Koh Samet es famosa por sus aguas cristalinas, corales exóticos y playas de arena blanca. La isla siempre está llena de gente durante los largos feriados y los fines de semana. Está a solo tres horas en coche de Bangkok, ya que se encuentra a solo 200 km de la capital. Puedes encontrar muchos servicios de taxi desde Bangkok hasta el muelle más cercano, el “Muelle de Ban Phe” en Rayong, para tomar un ferry a Koh Samet. Hay algunos puntos principales para tomar el autobús de Bangkok a Rayong, desde donde también puedes tomar un ferry a la isla. Desde Phuket, puedes tomar un avión a Pattaya, desde donde puedes tomar un taxi al muelle y luego un ferry a Koh Samet. El autobús también es una opción desde Phuket hasta Koh Samet, ya que te llevará directamente al muelle Nuanthip en Ban Phe, para tomar un ferry directo a Koh Samet.
Se creía que Koh Samet era un refugio de piratas, y algunas leyendas dicen que hasta el día de hoy hay tesoros enterrados en algún lugar de la isla. La isla fue nombrada en honor a los árboles “Samet”, que significa árboles de “Cajeput”, debido a la abundancia de estos árboles en la isla. La isla recibe menos lluvias que otros destinos en Tailandia. Koh Samet es perfecta para aquellos que viven en la capital, ya que está a solo 200 km de Bangkok. Los visitantes suelen ir allí durante los largos feriados y fines de semana.
Koh Samet is a home to a rich variety of fish, the abundance of fish species in the Gulf of Thailand makes it an amazing place to try deep-sea fishing. Some of these fish are garfish, pompano, grouper, emperor, snapper, trevally, and many more! You can jump aboard on one of the fishing ships and start your adventure. The fishing day begins at 6 a.m, the ship and its crew will take you to the fish zones and teach you everything you need to know and help you catch the fish you want.
The Koh Samet Mermaid Statue
It’s a statue of a prince playing the flute and a mermaid, this was build in honor of Sunthorn Phu “a famous Thai poet”. The poem is 30,000 lines and it is considered to be a masterpiece. The prince was exiled to an undersea kingdom ruled by a giant female who transformed herself into a beautiful woman to deceive the prince, but he managed to escape with the help of a mermaid. The statue immortalizes the mysterious mermaid as a lover and a friend who provides safety, comfort, and wisdom.
Canoeing and Kayaking
Discover the island at your own pace while paddling between Koh Samet’s beautiful beaches and the picturesque coastline. Canoeing and kayaking are both eco-friendly ways. The water is paddle-friendly and calm especially on the eastern shores as the west coast’s water is a little rough and rocky. The Ideal time to paddle is later afternoon, so you can also catch the gorgeous sunset. You have to stay close to shore at this time of the day, so play it safe and have fun!
Sailing and Windsurfing
There are endless water and beach activities on the island, it doesn’t require much planning to set sail on Koh Samet, especially if you choose to stay at one of the popular beaches on the island. Almost every resort and guesthouse on the island can help you with the necessary equipment or you can find a handful operator on popular beaches. The current is strong and the offshore winds offer you a challenge on the north area of Sai Kaew beach.
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