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معلومات Boonsiri High Speed Ferries

Boonsiri High Speed Ferries

عبّارات بوونسيري عالية السرعة: توصيلات سلسة للجزيرة

مرحباً بك في العالم الساحر لعبارات بونصيري فائقة السرعة، حيث كل رحلة عبارة عن مغامرة في انتظار أن تتكشف.

تخيّلني رفيقك المعاون. أنا لست مجرد خدمة عبّارات عادية - أنا بمثابة العقل المدبّر وراء جعل مغامراتك على الجزيرة سلسة للغاية. أنا هنا لأتأكد من أنك لا تسافر من النقطة أ إلى النقطة ب فقط؛ فأنا هنا لأتأكد من أنك لا تسافر من النقطة أ إلى النقطة ب فقط؛ فأنا أعمل على صياغة تجارب مذهلة على الجزيرة.

أنا جسر عبورك إلى الجمال الرائع والساحر لجزر تايلاند، ومع التزامي بالتميز وشغفي بصياغة لحظات لا تُنسى، ندعوك لاستكشاف شواطئ كوه ماك المضاءة بنور الشمس، والانغماس في سحر كوه كود الهادئ، والشروع في رحلة تتجاوز مجرد التنقل.

المهمة تجسّد عبارات بوونسيري عالية السرعة مهمة تتمحور حول تحويل السفر العادي إلى تجارب استثنائية. نحن نعمل بلا كلل لربط البر الرئيسي بجزر تايلاند الرائعة، ونوفر أكثر من مجرد وسيلة نقل. تمزج رحلاتنا بين الراحة والفضول وتكوين ذكريات ثمينة. من خلال خدمات العبارات عالية السرعة التي نقدمها، نحن مصممون على إحداث ثورة في عالم السفر، وضمان أن تصبح كل رحلة حكاية تستحق المشاركة.

رؤيتنا: تمتد رؤيتنا إلى ما هو أبعد من كوننا مشغّل عبّارات؛ فنحن نتصور أنفسنا كمسؤولين عن الروابط. نحن نرى مستقبلاً تكون فيه عبّاراتنا عالية السرعة مسارات للتبادل الثقافي، حيث تصبح كل رحلة نسيجاً منسوجاً من الاستكشاف والاكتشاف. نحن نطمح إلى أن نكون حافزاً يشعل شرارة حب استكشاف الجزر ويخلق ذكريات تدوم مدى الحياة.

خدمات الشركة:

عبّارات بوونسيري فائقة السرعة هي شريكك في صياغة استكشافات سلسة للجزيرة تبدأ من اللحظة التي تصعد فيها على متنها. أسطولنا من القوارب الحديثة عالية السرعة هو شهادة على الابتكار والسلامة.

وبسرعة إبحار تصل إلى 25 عقدة، ستبحر في المياه الفيروزية في كبائن مكيّفة الهواء تغمرك بالراحة. ولكن التزامنا لا ينتهي عند هذا الحد؛ فنحن نتجاوز البحر لنجمع بين السفر البري والبحري. تربط خدمات حافلاتنا الموثوق بها من بوونسيري بانكوك برصيف لايم سوك الهادئ، مما يجعل رحلتك ليست سلسة فحسب، بل شاملة.

المزايا الرئيسية:

مغامرات سهلة: تُغيّر قواربنا السريعة طريقة تفكيرك في الرحلات السريعة، حيث تنقلك بسرعة إلى جنتك على الجزيرة دون أي عناء على الإطلاق.

رحلة مريحة: استرخِ في غرف مريحة ومكيّفة الهواء مع نوافذ كبيرة تُظهر لك الرحلة بأكملها، تماماً مثل المكان الجميل الذي ستذهب إليه.

تغيير سلس: يمكنك الانتقال من البر إلى البحر بسلاسة وسهولة مع كل شيء لتستمتع برحلة يمتزج فيها البر والماء بسلاسة، تماماً مثل القصة التي لا تتوقف عن الحركة.

رحلة تتمحور حول الركاب: يحرص طاقمنا المهتم وفريق خدمة العملاء المتفاني على أن تكون رحلتك مذهلة، حيث يعتني بكل تفاصيل رحلتك.

خدمات حافلات بونسيري: يمتد التزامنا بالسفر السلس إلى ما وراء البحر من خلال خدمات حافلات بونصيري. تخيّل رحلة مريحة وسلسة من بانكوك المزدحمة إلى رصيف لايم سوك الهادئ. كل هذا لأن بونصيري ملتزم حقاً بتقديم أفضل خدمة لك. منذ اللحظة التي تصعد فيها إلى حافلتنا، فأنت بالفعل على الطريق إلى رحلة لا تُنسى على الجزيرة.

عبّارات بونصيري عالية السرعة (المعروفة أيضاً باسم عبّارات بونصيري) لا تقتصر فقط على العبّارات. نحن أيضاً نهتم كثيراً بجعل الأمور رائعة بالنسبة لك، وضمان راحتك حقاً، ومساعدتك على صنع ذكريات رائعة.

أفضل خيار للذهاب من بانكوك إلى كوه ماك وكوه كود

نحن ملتزمون حقاً بإعطائك أفضل تجربة وضمان راحتك ومساعدتك على صنع ذكريات تدوم طويلاً. ندعوك للانضمام إلينا في اكتشاف الجمال المذهل لجزر تايلاند.

تخيّل قواربنا السريعة كمرشدين مساعدين لك، وطاقمنا الودود كباحثين عن الكنوز، وخدمات حافلاتنا الخاصة كرحلة سهلة من المدينة إلى الشاطئ.

أثناء سفركم في المياه المفتوحة، لن تصلوا إلى الوجهات فحسب، بل ستعيشون مجموعة من اللحظات المميزة التي تلامس قلوبكم. إنه دليل على مدى روعة استكشاف الجزيرة وسحر الرحلة نفسها.

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  • {p} {c} per person
هذه الرحلة غير متاحة خلال التواريخ المحددة

Ferry from/to Koh Chang

Ferry Koh Chang

Ferry from Trat mainland to Koh Chang and return.


BOONSIRI HIGH SPEED CATAMARAN provides professional maritime services. Prioritizing safety and focusing on convenience. The boat is ferry catamaran type, which is number one in terms of speed across the islands. It can accommodate tourists up to 288 seats. Inside are all air-conditioned rooms and also have outdoor zone. There are life jackets available at every seat for emergencies time.

رصيف أو نيد بيير

Ao Nid Pier: Your Gateway to Koh Mak and Koh Kood


Welcome to Ao Nid Pier, your gateway to the beauty of Koh Mak but also to the charm of Koh Kood. Nestled on the island of Koh Mak, Ao Nid Pier marks the beginning of your adventure. It will allow you to explore two heavenly destinations. With an unspoiled allure perfectly suited for nature enthusiasts and travelers seeking tranquility, Ao Nid Pier promises a memorable journey.


Ao Nid Pier, intricately connected to both Koh Mak and Koh Kood, unveils a world of natural wonders and tranquility. Stepping off the ferry, the gentle lapping of waves and the energizing sea breeze welcome you. The pier's simple yet efficient design ensures a seamless transition from the ferry to the islands' splendor.

Basked in lush greenery and surrounded by crystalline waters, Ao Nid Pier introduces you to the untouched beauty of Koh Mak and Koh Kood. The turquoise waters invite you to dip in, while the powdery shores provide an ideal spot for relaxation. Every breath of the pure island air eases your worries.

Ao Nid Pier isn't just a gateway; it's a starting point for exploring two treasures. Venture from here to Ao Nid Beach, where azure waters meet soft sands, creating a scene reminiscent of paradise. And for those who want a more adventurous journey, a hike to the Viewpoint offers a panoramic vista of the islands' landscapes.

Don't miss the opportunity to extend your exploration to Koh Kood. Known as the "Island of Tranquility," Koh Kood boasts untouched beaches, lush jungles, and a slower pace of life. Just a short boat ride from Ao Nid Pier, Koh Kood is a realm of relaxation and natural beauty that complements your Koh Mak experience.


As you finish your trip at Ao Nid Pier, keep in mind that this isn't only a place you go to; it's like diving into the amazing things nature has. If you're looking for a peaceful time surrounded by the green beauty of the land or if you want to start exciting explorations on the island, remember that Ao Nid Pier is where your journey toward fantastic memories starts.

Things to Know:

Immerse in the tranquil embrace of Koh Kood's nature; its serene beaches are perfect for unwinding.

Explore both islands at a relaxed pace; rushing through would mean missing out on their charm. Koh Kood is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, making snorkeling an unmissable experience. Learn a few basic Thai phrases to enhance your interaction with the warm locals.

Both Koh Mak and Koh Kood actively commit to eco-friendly practices, ensuring the preservation of their allure for generations to come.

مطار ترات

Unlock the Wonders of Southeast Asia via Trat Airport


Trat Airport serves as an indispensable gateway to the countless marvels tucked away in Southeast Asia. Located on Thailand's scenic east coast, this busy airport is a great starting point for exploring many amazing places.

Trat Airport is the place to start if you love nature and adventure. Are you interested in hiking through the verdant landscapes of the Cardamom Mountains? It is feasible from this location.

Would you rather partake in swimming activities within the island's waters? Such an arrangement can be easily facilitated.

Interested in seeing the unique plants and animals of Southeast Asia? Trat Airport makes all these experiences possible.

Trat Airport is well-connected and close to many great places to visit. It's not just a place to pass through; it's a starting point for adventures. It's the first chapter of an unforgettable adventure that's limited only by your imagination. With its state-of-the-art facilities, seamless transfers, and routes that extend to numerous corners of this enchanting region, Trat Airport truly is the starting line for your Southeast Asian journey.


Trat Airport is more than just a landing strip. It’s your ticket to some of the most scenic and untouched regions in Southeast Asia. Just 40 minutes away from Suvarnabhumi Airport, Trat offers a well-organized private transfer system, making your travels seamless. Whether you choose a shared minibus service or private transfers, expect an efficient journey ahead.

The Cardamom Mountains loom impressively near Trat Airport, serving as a verdant backdrop that harbors an astonishing range of biodiversity. These mountains offer awe-inspiring vistas that can captivate any traveler, but they are much more than just a beautiful landscape. They are a refuge for a diverse array of endangered species, including the elusive clouded leopard, making the area a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts.

For those with a passion for both fauna and flora, the Cardamom National Park within these mountains is not just another nature reserve. It is an area of crucial ecological significance, actively supported and protected by organizations like the Wildlife Alliance. Their work is instrumental in combating illegal logging, a destructive activity that poses a grave threat to these pristine ecosystems.

Moreover, the park is a sanctuary for the Siamese crocodiles, a critically endangered species. The conservation efforts here aim not only to protect the existing crocodile population but also to serve as a stronghold from which these creatures can hopefully flourish again. With guided tours and eco-friendly accommodations, the Cardamom National Park offers a way to experience and contribute to conservation efforts firsthand.

Koh Kood, often touted as one of Thailand's best-kept secrets, is within convenient reach from Laem Ngop, which is just a short hop away from Trat Airport. This island paradise beckons nature enthusiasts and those seeking tranquility with its captivating blend of natural elements. Envision yourself stepping onto powdery soft sandy beaches that seem to stretch endlessly, while emerald waters of the Gulf of Thailand lap gently at the shore, inviting you for a refreshing dip.

The journey to get to Koh Kood is relatively straightforward. Starting from Trat Airport, you have the option of taking a shared minibus service or opting for private transfers to Laem Ngop, for a few baht per person.

From that point, a ferry service is available to transport you to the island. The transition is seamless, but the transformation in scenery is astounding. You go from an efficient airport hub to a virtually untouched paradise in a matter of hours, making it an exceptionally rewarding destination for those willing to make the trip.

The island's unspoiled beauty is its most compelling feature. Unlike other popular tourist spots in Southeast Asia, Koh Kood has managed to preserve its natural charm. Whether you're snorkeling in its clear, coral-rich waters or hiking through its lush forests, the island offers a plethora of activities that allow you to engage with nature without the distraction of commercialized tourist traps. It's this balance of accessibility and preserved beauty that makes Koh Kood a standout destination in the region.

Koh Mak is yet another crown jewel that becomes effortlessly accessible when you touch down at Trat Airport and make your way to Laem Ngop. Even though Koh Mak is smaller than Koh Kood, it offers just as much, if not more, in delivering a true island experience.With its serene atmosphere and lower footfall of tourists, Koh Mak offers something increasingly rare in Southeast Asia: an authentic, unspoiled island adventure.

The journey to Koh Mak is uncomplicated. After landing at Trat Airport, you have various travel options to go from Trat airport to Laem Ngop, including both private transfers and shared minibus services. Once at Laem Ngop, a quick ferry journey transports you to the idyllic shores of Koh Mak.

The moment you step off that ferry, you're met with the realization that you've entered a world far removed from the usual hustle and bustle. Here, the loudest sounds you'll hear are the waves gently caressing the shore and the distant calls of native birds.

What sets Koh Mak apart are its vibrant underwater worlds. The island's coastal waters are crystal-clear, offering unparalleled visibility for snorkelers and divers alike. The coral reefs surrounding Koh Mak are teeming with life, from schools of colorful fish to the more elusive marine creatures that make their home in the nooks and crannies of the reef.

It's a snorkeler's paradise, providing both novice and experienced underwater explorers an opportunity to witness marine biodiversity at its best. Whether you're snorkeling, diving, or simply floating on the surface, the underwater vistas are bound to leave you spellbound. This rich marine life, coupled with the island's commitment to eco-friendly tourism, makes Koh Mak an alluring destination for those looking to connect deeply with nature.

Further afield, explore Chi Phat, a community in the Cardamom Mountains working towards eco-friendly living. Once a site of Khmer Rouge activities, it's now a burgeoning eco-tourism destination. Witness the resilience of Southeast Asia, where new beginnings emerge from dark pasts.

For city dwellers, the station offers smooth transfers to places like Laem Sok Pier. Ideal for business trips or quick getaways, this ferry pier links you to islands and the broader region.


Trat Airport is not just a stopover, but an access point to the extraordinary. From the pristine Cardamom Mountains to the alluring islands of Koh Kood and Koh Mak, this airport is your first step to unlocking the cultural and natural treasures of Southeast Asia. With flexible travel options and a variety of destinations at your fingertips, why not make Trat Airport your next take-off point?

Things to Know:

Wildlife Haven: The Cardamom Mountains are home to many endangered species.

Travel Flexibility: Shared minibus service and private transfers are available.

Quick Connections: Only 40 minutes away from Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Gateway to Islands: Direct routes to Koh Kood and Koh Mak via Laem Ngop. Eco-Tourism: Chi Phat is a reformed area focused on sustainable tourism.

رصيف بانغ باو

Bang Bao Pier: Your All-Inclusive Gateway to Koh Chang


Welcome to Bang Bao Pier, the quintessential starting point for exploring Koh Chang, Thailand's third-largest island. Often compared to an idyllic fishing village, Bang Bao Pier brims with an ambiance that unites the sea, sky, and land.

As you get off, you'll smell saltwater. And hear seabirds, see fishing boats on the horizon.

This pier is a transit hub but also a microcosm of Koh Chang’s unique culture and lifestyle.

The pier is conveniently located on the west coast of the island, providing easy access to popular destinations like Lonely Beach and Kai Bae. Its spot is great for kicking off your exploration of the area around it. And admiring the great views..

This is also a gastronomic hotspot. Savory seafood restaurants line the pier, beckoning visitors with a plethora of oceanic flavors. For those keen on mementos, an array of souvenir shops offer delightful keepsakes.

So why choose Bang Bao Pier as your launching pad? Because it conveniently links you to other charming destinations such as Laem Ngop and Salak Phet. Get ready to unearth the numerous gems this remarkable pier has to offer!


The Epicenter of Activity: Bang Bao Pier is a bustling hub, constructed with quaint wooden stilts over the tranquil sea. It's the nexus for ferries, fishing boats, and shared minibuses, making it an essential station for day trips and excursions.

Authentic Fishing Village Aesthetics: Stroll down the pier to experience the essence of a traditional fishing village. Witness local fishermen busily sorting their catch of the day, and marvel at the fleet of fishing boats anchored nearby.

Culinary Adventures Await: No visit is complete without sampling the local fare at nearby seafood restaurants. Whether it's a spicy fish curry or grilled shrimp, the culinary offerings here are both diverse and delectable.

Retail Therapy: Souvenir shops are plentiful, showcasing an eclectic mix of trinkets and handicrafts. It’s an ideal opportunity to grab a unique souvenir that represents the spirit of Koh Chang.

Panoramic Beauty: Panoramic sea views make Bang Bao Pier a photographer’s paradise. Capture the breathtaking horizon, where azure waters seamlessly blend with the sky.

The Link to Laem Ngop: Hop on a ferry to explore the nearby port of Laem Ngop. This under-the-radar destination offers another facet of Thai coastal life, and it’s a voyage worth taking. Salak Phet, an Unspoiled Haven: For a more tranquil experience, consider a boat trip to Salak Phet. Accessible via Phuketferry.com, this village offers serenity that's in contrast to the bustling pier.

Proximity to Pristine Beaches: Lonely Beach and Kai Bae are easily reachable, boasting exquisite white sand beaches. Each has its own character, but both promise an memorable beach experience. Venture to Klong Prao Beach: Another worthwhile visit is to Klong Prao Beach. Less congested than its counterparts, this beach offers a more intimate setting.

How to Get Here: Flying with Bangkok Airways is a reliable option. Once you land, a shared minibus can bring you directly to the pier, completing your journey effortlessly.

The Island of Grandeur: Koh Chang, or Elephant Island, is a colossal landmass that promises diverse adventures. From waterfalls to jungles, every corner of this island is an explorer's haven.

Marine Expeditions: The surrounding waters are prime spots for snorkeling and scuba diving. Immerse yourself in an underwater world teeming with vibrant marine life.

Capturing Local Life: Bang Bao Pier isn’t merely a transit point; it's a snapshot of local existence. Observe how fishermen mend their nets and prepare for the next catch.

A Respite from Chaos: Despite its activity, the pier maintains a relaxed atmosphere. It's an ideal locale to slow down and revel in the languid pace of island life.

Endless Day Trip Opportunities: The pier is your gateway to a multitude of day trips. Whether it’s other islands or secluded beaches, the choices are as vast as they are fascinating.

The Family Factor: Bang Bao Pier is family-friendly. Its amenities and activities offer something for every age group.

More than Just a Launchpad: Remember, this pier is not merely a stopping point—it’s a destination. It warrants a whole day’s exploration to truly soak in its atmosphere.

The West Coast Narrative: Located on Koh Chang's west coast, Bang Bao Pier showcases the finest features of the island. It makes it a must-visit spot on your agenda.

A Living Ecosystem: The pier is a microcosm teeming with life. From dawn to dusk, witness the ceaseless activity that brings this unique locale to life.


Bang Bao Pier is not just a starting point; it’s the prologue to your Koh Chang narrative. From its rich cultural offerings to its logistical conveniences, this pier is a multi-faceted gem.

Take the time to explore the surrounding beaches, engage with the local food culture, or shop for keepsakes. The pier serves as a portal to other beguiling destinations like Laem Ngop and Salak Phet, widening your scope for exploration.

Its panoramic views alone are worth the visit, offering ample opportunities for photography or simple contemplation. Bang Bao Pier is both useful and beautiful. It captures what makes Koh Chang a place you can't resist visiting.

Don't allow this extraordinary hub to be merely a brief mention in your travel diary. Instead, let it take center stage, serving as the main attraction. It'll be your starting point for checking out all the awesome and diverse things you can do on Koh Chang.

Things to Know:

Ferry services operate from early morning until late evening.

The ideal visiting season is from November to April for favorable weather conditions.

You can find multiple ATMs just a short walk away from the pier.

It’s advisable to carry some cash for transactions with small vendors.

Bargaining is a tradition. But it's important to negotiate prices with respect.