? Phuket has incredible activities, places, beaches and more things to offer to newlyweds.

Almost everything you are looking for can be easily found in this majestic island. From isolated beaches to lying down in the sand and enjoying the sun to lively nightclubs for dancing all night long; you just need to ask and Phuket will give it to you.

Romance is seen in every aspect of this wonderful destination. Landscapes look like they are part of a postcard, people are kind and nice, food is delicious; everything comes along really well to make every honeymoon unforgettable.

If you are seriously considering to visit this incredible tropical island as your first trip together as husband and wife, you are taking an acute decision. Phuket will not let you down in any aspect.

Here are some important details you need to know before booking your honeymoon to Phuket. Just in case you are not 100% convinced yet, we are sure this post will end up doing it.

When is it better to go?

Prompthep Cave Of course, it will all depend on the date of your marriage as this trip is almost always a few days after the ceremony. However, Phuket enjoys warm weather during the entire year.

Only two seasons happen on the island, the rainy one from June until October and the dry season from November till April. Dry season is also the highest season for tourism on the island.

Plan your trip to the island in some of these months and you will find the perfect weather you enjoy; shiny sun, warm and calmed waters, blue skies, nice breezes; and last but not least, a few rains that may bother your beach day, or not!

On the other hand, in case you were planning to travel in the rainy season. It can work too, during this period, tourism is less which can be really good if you do not like crowds around you. All you need to do is check the weather before leaving your hotel and wearing proper clothing.

For the perfect honeymoon, why Phuket?

Honeymoon Phuket There are many reasons to fall in love with Phuket and in this important trip and moment of both of your lives, you definitely need a place to make you feel that love is in the atmosphere.

Phuket has its dose of romance in every activity you can perform on the island. First of all, natural wonders are spread all over the place and they are perfect to visit with your loved one; also, locals are very nice and will treat you as you were part of the royal family which will help you to have the best trip of your lives.

Food, nightlife, tours, and culture will complete the experience and no matter which type of traveler you are, you will find tons of things to do, meet, taste and see in Phuket.

Pros of Honeymooning in Phuket

Honeymoon Phuket


Luckily, you do not need to be a rich person to afford a memorable trip to Phuket; everything is considerably cheap in here. From transportation tickets to get there to accommodations, food, activities and many more. Phuket can get adjusted to your likings, as a wide range of options and prices are spread all over the place giving you the chance to pick the ones that fit better to your budgets.

Getting there is easy, safe and affordable. Do not forget to visit our Web Site or contact one of our agents for more details. Once you arrive on the island, several options are available when speaking about staying: from fancy villas in 5-star resorts to comfortable rooms in hotels or classic bungalows for lower budgets.

Food is also considerably cheap and it will depend on the place you select to eat. In addition, practicing aquatic sports or attending to guided tours around the island will not require thousands of dollars from you.


Without any doubt, the aspect that attracts more tourists to this incredible island has to be part of this short list. Phuket’s beaches are simply breathtaking. There is a myriad of options couples can do in these amazing beaches.

Whether diving into the warm crystal blue water, sunbathing in the powdery sand, admiring the view or taking lunch in an iconic shack right on the bay. If you want to spice it up, you can rent some equipment and practice an aquatic sport.

Karon Beach

Perfect Getaway

This gorgeous island has a very convenient location. From there, going to neighbor islands is really easy. Actually, there are several options of one-day tours departing from Phuket to nearby islands and coming back to Phuket by sunset.

By doing activities like this, you will literally guarantee getting the entire experience of the Andaman Sea in one trip. Moreover, you will be saving lots of money by not having to pay different tickets or tickets from each island.

If you are not interested in visiting other islands, you have absolutely nothing to worry about because Phuket is a complete destination able by itself to leave anyone more than satisfied.

Landscapes and Views

Undoubtedly, you want to get not only good and unforgettable memories from your honeymoon trip, yet awesome pictures too and it is completely possible in Phuket. This amazing island is worldwide renown by its awe-inspiring sunrises and sunsets.

You not need to be a skilled photographer to take amazing pictures as every place on the island seems to be part of a postcard. Moreover, capturing some photos doesn’t only happen on the beach; Phuket has many cliffs and hills flawless to catch incredible views to the bay and the Andaman Sea from a higher place.

Cons of Honeymoon in Phuket

Patong Beach


In dry season, which is also the best season to visit the island, be sure you are far from being the only one tourist around. Actually, Phuket can get really crowded, a thing you may not enjoy too much if what you are looking for is intimacy and isolation.

With crowds, some negative facts come along. Great groups of people lead to a lot of trash, the main streets and beaches of the island get noisy and dirty; also, restaurants and bars get full too so it will take more time from you to find a place to eat. Moreover, it is not so serious. If you are not really into multitude mood, all you need to do is select options that are not the most popular; maybe staying in an all-inclusive hotel could work well into your likes and tastes.


Be aware that it is a place for everyone, Phuket has a wide variety of prices that suits every budget. However, in the high season these prices can get considerably higher and this means more money from you.

However, we are completely sure you can find something comfortable that fits into your vacation lifestyle with a bit of more work than usual. What we can recommend is to plan everything soon enough so you can get the best offers.

Look for regular rooms instead of those ones tagged with Honeymoon Suite, you can get a beautiful and comfortable room by a lower price without having to pay too much. Remember that love comes from you and your partner, not from a room.

Bangla Road

Wild Nightlife

Once again, if crowds and big noises are not your thing, nights in Phuket cannot be one of your favorite things. Drunk travelers are on the street until really late every night and they can be a bit annoying.

Moreover, nights in Phuket are the very best place to dance all night with your husband or wife, just stay away from the most popular disco or bar, there are some other options good enough to visit them yet not too crowded.

In addition, not everything in Phuket is directly related with clubs and bars, other amazing options are available all over the island for more relaxed plans. Shacks, restaurants and rooftop bars are flawless places to have a great meal and drink cocktails with your partner.

Best areas to stay for Honeymooners

Phuket Accommodation Phuket is the largest island in Thailand, and it is divided in areas or regencies; some of them are more popular than other ones and, consequently, more crowded and/or expensive. However, as we have been saying, every budget can afford a visit to Phuket, just analyze every option and choose wisely.

Accommodations in Phuket come in any size and shape, from fancy and luxurious hotels to warm and comfy hostels next to the beach.

In Kata beach, you get the best of both worlds; vivid beach during the day, plenty of activities to do inside and outside the water. Several restaurants, shacks and shops dotted along the bay.

Nightlife in Kata is not calm yet not too wild so it will be a really good option to stay; prices are excellent in this area in comparison with more popular areas such as Patong Beach.

What is not so good in this area is the fact that hotels are not so close to the beach, it means you will need to do some short walks to get there. However, it means the environment at the hotel is serene and peaceful, perfect to relax with your loved one.

Kamala beach is a flawless spot to have fun and relax with your loved one, this area of the island is famous for its tranquility perfect for disconnecting yourself from the hustle and bustle of the daily routine.

This stunning place is very authentic, it has everything a tourist may need yet it is not so commercialized. In there, you can feel the Thai vibe and hotels are village style. No big budgets are needed. A pot to practice aquatic sports and dining restaurants right in the sand are some of the wonders of this beach.

On the other hand, the most picked place by honeymooners is Mai Khao Beach. It is the longest beach in Phuket, a very isolated bay full-filled by high palm trees. In this area, several options of resorts belonging to international chains are established.

If you are staying in this area, you will get away from almost everything, yet relaxation and fun will be both guaranteed. Resorts in this area are all-inclusive so, you rarely need to get out from them; also, a couple of the most beautiful beaches in the island are located in here.

Phuket TownIn case you are looking for history, culture and heritage to be discovered in your honeymoon, your very best option is to stay in Phuket Town. Staying in this area will ensure that every day of your trip will be completely different.

Prices are very affordable there, tasting the local flavors is easy in this area, the same happens with history and culture. Locals say that Phuket town has the essence of the Real Thailand.

Moreover, you will need a way of transportation to get to the beaches as they are far away from Phuket Town and keep in mind that traffic can be chaotic and stressful here on the island.

Of course, we have to recommend Patong Beach area as it is the most concurred and popular one on the island. It compiles the greatest amount of bars, shops, restaurants, clubs and tourists too.

Undoubtedly, Patong beach is a must while visiting Phuket. If you decide to stay there, be ready for all the hustle and bustle that comes with this location.

What Honeymooners can do in Phuket?

Choosing Phuket as your honeymoon destination is perfect, the island breathes and emanates intimacy and romance in every place. The beauty and variety of sizes and shapes make this amazing island an ideal place for couples. Anything you may wonder about, can be done here.

Beaches are by far the main attraction on the island. Pristine blue water and golden sand make the flawless combination to spend the day in. Once in the beach, there are plenty of activities you can perform.

From simply lying down in the sand, under a beach umbrella enjoying the sun and the warm water to drinking a cold beer or a cocktail in one of the myriad of shacks and bars dotted in the bay. Practicing surfing, kitesurfing or windsurfing are possible too.

Can you picture something more romantic than going snorkeling or scuba diving with your hubby or wifey? Just imagine all the amazing pictures you can get from that incredible experience!

On the other hand, you can stay away from the bay, yet admiring it from the top of a cliff. On the island, there is a myriad of hills spread all over the territory; from there, you can admire the breathtaking views, an experience you must not miss.

Depending on the area where you are located, you may get different views of neighboring islands all over the Andaman Sea. The stunning views you get from these hills totally deserve to be photographed.

In one of these cliffs, you can even do your own picnic spot, buy some snacks in a local market and sit down to stare at the sunrise or sunset; without any doubt, it will be an unforgettable experience.

Another brilliant plan to enjoy this incredible island on your honeymoon trip is to get around the many cultural and religious temples. There is another interesting place to visit and it is local markets, By visiting, both of you will get to know the Thai culture and heritage deeper.

Visiting places such as beautiful gardens, interesting parks, Wildlife sanctuaries or Safaris, Aquariums and some others definitely will add extra value to your trip and, you must not forget to take thousands of pictures in every place you visit.

Book guided tours to exotic destinations along the island based on your likes such as water parks, waterfalls, boat trips around the island, trekking or hiking tours and many more options.

Undoubtedly, Phuket is such a lovely place. Picking this awe-inspiring island as your honeymoon destination will bring much joy, peace and love to your life and we cannot find a better place to start a brand new stage of your lives.

When you get back home, all your friends and family will feel envy when seeing all the awesome pictures you took as a couple there and with every anniversary you will wish to come back to the Pearl of the Andaman Sea.

And we are ready to make your honeymoon unforgettable by transporting you between Phuket and the other amazing islands.

Book with us now!