여행 날짜
성인 (>9 년)
아동 (2-9 년)
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끄라비에서 코사무이로

By Phantip 1970 Co., Ltd
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


10:15 끄라비, Krabi Bus Terminal


5 시간 15 분


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


15:30 코사무이, Nathon Pier


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


24 Hours before departure date
  • 이코노미 클래스

  • 700 THB
  • Book Now


  • Refunds will only be issued at our discretion with 24 Hours cancellation notice at 50%
  • with 48 Hours cancellation notice at 70%
  • Cancellations made 72 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 24 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 24 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 48 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Please arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to your trip's scheduled departure time. EXCEPT the trip from Koh Samui that you have to check in at PHANTIP TRAVEL OFFICE in 1 hour before departure time. If you are too late, your ticket will expire and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include entrance fee (if any), any additional fees and surcharges.
  • Baggage: 1 hand carry luggage + 1 Suitcase shall not exceed 20 inches per person are allowed. * **Passengers with large suitcases (more than 20 inches or XL-sized suitcases with wheels)** are required to pay extra luggage fees and handling fees to the ticket counter directly. This is just a precaution. The minivan/bus may be full and there may be no extra space for luggage. We had cases when passengers could not board with big bags.
  • Vehicle type is subject to change depending on amount of passengers.
  • During block dates, Holiday seasons, 3 days before and 3 days after the Fullmoon no changes can be made to the tickets as the ferry operators limited any changes.
  • Illegal drugs, endangered animals, combustible liquids, flammable products, compressed gases, explosives, ammunition, firearms, fireworks, corpse, hazardous material or food items with strong odour are not allowed in the bus or minivan compartments.
  • Oversized baggage or items such as surfboards, musical instruments, scooters, bicycles or motorcycles for instance must notified to the driver on whether or not oversized baggage’s or items can properly fit in the vehicle. Extra payments could be incurred if these baggage or items need extra handling and care. All customers must be aware of extra charges that may incur for handling fee.
  • Animals or insects are generally prohibited as this pose risks and issues with drivers and other passengers on board. It is prohibited by law and the department of Land Transportation to allow animals on board. The driver and staff has the right to refuse service for animal transportation as this might conflict with religious believes health issues and complaints from other passengers.
  • Connecting Flights: The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • You can check in with e-ticket on mobile or device. Please make sure you check in with the right operator you booked with.
  • The ferry / Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • There are no travel restrictions for pregnant passengers on ferry. However, please be aware that the service provider will not be responsible for any health-related issues that may occur.
  • If you intend to travel with an animal, please reach out to Customer Support in advance to confirm with the service provider.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • Please note that the bus/minivan will stop along the way to drop off passengers.
  • It can be changed to a minivan depending on the amount of passengers.
  • Check in point: Krabi Bus Terminal at Phantip office, please look for Phantip Travel sign

Trip Information

끄라비 버스 터미널: 안다만 해의 불가사의로 가는 관문!


크라비는 태국 남부의 서해안에 자리 잡은 매혹적인 도시입니다. 크라비는 크라비 강을 따라 자랑스럽게 서 있습니다. 이 강은 그림 같은 팡아 베이로 흘러들어가고, 아름다운 자연 경관을 자랑하는 국립공원이 주변을 둘러싸고 있습니다.

크라비는 모험가들에게 꿈의 여행지입니다. 장엄한 핫놉파랏 타라 - 무코피피 국립공원이 이곳의 자랑입니다. 또한 아오낭과 레일레이와 같은 아름다운 해변은 해변 애호가와 탐험가 모두에게 진정한 명소입니다.

또한 이 지방에는 80개가 넘는 매혹적인 섬이 있습니다. 여기에는 코란타와 피피 같은 섬이 포함되어 있습니다. 탐험가, 요트, 스쿠버다이버, 해변 애호가라면 꼭 방문해야 할 곳입니다.

태국 남부 여행을 계획하고 계신다면 크라비 버스 터미널이 주요 연결 지점입니다. 크라비와 방콕 및 기타 여러 매력적인 목적지를 연결합니다.


끄라비 버스 터미널은 단순한 정류장이 아닙니다. 이 역은 크라비의 유명한 장소를 탐험하기 위한 출발점 역할을 합니다. 아오낭 해변의 모래사장에서부터 코란타와 코피피의 경치 좋은 섬에 이르기까지 다양한 인기 여행지가 여행객들을 기다리고 있습니다.

이 터미널은 장거리 여행뿐만 아니라 현지 여행의 중심지이기도 합니다. 밖으로 나가면 오토바이 택시와 공유 택시를 볼 수 있습니다. 원하는 장소로 이동하기 위해 대기하고 있습니다. 크라비 타운의 활기찬 거리부터 페리 터미널까지 원하는 곳 어디든 데려다 줄 것입니다.

장거리 이동에 관해 말하자면, 터미널은 크라비와 여러 도시를 효율적으로 연결합니다. 방콕으로 향하든 코란타의 고요한 해변으로 향하든 이 터미널에서 모든 것을 해결할 수 있습니다. 방콕에서 출발하는 저녁 버스는 종종 이른 아침 끄라비 버스 터미널에 도착하여 하룻밤 여행으로 바뀌기도 합니다.

이는 여행객들이 가장 선호하는 방법입니다. 밤새 휴식을 취하고 새로운 하루의 모험을 위해 상쾌하게 도착할 수 있기 때문이죠.

끄라비 버스 터미널에서는 수많은 모험이 기다리고 있습니다. 태국의 활기찬 수도 방콕의 번잡함 속에서 자신을 발견할 수 있습니다. 이 도시는 상징적인 사원 외에도 쇼핑 거리로 가득하고 국제적으로 유명한 수완나품 공항이 있습니다. 크라비 지방에서 그리 멀지 않은 아오낭은 숨막히는 일몰과 리드미컬한 파도가 울려 퍼지는 밤문화로 유명한 황금빛 해변이 매력적입니다.

조금 더 들어가면 안다만 해의 고요한 코 란타가 펼쳐집니다. 이곳은 휴식과 수중 탐험을 원하는 분들을 위한 안식처입니다. 란타 국립공원의 영역도 잊지 마세요. 흔히 피피 제도라고 불리는 피피 섬은 수정처럼 맑은 경이로움을 선사합니다. 하늘을 비출 만큼 맑은 바다와 해변을 환하게 밝히는 파티가 펼쳐집니다. 롱테일 보트를 타면 프라낭의 매혹적인 동굴로 이동할 수 있습니다.

태국 만으로 향하는 수랏타니는 다양한 문화가 어우러진 도시로 떠오릅니다. 거리, 음식, 축제가 아름다운 조화를 이루며 울려 퍼집니다. 남쪽으로 내려가면 핫야이는 단순한 도시가 아니라 다양한 문화와 체험이 어우러진 쇼핑 천국으로서의 모습을 보여줍니다. 마지막으로 태국 섬의 보석으로 불리는 푸켓은 드넓은 해변, 신나는 수상 스포츠, 별빛과 함께 춤을 추는 나이트 라이프가 손짓합니다.

이 큰 버스 정류장은 고풍스러운 마을에 위치해 있습니다. 다양한 시설로 많은 사람을 놀라게 하는 곳입니다. 주변은 조용해 보이지만 터미널 자체에는 맛있는 현지 요리를 제공하는 실내 레스토랑이 있습니다. 간식과 음료부터 과일과 현지 별미까지 모든 것을 판매하는 작은 상점도 곳곳에 있습니다.


끄라비 버스 터미널은 단순한 교통의 허브가 아니라 태국 남부의 경이로움을 더 가까이에서 느낄 수 있는 수많은 모험의 시작점입니다. 효율적인 연결부터 현지 생활의 중심지까지, 크라비 터미널은 친절하고 효율적이며 놀라움으로 가득한 크라비의 정신을 구현합니다.

따라서 나홀로 여행객이든, 휴가 중인 가족 여행객이든, 배낭 여행객이든 이 터미널에서 출발하는 여행을 최대한 활용하세요. 끄라비와 그 주변 지역의 매력에 흠뻑 빠져보세요. 그리고 크라비 버스터미널을 평생 기억에 남을 경험을 위한 든든한 관문으로 삼으세요.

알아두어야 할 사항:

크라비 버스 터미널은 현지 여행과 장거리 여행 모두에 중요한 연결 지점입니다.

오토바이 택시 외에도 공유 택시가 터미널을 오가는 인기 있는 교통수단입니다.

방콕에서 끄라비까지 가는 저녁 버스는 야간 버스 역할을 하므로 효율적으로 여행할 수 있습니다.

터미널에는 저렴하고 맛있는 현지 요리를 제공하는 실내 레스토랑이 있습니다.

터미널 주변의 작은 노점상에서는 현지 간식과 과일을 맛볼 수 있습니다.

버스: Krabi Bus Terminal - Seatran Ferry Pier

Welcome to Seatran Ferry Pier: Gateway to Island Adventures!


Nestled in the serene embrace of Donsak, Seatran Ferry Pier stands as the doorway to your island escapades. With its efficient and accessible hub, you're on the cusp of uncovering a world of tropical marvels. As the home of Seatran Ferry, a trusted maritime name, this pier sets the stage for unforgettable journeys. Step onto Seatran Ferry Pier's waiting shores, where azure waters meet well-organized infrastructure. A haven for explorers, this pier offers smooth sailing to pristine islands. With convenience at its core, your gateway to paradise is here.


Seatran Discovery: Embrace the spirit of discovery with Seatran Ferry. The company's unwavering commitment to safety and service excellence ensures that every voyage is a cherished memory in the making. Seatran Ferry Pier is the launchpad for these maritime adventures, and Seatran Discovery encapsulates the joy of setting sail toward horizons unknown.

Nathon Pier and Beyond: From Seatran Ferry Pier, embark on your journey to Nathon Pier, the vibrant heart of Koh Samui. Meander through local markets, delight in authentic cuisine, and soak in the island's culture before your onward voyage. Nathon Pier's charm amplifies the allure of your travels.

Koh Tao: For the aqua enthusiasts, Koh Tao beckons. Known for its underwater wonders, this island paradise offers sublime snorkeling and diving. Crystal-clear waters cradle vibrant marine life, painting a spectacle that divers and snorkelers cherish. From Seatran Ferry Pier, let the enchanting journey to Koh Tao ignite your wanderlust.

Koh Phangan: Indulge in the rhythms of Koh Phangan's tropical beat. This island, famous for its vibrant moonlit parties and lush landscapes, invites you to celebrate life. From Seatran Ferry Pier, embark on a voyage to this festivity-filled paradise, where beachside bliss and nighttime revelry intertwine seamlessly.

Efficient Ferry Services: Seatran Ferry Pier prides itself on punctuality and professionalism. The ferry services are thoughtfully designed to ensure smooth transitions between the mainland and islands. With modern vessels equipped for comfort and safety, your voyage becomes as much a part of your adventure as the destination itself.

Ferry Tickets Made Easy: Securing your ferry tickets is a seamless experience. With user-friendly online platforms and on-site ticketing options, your journey planning is hassle-free. Choose your travel dates, select your destinations, and obtain your ferry tickets with ease. Seatran Ferry Pier's commitment to convenience extends from pier to purchase.


As your maritime adventure concludes, Seatran Ferry Pier's hospitality continues to shine. With an air of satisfaction, you'll reminisce about sun-soaked days and balmy evenings on distant shores. Seatran Ferry Pier isn't just a port; it's a prelude to island tales that will linger in your heart.

Things to Know:

Seatran Ferry Pier's impeccable punctuality ensures timely departures and arrivals.

Friendly attendants are readily available to aid travelers with queries.

The pier's facilities include clean restrooms and refreshment options.

Island-bound journeys are more than transportation; they're part of your vacation's enchantment.

Keep your camera ready—the pier's panoramic views are picture-perfect memories in the making.

페리: Seatran Ferry Pier - Nathon Pier

Gateway to Samui Island: Nathon Pier Welcomes You!


Nathon Pier stands as the welcoming threshold to the captivating Samui Island, inviting you to step onto its shores with anticipation. This busy pier is more than just a stop. It helps you discover the heart of Samui where stunning views are waiting for you to explore.

With its dynamic ambiance and awe-inspiring surroundings, Nathon Pier is your inaugural step toward a remarkable island escapade. It is one of the best Ferry Piers in Samui.

Nathon Pier is like a lively hub on Samui Island where travelers can find hidden gems. It's more than just a place to get on and off ferries. It's a lively area that lets you experience the true spirit of Samui. The lively atmosphere and beautiful views at the pier set the stage for a relaxing and exciting journey on the island.


Nathon Pier is a busy harbor on Samui Island that warmly welcomes arriving ferries. Its strategic placement positions it as the perfect launching point for a journey of exploration, leading you toward Samui's enigmatic gems. Close to the lively pier, discover delightful shops, busy markets, and cozy cafes inviting you to experience real island living.

When you leave the ferry and step onto the pier, you'll sense the blue water and the sea breeze. This will help you appreciate Samui's beauty. As you walk along the pier, you'll see the coastline and hills, giving you a glimpse of the island's stunning beauty.

Make sure you don't miss the chance to enjoy the wonderful seafood and a variety of local treats at the nearby restaurants. It's a culinary adventure that's an important part of your entire island experience.

For those who seek to immerse themselves in local culture, Nathon Pier offers convenient access to lively local markets where vibrant textiles and handcrafted souvenirs come to life. Engaging with the welcoming locals while perusing the kaleidoscope of stalls creates a shared experience, allowing you to carry a piece of Samui's warmth back home with you.

Water Sports and Island Adventure: Seeking adventure? Head to the west coast of the island, near Lipa Noi, where water sports enthusiasts find their haven. The crystal-clear waters and gentle waves create an inviting playground for activities like snorkeling, kayaking, and paddleboarding. Delve into the underwater wonders and discover the rich tapestry of marine life that calls these shores home.

Food and Drink Delights: Your journey at Nathon Pier is not only a visual feast but a culinary odyssey that celebrates the island's flavors. Embrace the street food scene, where tantalizing aromas and bold flavors of Thai cuisine dance in the air. From aromatic curries to succulent seafood, the street food vendors offer a symphony of tastes that encapsulate the essence of Samui.

Nearby Destinations: Should your wanderlust extend beyond Nathon Pier, embark on ferry services that open doors to picturesque destinations like Koh Phangan and Koh Tao. These tropical paradises are easily accessible, allowing you to explore vibrant markets, witness cultural vibrancy, and dive into the underwater wonders that these islands hold. Koh Phangan's lively markets and handcrafted treasures beckon, while Koh Tao's crystalline waters and diverse marine life create a haven for diving enthusiasts.

And for a taste of local life, venture into the bustling walking street of Nathon. As the evening lights up, this vibrant thoroughfare transforms, adorned with stalls selling a medley of local handicrafts, textiles, and street food that caters to both your palate and your curiosity.

Visit Nathon and Discover: Make Nathon Pier your starting point and explore the enchanting side of the island. Wander through Nathon's charming streets and uncover a myriad of shops selling everything from intricate crafts to stylish clothing. Engage in the friendly banter with local artisans and find that perfect memento to carry a piece of Samui back with you.

Side of the Island Adventures: Venture beyond the vibrant hub of Nathon to the island's serene western side, where Lipa Noi's tranquil beaches await. Here, you can embrace the serenity of soft sands underfoot and bask in mesmerizing sunsets that paint the horizon. With its laid-back ambiance, Lipa Noi offers the perfect escape for those seeking a peaceful and rejuvenating retreat.

Practical Information: As you plan your journey to Nathon Pier, make note of the ferry schedule for seamless island hopping. The pier's central location and well-connected ferry services facilitate easy exploration of neighboring islands such as Koh Phangan and Koh Tao. If you're seeking a glimpse into Surat Thani Province's capital town, Nathon Koh Samui, you'll find it encapsulates the island's charm while offering insights into its local way of life.

In summation, Nathon Pier transcends its role as a passage; it becomes the threshold to Samui's treasures. With its lively environs, captivating destinations, and access to water sports and adventures, this pier beckons you to embark on a journey that encapsulates the very spirit of the island. Drawn to delicious food, cultural marvels, or exciting island adventures, Nathon Pier enthusiastically guides you into an exploration that captures the very essence of Samui.

Things to Know:

Island's Heartbeat: Nathon Pier is not just a passage; it's the vibrant heartbeat that connects you to Samui's core.

Scenic Harbor Views: Immerse yourself in picturesque seascapes as you disembark at Nathon Pier, setting the stage for your island adventure.

Local Culinary Delights: Indulge in the island's flavors with freshly caught seafood and local delicacies available at nearby eateries.

Cultural Souvenirs: Explore local markets for unique handcrafted souvenirs, allowing you to take home a piece of Samui's charm.

Gateway to Adventure: Beyond the pier, discover the awe-inspiring Ang Thong Marine Park and serene Fisherman's Village.