Date de voyage
Adultes (>9 ans)
Enfant (2-9 ans)
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Informations sur Boonsiri High Speed Ferries

Boonsiri High Speed Ferries

Les ferries à grande vitesse de Boonsiri : Des liaisons douces entre les îles

Bienvenue dans le monde enchanteur de Boonsiri High Speed Ferries, où chaque voyage est une aventure qui ne demande qu'à se dérouler.

Imaginez que je sois votre compagnon de voyage. Je ne suis pas qu'un simple service de ferry - je suis comme le cerveau qui rend vos aventures insulaires super fluides. Je suis là pour m'assurer que vous ne vous contentez pas de voyager d'un point A à un point B ; je suis là pour vous faire vivre des expériences insulaires extraordinaires.

Avec un engagement d'excellence et une passion pour la création de moments inoubliables, nous vous invitons à explorer les rivages ensoleillés de Koh Mak, à vous immerger dans le charme tranquille de Koh Kood et à embarquer pour un voyage qui transcende le simple transport.

Mission : Boonsiri High Speed Ferries incarne une mission centrée sur la transformation des voyages ordinaires en expériences extraordinaires. Nous travaillons sans relâche pour relier le continent aux îles exquises de la Thaïlande, en offrant plus qu'un simple moyen de transport. Nos voyages allient confort, curiosité et création de souvenirs précieux. Grâce à nos services de ferry à grande vitesse, nous sommes déterminés à révolutionner le voyage, en veillant à ce que chaque voyage devienne une histoire qui mérite d'être partagée.

Notre vision : Notre vision ne se limite pas à celle d'un opérateur de ferry ; nous nous considérons comme des conservateurs de connexions. Nous voyons un avenir où nos catamarans à grande vitesse sont des voies d'échanges culturels, où chaque voyage devient une tapisserie tissée d'explorations et de découvertes. Nous aspirons à être un catalyseur qui suscite l'amour de l'exploration des îles, en créant des souvenirs qui durent toute une vie.

Services de l'entreprise :

Boonsiri High Speed Ferries est votre partenaire dans l'élaboration d'explorations insulaires sans faille qui commencent dès que vous montez à bord. Notre flotte de catamarans modernes à grande vitesse témoigne de l'innovation et de la sécurité.

Avec une vitesse de croisière de 25 nœuds, vous glisserez sur des eaux turquoise dans des cabines climatisées qui vous envelopperont de confort. Mais notre engagement ne s'arrête pas là ; nous allons au-delà de la mer pour intégrer les voyages terrestres et maritimes. Nos services fiables de bus Boonsiri relient Bangkok à l'embarcadère tranquille de Laem Sok, ce qui rend votre voyage non seulement fluide, mais aussi holistique.

Caractéristiques principales :

Aventures faciles : Nos bateaux rapides changent l'idée que vous vous faites des voyages rapides, en vous emmenant rapidement sur votre île paradisiaque, sans la moindre difficulté.

Voyage relaxant : Installez-vous dans des chambres confortables et climatisées, dotées de grandes fenêtres qui vous permettent de voir l'ensemble du voyage, tout comme le magnifique endroit où vous vous rendez.

Changement en douceur : Le passage de la terre à la mer est facile, tout est réuni pour faire un voyage où la terre et l'eau se mélangent en douceur, comme une histoire qui continue à se dérouler.

Un voyage centré sur le passager : Notre équipage attentionné et notre équipe de service à la clientèle dévouée veillent à ce que votre voyage soit extraordinaire, en s'occupant de tous les détails de votre voyage.

Services de bus Boonsiri : Notre engagement en faveur d'un voyage sans encombre s'étend au-delà de la mer avec nos services de bus Boonsiri. Imaginez un voyage confortable et sans encombre entre l'effervescence de Bangkok et la paisible jetée de Laem Sok. Tout cela parce que Boonsiri s'efforce de vous offrir le meilleur service possible. Dès que vous montez dans notre bus, vous êtes déjà sur la voie d'une escapade inoubliable sur l'île.

Boonsiri High Speed Ferries (également connu sous le nom de Boonsiri Ferries) ne se limite pas aux ferries. Nous avons également à cœur de vous faciliter la vie, de vous assurer un confort optimal et de vous aider à vous créer des souvenirs inoubliables.

La meilleure option pour aller de Bangkok à Koh Mak et Koh Kood

Nous nous engageons à vous faire vivre la meilleure expérience possible, à veiller à votre confort et à vous aider à créer des souvenirs inoubliables. Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour découvrir la beauté époustouflante des îles thaïlandaises.

Imaginez nos bateaux rapides comme des guides utiles, notre équipage amical comme des chasseurs de trésors, et nos services de bus spéciaux comme un moyen de transport facile entre la ville et la plage.

En voyageant en haute mer, vous ne vous contenterez pas d'atteindre des destinations, vous créerez une collection de moments spéciaux qui vous toucheront droit au cœur. C'est la preuve que l'exploration des îles peut être merveilleuse et que le voyage lui-même est un enchantement.

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Ce voyage n'est pas disponible aux dates sélectionnées
Ferry Koh Chang

Ferry from Trat mainland to Koh Chang and return.


Ferry from/to Koh Chang

Boonsiri Bus

Routes currently in service are Bangkok - Koh Chang - Koh Mak - Koh Kood, creating convenience as a one stop service.

Ao Nid Pier

Ao Nid Pier: Your Gateway to Koh Mak and Koh Kood


Welcome to Ao Nid Pier, your gateway to the beauty of Koh Mak but also to the charm of Koh Kood. Nestled on the island of Koh Mak, Ao Nid Pier marks the beginning of your adventure. It will allow you to explore two heavenly destinations. With an unspoiled allure perfectly suited for nature enthusiasts and travelers seeking tranquility, Ao Nid Pier promises a memorable journey.


Ao Nid Pier, intricately connected to both Koh Mak and Koh Kood, unveils a world of natural wonders and tranquility. Stepping off the ferry, the gentle lapping of waves and the energizing sea breeze welcome you. The pier's simple yet efficient design ensures a seamless transition from the ferry to the islands' splendor.

Basked in lush greenery and surrounded by crystalline waters, Ao Nid Pier introduces you to the untouched beauty of Koh Mak and Koh Kood. The turquoise waters invite you to dip in, while the powdery shores provide an ideal spot for relaxation. Every breath of the pure island air eases your worries.

Ao Nid Pier isn't just a gateway; it's a starting point for exploring two treasures. Venture from here to Ao Nid Beach, where azure waters meet soft sands, creating a scene reminiscent of paradise. And for those who want a more adventurous journey, a hike to the Viewpoint offers a panoramic vista of the islands' landscapes.

Don't miss the opportunity to extend your exploration to Koh Kood. Known as the "Island of Tranquility," Koh Kood boasts untouched beaches, lush jungles, and a slower pace of life. Just a short boat ride from Ao Nid Pier, Koh Kood is a realm of relaxation and natural beauty that complements your Koh Mak experience.


As you finish your trip at Ao Nid Pier, keep in mind that this isn't only a place you go to; it's like diving into the amazing things nature has. If you're looking for a peaceful time surrounded by the green beauty of the land or if you want to start exciting explorations on the island, remember that Ao Nid Pier is where your journey toward fantastic memories starts.

Things to Know:

Immerse in the tranquil embrace of Koh Kood's nature; its serene beaches are perfect for unwinding.

Explore both islands at a relaxed pace; rushing through would mean missing out on their charm. Koh Kood is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, making snorkeling an unmissable experience. Learn a few basic Thai phrases to enhance your interaction with the warm locals.

Both Koh Mak and Koh Kood actively commit to eco-friendly practices, ensuring the preservation of their allure for generations to come.

Ao Salad Pier

Discover Ao Salad Pier: Your Gateway to Koh Kood Adventures


Imagine a cozy place on the eastern side of Thailand, called Ao Salad Pier. It's like a friendly entrance to a beautiful island called Koh Kood. When you step onto the pier, you'll feel like you're in a cute fishing village.

People utilize Ao Salad Pier as an entryway to the Thailand mainland. On average, there are two daily crossings available. Yet, keep in mind that the timings and durations of crossings might shift according to the season.


Think of Ao Salad Pier as more than just a place to pass through. It's like a special view into what makes Koh Kood and its nearby places unique. The pier's old-fashioned and simple style matches the nearby fishing village.

This lets you see a bit of how people here have been living by the coast for a long time. When you look at the peaceful water, you'll be amazed by how colorful boats and the blue sea look together.

Trat is an exciting spot you can go from Ao Salad Pier. It presents itself as an unexplored journey, brimming with possibilities and opportunities. Trat is a province in Thailand that's full of interesting things to do and see.

Laem Sok Pier stands as another remarkable location that may pique your interest for exploration. It's like a special place where boats come and go, kind of like a doorway to exciting places. This pier is a starting point to explore the Similan Islands. These islands are famous for their crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life.

You should definitely check out Klong Chao Waterfall. It's like a bunch of water falling down and you can play in it to cool off. And if you're interested in learning about the island's history, you can visit Khao Salak Phet. It's an old village that has stories from a long time ago.

When embarking on your journey to Koh Kood from Ao Salad Pier, the ferry schedule ensures convenience. The times and duration of the boat ride adds to the excitement of your island adventure.

As recommended by phuketferry.com, consider adding Nam Tok Ao Klong Hin to your agenda. It is a stunning waterfall that is an example of the island's natural beauty. And when hunger strikes, savor local delicacies at beachfront eateries, where the catch of the day becomes your feast.

Think of Ao Salad Pier like a special doorway, not just a place to move through. It's like a peek into what makes Koh Kood and its nearby places special. The pier looks old-fashioned and cozy, just like the fishing village nearby. This helps you see a bit of how people here have been living by the coast for a long time.

When you look at the peaceful water, you'll be amazed by how colorful boats and the blue sea look together. This pier is like a bridge that connects Koh Kood with the mainland of Thailand.


After you leave Ao Salad Pier, the moments you've enjoyed will stay with you for a while. The mix of simple mainland vibes and the island's special feeling will be something you remember.

Things to Know:

Local Traditions: Engage with the villagers and discover their time-honored fishing techniques that sustain their way of life.

Optimal Travel Times: Plan your visit according to the ferry schedule to ensure a seamless journey to Koh Kood.

Cultural Respect: Embrace the local customs and traditions, adding genuineness to your travel experience.

Photography Gem: The pier's vista provides an excellent backdrop for capturing stunning photos to treasure.

Marine Diversity: Delve into the underwater world through snorkeling or diving to witness the vibrant marine life.

Laem Sok Pier

Laem Sok Pier: Your Gateway to the Gulf of Thailand


Embark on a journey like no other at Laem Sok Pier, the renowned ferry terminal in the bustling Trat City. This pier is not just a point of departure; it's the beginning of an extraordinary adventure in the Gulf of Thailand. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-timer, Laem Sok offers an unparalleled gateway to island hopping and exploration.


Laem Sok Pier is a ferry terminal located in Trat. This place is more than a mere structure. It is a point connecting the mainland to the wonders of the Gulf of Thailand. From here, travelers can access a fleet of ferries operated by various ferry companies. Most operate air-conditioned vessels for a comfortable journey.

The pier, often bustling during the high season, is a testament to the popularity of island hopping among tourists. It serves as the starting point for boats to Koh Kood and other enchanting nearby islands. These islands are known for their pristine beaches and rich marine life. They are easily accessible, thanks to the efficient services of boat companies operating from Sok Pier.

Trat city is the urban backdrop to this ferry terminal. The city offers an array of amenities including taxi services and secure parking. It ensures a hassle-free experience for travelers. For those journeying from Bangkok to Trat, there are convenient bus services and flights offered by Bangkok Airways. It makes the trip to the pier straightforward and enjoyable.

Once at Laem Sok, visitors can take a shared taxi or enjoy a brief 30 minutes ride through the scenic Trat town to reach this bustling ferry pier. The journey is a blend of urban excitement and anticipation of the serene experiences that lie ahead.


Laem Sok Pier is situated in the heart of Trat. This pier is far more than a mere ferry terminal. It is a portal to the awe-inspiring Gulf of Thailand. This notable pier serves as the foundational starting point for a multitude of exhilarating explorations and peaceful retreats. It's where journeys across the azure waters of the Gulf begin, leading to destinations famed for their untouched beauty and serene landscapes.

At Laem Sok Pier, the adventure starts the moment you step onto the bustling platform. Here, you're greeted by a flurry of activity, a vivid display of the lively rhythm of Trat city. This bustling energy is a prelude to the diverse experiences that await. From the pier, a voyage across the glistening waters of the Gulf can lead you to the enchanting tranquility of Ko Kut and other nearby islands. These islands, each a hidden gem in their own right, are sanctuaries of peace. They offer a stark contrast to the spirited atmosphere of the city.

The pier itself is the starting point of seamless connections. It links the energetic streets of Trat with the calm and soothing embrace of the Gulf's islands. It's a place where the promise of adventure merges with the allure of relaxation. Whether you're seeking the vibrant street life and cultural richness of Trat city or yearning for the tranquil ambiance and natural splendor of islands like Ko Kut, Laem Sok Pier is your gateway to these diverse experiences.

Each journey from Laem Sok Pier is unique, offering travelers the opportunity to create their own path of discovery. It is a starting point that opens up a world of possibilities. From exploring the rich marine life beneath the Gulf's waves to unwinding on the pristine, sun-kissed beaches of the nearby islands. In essence, Laem Sok Pier in Trat is not just a transit point. It is the beginning of a myriad of adventures, relaxation opportunities, and memories that will last a lifetime.

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