Koh Mak, Tu Escapada Tailandesa Sereno
¿Buscas una escapada a un pequeño pedazo de paraíso tailandés? Si la respuesta es sí, déjanos hablarte de Koh Mak. Una isla pequeña y tranquila que está a unos 35 km del continente. Es una de las impresionantes islas que incluye a la increíble Koh Chang y Koh Kood. Es un lugar super accesible, especialmente si deseas llegar desde cualquiera de las islas mencionadas, junto con Pattaya y Bangkok. La única forma de llegar es en barco, lo que es una excelente manera de viajar entre las islas.
Ubicado en la provincia de Trat, Koh Mak es una isla de 16 kilómetros conocida por sus hermosas playas y su agua excepcionalmente clara. Antes de la propiedad tailandesa, el asentamiento en esta isla comenzó a finales del siglo XIX, cuando un funcionario chino la utilizó como plantación de caucho y coco. Koh Mak también ha recibido muchos elogios, siendo uno de los lugares más seguros del mundo y fue distinguido por el Sunday Times del Reino Unido como una de las 10 islas más bellas no descubiertas.
Koh Mak has one of the most excellent diving spots you will ever find. The opportunities there are endless. Diving in Koh Mak in at a pretty reasonable shallow depth with amazing reefs that can be seen from 5 till up to 25 meters. It also has great water visibility that varies on where you dive and when you dive. The best time for a dive in Koh Mak is from October all through the end of May, because when the rainy season starts it reduces a lot of the visibility.
There is no denying that a simple hike can make you feel 10 times better and Koh Mak is definitely a great place to go hiking. The whole island is cut by narrow tracks and most of the mountainous sites can be found on the western side of the island. So, it is perfectly suitable for a good walk up the hill which can be both a great family activity, a true solo adventure or one of a couple’s memorable journeys on their honeymoon.
Baan Yai Village
Located right in the middle of Koh Mak, Baan Yai Village is a great representation of Thai communities and culture. It will provide you with a deeper understanding of the authentic essence of Thai morals and values which you will also find that they are heavily influenced by religion. In the village you will find a Buddha temple, a local school, police station as well as fascinating sculptures under coco palms, giving you a glimpse of the villagers' dedication to art.
Cooking Class
There isn’t a more wonderful way to get to know a culture than through food. The Culinary experience is something that all communities in the world share and every culture puts its very unique spin on it. Especially the Thai culture, as it is very famous for its delicious culinary delights, keeping our tummies satisfied for a very long time. Koh Mak offers you just that and more with Smile Koh Mak, which is a Thai cooking school offering classes and training for both amateurs and experts. Once you are finished, you will have the ability to whip out a Thai dish for dinner parties or intimate gatherings.
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