لماذا تطير عندما يمكنك الإبحار بثلث السعر! الرحلات إلى كوه ساموي من بوكيت، جزيرة في في، كرابي، ورايلاي ممتعة، ذات مناظر خلابة للغاية، وقيمتها رائعة. كما أنها ممكنة تمامًا مع PhuketFerry.com. تتألف حزمة الحافلة/العبّارة من رحلة حافلة ممتعة عبر عرض تايلاند الجنوبي الضيق إلى رصيف دونساك. هنا سيتم إرشادك إلى الزورق السريع والعبّارة بواسطة موظفي تشغيل الزورق السريع والعبّارة. الرحلة بأكملها ممتعة حقًا، ما عليك سوى الجلوس والاستمتاع بمناظر الريف مع الاستماع إلى موسيقاك المفضلة أو قراءة كتاب بيدك. يرجى التأكد من طباعة نصائح السفر الخاصة بنا حتى تكون مستعدًا جيدًا.
جميع العبّارات التي تسافر إلى جزيرة ساموي هي زوارق سريعة وعبّارات كبيرة، مريحة وآمنة للغاية - تم فحص جميعها من قبل البحرية التايلاندية (تقوم PhuketFerry.com أيضًا بإجراء فحوصات عشوائية لضمان سلامتك). تحمل جميع المعدات اللازمة للسلامة على متنها وسترات النجاة. اجلس على سطح السفينة أو في مقعد مريح داخل المقصورة وشاهد المناظر البحرية الرائعة أثناء طريقك إلى ساموي المذهلة!
يسميها السكان المحليون ببساطة "ساموي"، ويُعتقد أن الاسم مشتق إما من شجرة "موي" المحلية أو من الكلمة الملاوية "سابوي" (التي تعني "الملاذ الآمن"). ساموي هي جزيرة تتمتع بجمال وتنوع كبير، كما أنها يسهل الوصول إليها عن طريق البحر، وهو ما نحبه بالطبع! الشواطئ الشهيرة متصلة جيدًا بطريق رائع يبلغ طوله 55 كيلومترًا يحيط بالجزيرة؛ حيث تمتزج الشواطئ الساحرة بأشجار النخيل وأشجار الفاكهة، مما يجعل رحلة البحث عن الشاطئ ممتعة للغاية.
Samui Eating
Eating in Samui is always a great tastebud experience. There are many classy restaurants, especially around Chaweng and Lamai beaches, but it's amazing how you can be driving along the road and a quality restaurant appears that's both busy and enjoyable. Thai food options are aplenty of course, and not overly expensive, especially when away from the resort locations. And with the influx of European expats to this wonderful island, there are some nice bakeries and flavors from Italy, Scandinavia, and Mexico to tempt the tastebuds. Eating in Samui is fun and satisfying.
Samui Beaches
Oh, the beaches of Samui are splendid, and very popular with such exquisite diversity. Chaweng beach is the one that the tourists flock to. It's got top hotels, restaurants and bars that populate the very extended beach promenade. Come evening, Chaweng is Koh Samui's big party zone! In contrast, Lamai Beach is a beach for the family, with a long, sweeping, golden sands that go on and on up to a rocky headland. In the day it's ultimate relaxation, though at night it springs to life. Bang Rak Beach is a little cheaper than Chaweng or Lamai, but it's great and contains all the necessary shops and eating places nearby. Bo Phut Beach is a gem and still authentic and traditional. Finally, Mae Nam Beach is fantastic and recently received the accolade of Asia's 9th best beach!
Samui's History
Samui Island has been lived on for around 1,500 years. Originally, the island was found by Malay and South Chinese fishermen en route to other waters. Officially, Samui was placed on its first world map in 1687 and was then known as "Pulo Cornam". Samui was literally car-free till the 1940's and was so laid back, with local industry keeping the island self-sustainable. Backpackers and adventurers rolling up in wooden coconut boats were delighted by this paradise. Samui got much more accessible from 1973 when a perimeter road opened up all the beaches to new resorts and international tourists, and now its famous. Samui is now Thailand's second most popular island after Phuket. It's awesome!
Getting Around Samui
There is an abundance of public taxis on Samui, mostly running on meters for your piece of mind, although it is possible your driver might not be using it! Just negotiate your prices and don't catch a cab too close to the beaches or main tourist areas - you'll find them less expensive. You can hire a motorcycle or a car on a daily rate and the roads are quite good so you'll be able to get around Samui nicely, covering more ground and getting to more places on the map. Make sure the vehicles carry insurance and bargain a bit to get a preferable price. If you're going to use a motorcycle, please be careful, wear your helmets at all times and don't drive when drunk. Be safe and enjoy yourself!
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