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معلومات Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd.

Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd.

الإبحار إلى الجنة: مغامرات عالية السرعة مع لومبراياه!

مرحباً بك على متن تجربة التنقل بين الجزر مع لومبراياه وهي شركة العبارات عالية السرعة التي ستنقلك بعيداً إلى الملاذات الاستوائية في كوه تاو وكوه فانجان وكوه ساموي. استعدّ لرحلة سلسة ومثيرة ستجعلك مفتوناً بجمال خليج تايلاند.

رحلات سريعة وسلسة عالية السرعة

الوقت هو الأساس، ولومبراياه تدرك ذلك! مع قواربنا وعبّاراتنا عالية السرعة، ستصل إلى وجهتك على الجزيرة بسرعة البرق. لا انتظار طويل، ولا رحلات مملة - فقط إبحار سريع وسلس إلى مواقع أحلامك. استعد لمغامرة لا مثيل لها!

اكتشف كوه تاو: جنة الغواصين

عند وصولك إلى كوه تاو، ستأسرك جاذبية الجزيرة. تُعرف جزيرة كوه تاو باسم ”جزيرة السلاحف“، وتتميز بمياهها اللازوردية ووفرة الحياة البحرية النابضة بالحياة. لعشاق الغوص، إنها جنة حقيقية! مع لومبرايه، يصبح الغوص في أعماق عجائب كوه تاو تحت الماء أمراً سهلاً للغاية. استكشف الشعاب المرجانية الساحرة، وواجه السلاحف البحرية الرشيقة، وانغمس في عالم من العجائب تحت الماء.

استرخِ في كوه فانجان: ملاذ الطبيعة

إذا كنت تبحث عن الاسترخاء والجمال الطبيعي، فإن كوه فانجان تنتظرك بأذرع مفتوحة. توفر هذه الجزيرة الفردوسية مناظر طبيعية خصبة، وشواطئ هادئة، وأجواء هادئة من شأنها أن تجدد روحك. عندما تخطو إلى الشاطئ، ستشعر بأن هموم العالم تتلاشى. سواءً كنت ترغب في الاستمتاع بأشعة الشمس على الشواطئ المثالية أو الشروع في نزهة هادئة عبر الغابات المطيرة، فإن كوه فانجان تعدك بالهروب من الحياة العادية.

استمتع بتجربة كوه ساموي: جوهرة استوائية

أثناء إبحارك نحو كوه ساموي، استعد للانبهار بهذه الجوهرة الاستوائية. من شواطئها المذهلة إلى أسواقها النابضة بالحياة وعجائبها الثقافية، فإن كوه ساموي لديها ما يناسب الجميع. تضمن لك لومبراياه تجربة كل سحر كوه ساموي دون تأخير. قم بزيارة معبد بوذا الكبير الشهير، وانغمس في المأكولات المحلية اللذيذة، واستمتع بالطاقة النابضة بالحياة في شاطئ تشاوينغ. هذه الجزيرة عبارة عن نسيج مبهج من التجارب المبهجة التي تنتظر من يستكشفها.

تنقّل بين الجزر بسهولة

لماذا تقتصر على جزيرة واحدة فقط بينما يمكنك استكشافها كلها؟ مع شبكة لومبراياه الواسعة من الطرق، يصبح التنقل بين الجزر مغامرة مثيرة. انتقل بسلاسة من روائع كوه تاو تحت الماء إلى المناظر الطبيعية الخصبة في كوه فانجان والطاقة النابضة بالحياة في كوه ساموي. هذه الجنة المترابطة في متناول يدك، مما يتيح لك تنظيم مسار رحلة أحلامك للتنقل بين الجزر.

حجز سهل مع التذاكر الإلكترونية

نحن نؤمن بأن التخطيط لرحلتك على الجزيرة يجب أن يكون سهلاً مثل هواء المحيط. تجعل لومبراياه من حجز تذاكر العبّارات تجربة سلسة. يتيح لك موقعنا الإلكتروني سهل الاستخدام وتطبيقنا على الهاتف المحمول التخطيط لرحلتك في دقائق. قل وداعاً للتذاكر الورقية - فمع نظام التذاكر الإلكترونية المريح لدينا، كل ما تحتاجه في متناول يدك. احجز مقاعدك واستعد لمغامرة العمر.

السلامة أولاً، دائماً

في لومبرايه، سلامتك على رأس أولوياتنا. عندما تنطلق في مغامرتك عالية السرعة، اطمئن إلى أن طاقمنا المتمرس وسفننا الحديثة مجهّزة لضمان رحلة آمنة ومريحة. استرخِ واسترخِ ودعنا نتولى الباقي بينما تستمتع بالإثارة في استكشاف جواهر خليج تايلاند الخفية.

انضم إلى مجتمع المستكشفين لدينا

اختيار لومبراياه يعني أن تصبح جزءاً من مجتمع نابض بالحياة من المسافرين ذوي التفكير المماثل. نحن لسنا مجرد مشغّل عبّارات - نحن شركاؤك في خلق ذكريات لا تُنسى. سواء كنت تبحث عن نصائح للسفر أو توصيات لأفضل أماكن الغطس، فإن طاقمنا سيوفر لك كل ما تحتاج إليه. شارك تجاربك وتبادل القصص وتواصل مع زملائك المغامرين أثناء اجتيازك لمياه الخليج ذات المناظر الخلابة.

موثوق ومحبوب

حب لومبرايا واضح في قلوب زملائنا المسافرين. لقد أكسبنا التزامنا بالخدمة الاستثنائية وخلق تجارب لا تُنسى ثقة وعشق المغامرين من جميع أنحاء العالم. اطّلع على موقعنا الإلكتروني للاطلاع على التقييمات المتوهجة، واستمع إلى آراء أولئك الذين اختبروا سحر لومبراياه مباشرةً.

هل أنت مستعد لمتعة عالية السرعة؟

هل أنت مستعد للإبحار في مغامرة لا مثيل لها في مغامرة التنقل بين الجزر؟ ملاذك الاستوائي في كوه تاو وكوه فانجان وكوه ساموي في انتظارك. احزم كريم الوقاية من أشعة الشمس وإحساسك بالدهشة واستعد لرحلة عالية السرعة إلى الجنة. لومبراياه هي تذكرتك إلى نعيم الجزيرة!

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هذه الرحلة غير متاحة خلال التواريخ المحددة

A/C COACH 30 Seats

Longtail Boat

A longtail boat (Rua hang yao) is a traditional wood-built boat that is commonly seen on beaches in southern Thailand.

KOH PRAB Catamaran

KOH PRAB Catamaran YEAR : 2005 Lenght : 29 meters Capacity : 350 passengers

Mae Haad Pier

Mae Haad Pier: Your Island Adventure Starting Point


Imagine the moment you step onto the beautiful Mae Haad Pier, nestled on the serene north-western shores of Koh Tao. It's more than just a place for boats; it's your entryway to all the amazing things this island offers.


Positioned in the peaceful north-west, this pier is like a shortcut to the quiet and beauty of this part of Koh Tao. As you step off the boat, you're greeted by amazing views of the coastline and the clear blue waters that stretch ahead. But this pier is more than a spot for boats – it's a place where you can start your journey, exploring the exciting heart and the peaceful corners of Koh Tao.

Take a trip to the secret paradise of Jansom Bay, right near the ferry pier. The water here is so clear you can see all the way to the bottom, and there are lots of colorful fish and things to see. When you go snorkeling, you'll feel like you're in another world, surrounded by pretty corals and curious fish. The bay is so peaceful that you'll want to spend time just relaxing and enjoying the natural beauty.

If you walk a little from the pier, you'll find Mae Haad Beach, a truly lovely place. The sand is soft and nice to walk on, and the water is perfect for swimming. Being so close to the pier means you can easily go between the beach and the pier, so you get the best of both worlds – the chill beach life and the exciting stuff happening at the pier.

But the cool things on Koh Tao aren't only on the land; they're also under the water. Go to Koh Ma, which is pretty close, and you'll see a special sand bar that connects the small island to the main one. This natural happening makes it perfect for snorkeling and checking out the sea life. The water isn't too deep, so you can see lots of tropical fish and colorful corals up close.

Mae Haad Pier isn't just a way to get to Koh Tao – it's also how you get to other cool places like Koh Phangan and Koh Samui.

You board a high-speed ferry, and suddenly, you've arrived at your destination in a swift manner. Each place has its own fun stuff to do. You can dance at the Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan or explore the interesting things on Koh Samui. With Mae Haad Pier, your options are endless.

For exploring the island, phuketferry.com has your back. They give you tips and links to different places you can check out.

You can visit Maenam Pier on Koh Samui, where you'll find peaceful scenes and beautiful views. Or, you can visit the splendid Mae Haad Beach located on the island of Koh Phangan.. Mae Haad Pier is like the starting line for all your adventures.

When you step onto Mae Haad Pier, you're stepping into a world of endless adventures. This lively pier isn't just a door – it's your key to Koh Tao's beauty and more.

Let the gentle waves and stunning sights lead you to exciting journeys. Start your island adventure now with phuketferry.com and get ready for fun, nature, and memories that will stay with you forever.

Mae Haad Pier is more than a pier—it's your gateway to a world of island adventures waiting to unfold. Imagine stepping onto its wooden planks, situated gracefully on Koh Tao's tranquil north-western shores. This iconic pier serves not only as a point of arrival and departure but also as a portal to the enchanting treasures that define the serene north-west of the island.

As you disembark from the ferry, a breathtaking panorama of the coastline and the azure expanse of the sea welcomes you, setting the stage for a remarkable journey ahead. Positioned strategically, this pier isn't merely a docking point; it's a hub of exploration, offering seamless access to both the vibrant heart and the serene corners of Koh Tao.

Let your curiosity guide you to the nearby Jansom Bay, a hidden gem that lies in the vicinity of the ferry pier. Its crystalline waters hold a world of wonder beneath the surface, where vibrant marine life dances among colorful corals. Exploring this underwater haven through snorkeling is like stepping into a living aquarium, with each glance revealing new marvels. The serenity of the bay forms an ideal setting for unwinding, offering you a chance to detach from the world and bond with the encompassing natural beauty.

Taking a leisurely stroll from the pier, you'll find yourself on Mae Haad Beach, a pristine haven for unwinding. The soft sands beckon you to sink your toes into their warmth, while the gentle waves invite you to take a refreshing dip.

What's remarkable is the close proximity of this beach to the pier, enabling you to effortlessly transition between the soothing embrace of the shoreline and the vibrant energy of the pier's activities. This harmonious blend embodies the essence of the island's laid-back lifestyle, ensuring you can enjoy both relaxation and excitement in perfect harmony.

However, the charm of Koh Tao goes well past what meets the eye, extending into the underwater world and even reaching out to the nearby islands. Venture to Koh Ma, a short distance away, where a captivating sand bar connects the small islet to the main island. This natural phenomenon creates an aquatic playground, ideal for snorkeling and observing marine life in their natural habitat. The shallow waters of the sand bar provide an intimate encounter with tropical fish and vibrant corals, inviting you to immerse yourself in a world of underwater splendor.

Mae Haad Pier isn't merely a gateway to Koh Tao; it's also your portal to neighboring paradises like Koh Phangan and Koh Samui. High-speed ferries whisk you away to these captivating destinations, each with its own distinctive allure. From the vibrant celebrations of the Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan to the cultural abundance of Koh Samui, the options are both varied and thrilling. Mae Haad Pier serves as your gateway to embark on these explorations. To make island hopping seamless, rely on the expertise of phuketferry.com.

Using their tips and helpful links, you can fully embrace your journey with complete ease and enthusiasm. Whether it's the serene vistas of Maenam Pier on Koh Samui or the enchanting Mae Haad Beach on Koh Phangan, Mae Haad Pier sets the stage for an expedition brimming with discovery.

As you step onto Mae Pier, you're embarking on more than just a journey—it's a gateway to discovery, adventure, and cherished memories. Let these tips be your compass as you venture around the island and more, making sure you're not just having a great time but also leaving a positive mark on the environment and the local community. Start your island adventure now with phuketferry.com and let the exploration begin!

With each step onto Mae Haad Pier, you step into a world of boundless exploration. Beyond being a mere pier, it serves as your gateway to Koh Tao's splendor and beyond. Let the gentle lapping of waves and the awe-inspiring vistas guide you toward unforgettable journeys.

Embark on your island adventure today with phuketferry.com and be prepared for an odyssey filled with fun, nature, and memories that will forever illuminate your heart.

Things to Know

As you embark on your island adventure starting from Mae Haad Pier, here are some valuable tips to keep in mind:

Respect Nature: When snorkeling in Jansom Bay, practice responsible techniques to preserve the marine ecosystem's delicate balance. Be a mindful snorkeler and ensure the underwater world remains pristine for generations to come.

Effortless Travel: Mae Haad Pier isn't just any pier—it's your gateway to swift high-speed ferry connections, making island hopping a breeze.Don't miss out on the chance to easily explore nearby islands. Use these convenient and stress-free transportation options to make the most of your adventure.

Local Flavors: Immerse yourself in the lively ambiance of Mae Haad Village, a stone's throw from the ferry pier. Indulge in the island's authentic culinary delights, savoring the unique flavors that define Koh Tao's culture.

Dive into the local culture by mingling with the community, giving you a precious peek into their traditions and everyday routines. Connecting with the locals provides a chance to delve into the island's essence, fostering a deeper connection to its authentic spirit.

Nature's Masterpiece: Don't miss the opportunity to witness the breathtaking sunset at Sairee Beach. As the sky and sea blend in a stunning display of colors, this natural spectacle promises a moment of tranquility and beauty.

With these essential tips, you're well-equipped to make the most of your island journey starting from Mae Haad Pier. By embracing these insights, you won't just enhance your adventure; you'll also contribute to preserving the island's natural splendor and its culturally rich heritage. So, step onto the pier with confidence, knowing that you're ready to embrace the wonders that Koh Tao has to offer.

Thong Sala Pier

Thong Sala Pier: Gateway to Phangan Island Adventures


Welcome to Thong Sala Pier, your gateway to the captivating wonders of Phangan Island. Nestled in the heart of the Gulf of Thailand, this bustling pier connects you to an array of exciting adventures. For all travelers, Thong Sala Pier serves as your starting point to explore the island's natural beauty and vibrant culture.


Thong Sala Pier is the central hub for both locals and tourists, providing access to Phangan Island's hidden gems. As you disembark from the boat, the warm tropical breeze greets you, and the inviting azure waters surround this picturesque spot. The pier itself is a lively scene, bustling with activity as travelers disembark, and merchants offer their colorful wares.

Just beyond the pier, awaits a multitude of enchanting landscapes ready for you to discover. Thong Sala Pier is where your adventures begin, taking you from lush jungle interiors to pristine shoreline beaches. Whether you're seeking relaxation or thrill, this station is your doorway to a world of possibilities.

Unveil the natural wonders of Phangan Island with ease from Thong Sala Pier. Head north to the iconic Phaeng Waterfall, where the cascading waters create a refreshing oasis amid the lush foliage. If you're looking for spiritual peace, the Wat Phu Khao Noi temple provides a serene ambiance and island-wide panoramic views.

Bask in the sun's embrace at Ao Chaloklum Beach, a tranquil haven perfect for swimming and lounging. Or set off to the east and discover Thong Nai Pan Noi Beach, renowned for its powdery sands and turquoise waters. Both beaches promise a great escape from the daily grind.

Dive into local culture at the Thong Sala Night Market. Taste Thai street food, find crafts, and colorful textiles. The market's scents and lively vibe bring island life to you.

Experience the world-famous Full Moon Party in Haad Rin, an exciting beach celebration that draws revelers from around the globe. Dance beneath the moonlight, surrounded by pulsating beats and a vibrant energy that's impossible to resist.

Thong Sala Pier is your link to nearby islands and attractions. Catch a ferry to the tranquil shores of Koh Samui, known for its laid-back charm and diverse cultural offerings.

If you're up for underwater exploration, take a short trip to Koh Tao. It's a diver's paradise, famous for its beautiful coral reefs and vibrant marine life. Sending postcards home or staying connected is a breeze with the local post office conveniently located near the pier.

Seek solace in the serene village of Baan Tai, just a stone's throw away from Thong Sala Pier. This tranquil escape offers a glimpse into local life, with traditional Thai architecture and a laid-back ambiance that invites relaxation. Take leisurely strolls along the village's quaint streets, interact with friendly locals, and absorb the unhurried pace of island living.

The Thong Sala Pier area is not only a gateway to adventure but also a haven for food enthusiasts. The local food market, teeming with stalls that offer a plethora of culinary delights, is a paradise for your taste buds.

Embark on a journey through a variety of dishes. From aromatic curries with balanced spices to mouthwatering seafood dishes celebrating the island's coastal treasures. Indulge in the famed pad Thai, a harmonious blend of flavors that captures the essence of Thai cuisine.

The food market at Thong Sala Pier is a true reflection of Koh Phangan's cultural tapestry. Sample dishes prepared with love and expertise, each telling a story through its ingredients and presentation.

Things to Know:

Ferry Marvel: Thong Sala Pier isn't just a passage; it's a doorway to island dreams, where ferries create maritime magic.

Retail Haven: Explore an array of shops selling unique handicrafts, where each item whispers tales of local artisans' skill and passion.

Nathon Excursion: A short jaunt to Nathon unveils serene beaches and a tranquil ambiance, a testament to the island's timeless allure.

Taste the Magic: Let local flavors excite your senses, taking you on a delicious journey into Thai culture.

Sunset Serenity: Thong Sala Pier's sunsets are a spectacle in themselves, casting a golden glow on departing ships and hopeful hearts.

Rambuttri Road

Rambuttri Road: Premier Bangkok Bus Services & Beyond!


Rambuttri Road stands as a hub for all Lomprayah transportation services. Linking Bangkok to cool islands like Koh Samui, Koh Tao, and Koh Phangan, it’s a well-known spot. Locals and drivers are familiar with the route. To ensure a smooth journey, always get to Rambuttri Road at least 30 minutes before your departure.


Rambuttri Road has an inviting charm, brimming with eateries, open terraces, stores, and spots to relax with a massage. While many consider Khao San Road the go-to for energetic parties, Rambuttri offers a more relaxed, old-world traveler ambiance. Both these streets are in the Banglamphu or Old Town area of Bangkok. They're just a minute walk apart.

Next, your journey might lead you to the pristine waters of Koh Tao, docking at the Mae Haad Pier. This is a haven for divers and those looking to escape the hustle.

Koh Samui presents two significant spots: the convenient Maenam hotel transfer and the bustling Maenam Pier. Both serve as gateways to the island's sun-kissed beaches and vibrant nightlife. Then there’s Koh Phangan, renowned for its Full Moon parties. Thong Sala Pier is your entry to this island paradise.

Venture further into the streets of Bangkok, and you'll notice a plethora of street food stalls. They sell mouth-watering delicacies. Along the Chao Phraya River, the grandeur of the Grand Palace stands tall, a symbol of Bangkok's rich history. Adjacent streets like Soi Rambuttri house numerous bars and restaurants, ensuring there's always something to please the palate.

Bangkok bus services are efficient with various routes, offering both air-conditioned buses and those with natural air. These buses make the journey comfortable, especially for those not used to Bangkok's warmth.

The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) is in charge of the buses in the city. People, whether they're tourists or locals, can get around easily. Moreover, bus terminals are well marked, making transitions seamless. One can't mention Bangkok without bringing up the iconic "tuk tuk." These vibrant three-wheelers are a big part of what makes Bangkok, well, Bangkok!

Whizzing around corners and maneuvering through traffic, they offer an authentic and thrilling way to explore the city. Just remember to agree on a fare before starting your ride.

Khaosan Road, often dubbed the 'backpacker's haven,' is a lively stretch teeming with activity day and night. Street stalls serve Thai food and sell clothes. At night, it's full of lively bars and music spots.

Not far from the bustle of Khaosan is the serene Wat Chana Songkhram. An 18th century temple, its tranquil ambiance offers a stark contrast to the nearby streets. Reflecting Phra Nakhon's rich history, the temple is a testament to Bangkok's deep-rooted culture and traditions.

In the heart of the city, street food stalls are abundant, offering a culinary journey with every step. From spicy to sweet, there's something for every palate. A must-visit is Wat Phra Kaew, a magnificent temple housing the Emerald Buddha, capturing the essence of Bangkok's spiritual side.

Numerous shops dot the streets of Phra Nakhon, selling everything from trendy modern clothes to traditional Thai outfits. After a day out, you can relax with a foot massage or other treatments, which are everywhere in the area.

While Bangkok's past is rich and vibrant, it's also a city that looks towards the future. Bangkok's got a solid public transport link to Suvarnabhumi Airport. Many big attractions are close to bus stops or metro stations, so it's easy for travelers to move around.

Bangkok bus services make navigating the city easier. Catering to both locals and tourists, these buses crisscross the vibrant streets of parts of Bangkok, connecting major landmarks and attractions. For those unfamiliar with the city's tropical heat, the air con bus options provide a refreshing respite.

These air-conditioned buses are a favorite among travelers. They ensure a cool and comfortable journey as they explore the wonders of Bangkok. The Bangkok bus services, especially the air con bus options, are reliable and efficient.


Rambuttri Road is not just a transportation point. It's a reflection of Bangkok’s vibrant culture and a nexus for its bus services. With air conditioning in most buses, travelers can expect a comfortable ride. What's more, the proximity to popular spots like Khaosan Road and Wat Chana Songkhram amplifies its significance.

If you want a quick snack or to shop, there are street food stalls and clothes shops everywhere. And after a long day, massage services beckon, promising relaxation. Tip: Watch the bus fares and have some change ready.

Things to Know:

Rambuttri and Khao San Road are both in the Banglamphu area.

Street food stalls on Rambuttri offer authentic Thai delicacies.

Most buses from Rambuttri Road have air con for a comfortable journey.

Always keep bus routes in mind and perhaps a map to navigate.

Be wary of pickpockets, especially in crowded areas.