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Adultes (>9 ans)
Enfant (2-9 ans)
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Informations sur Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd.

Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd.

Naviguer vers le paradis : Aventures à grande vitesse avec Lomprayah !

Bienvenue à bord de l'ultime expérience de découverte des îles avec Lomprayah, l'opérateur de ferry à grande vitesse qui vous emmènera dans les paradis tropicaux de Koh Tao, Koh Phangan et Koh Samui. Préparez-vous à un voyage fluide et palpitant qui vous laissera enchanté par la beauté du golfe de Thaïlande.

Des voyages à grande vitesse rapides et fluides

Le temps est un facteur essentiel, et Lomprayah l'a bien compris ! Grâce à nos catamarans et ferries à grande vitesse, vous atteindrez votre île de destination à la vitesse de l'éclair. Pas de longues attentes, pas de trajets fastidieux - juste une navigation rapide et fluide vers vos lieux de rêve. Attachez votre ceinture pour une aventure sans précédent !

Découvrez Koh Tao: Le paradis des plongeurs

Dès votre arrivée à Koh Tao, vous serez captivé par l'attrait de l'île. Connue sous le nom d'« île de la Tortue », Koh Tao offre des eaux azur et une vie marine abondante et dynamique. Pour les amateurs de plongée, c'est un véritable paradis ! Avec Lomprayah, plonger dans les profondeurs des merveilles sous-marines de Koh Tao devient un jeu d'enfant. Explorez les récifs coralliens fascinants, rencontrez les gracieuses tortues de mer et plongez dans un monde de merveilles sous-marines.

Détendez-vous à Koh Phangan: La retraite de la nature

Si vous recherchez la détente et la beauté naturelle, Koh Phangan vous attend à bras ouverts. Cette île paradisiaque offre des paysages luxuriants, des plages sereines et une atmosphère tranquille qui rajeunira votre âme. Dès que vous débarquez, vous sentez les soucis du monde s'évanouir. Que vous souhaitiez vous prélasser au soleil sur des plages idylliques ou faire une randonnée paisible dans la forêt tropicale, Koh Phangan vous promet une évasion hors du commun.

Découvrez Koh Samui: Un joyau tropical

Alors que vous naviguez vers Koh Samui, préparez-vous à être ébloui par ce joyau tropical. De ses plages magnifiques à ses marchés animés en passant par ses merveilles culturelles, Koh Samui a quelque chose à offrir à chacun. Lomprayah vous permet de découvrir toute la magie de Koh Samui sans attendre. Visitez le temple emblématique du Grand Bouddha, laissez-vous tenter par la délicieuse cuisine locale et profitez de l'énergie vibrante de la plage de Chaweng. Cette île est une délicieuse tapisserie d'expériences qui ne demandent qu'à être explorées.

Sautez d'une île à l'autre en toute simplicité

Pourquoi se limiter à une seule île quand on peut toutes les explorer ? Grâce au vaste réseau d'itinéraires de Lomprayah, le « island-hopping » devient une aventure passionnante. Passez sans encombre des merveilles sous-marines de Koh Tao aux paysages luxuriants de Koh Phangan et à l'énergie vibrante de Koh Samui. Ce paradis interconnecté est à portée de main, ce qui vous permet de créer l'itinéraire de votre choix.

Réservation facile avec E-Tickets

Nous pensons que l'organisation d'une escapade sur une île devrait être aussi facile que l'air de l'océan. Lomprayah fait de la réservation de vos billets de ferry une expérience transparente. Notre site web convivial et notre application mobile vous permettent de planifier votre voyage en quelques minutes. Dites adieu aux billets papier - avec notre système pratique de billetterie électronique, tout ce dont vous avez besoin est à portée de main. Réservez vos sièges et préparez-vous à vivre l'aventure de votre vie.

La sécurité avant tout, toujours

Chez Lomprayah, votre sécurité est notre priorité absolue. Alors que vous vous embarquez pour une aventure à grande vitesse, soyez assuré que notre équipage expérimenté et nos navires modernes sont équipés pour garantir un voyage sûr et confortable. Installez-vous confortablement, détendez-vous et laissez-nous nous occuper du reste pendant que vous vous réjouissez d'explorer les joyaux cachés du golfe de Thaïlande.

Rejoignez notre communauté d'explorateurs

Choisir Lomprayah, c'est faire partie d'une communauté dynamique de voyageurs partageant les mêmes idées. Nous ne sommes pas seulement un opérateur de ferry - nous sommes vos partenaires dans la création de souvenirs inoubliables. Que vous soyez à la recherche de conseils de voyage ou de recommandations sur les meilleurs sites de plongée avec tuba, notre équipage est là pour vous aider. Partagez vos expériences, échangez des histoires et nouez des liens avec d'autres aventuriers en traversant les eaux pittoresques du Golfe.

Confiance et adoration

L'amour pour Lomprayah est évident dans le cœur des voyageurs. Notre engagement à fournir un service exceptionnel et à créer des expériences inoubliables nous a valu la confiance et l'adoration des aventuriers du monde entier. Consultez notre site Web pour obtenir des commentaires élogieux et entendre ceux qui ont expérimenté la magie de Lomprayah de première main.

Prêt pour le plaisir à grande vitesse ?

Êtes-vous prêt à embarquer pour une aventure insulaire sans précédent ? Le paradis tropical de Koh Tao, Koh Phangan et Koh Samui vous attend. Préparez votre crème solaire, votre sens de l'émerveillement et préparez-vous à une escapade à grande vitesse au paradis. Lomprayah est votre billet pour le bonheur des îles !

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PRALARN Catamaran

PRALARN Catamaran YEAR : 2000 Lenght : 20 meters Capacity : 140 passengers

KOH PRAB Catamaran

KOH PRAB Catamaran YEAR : 2005 Lenght : 29 meters Capacity : 350 passengers


THAPDAORAI Catamaran YEAR : 2015 Lenght : 32 meters Capacity : 461 passengers

Surat Thani Town: Tapee Pier

The Ultimate Guide to Tapee Pier in Surat Thani


Surat Thani Tapee Pier isn't just a port; it's your launch pad to some of the most stunning islands in Thailand. Located conveniently in Surat Thani town, it serves as the hub for voyagers keen on exploring the Gulf of Thailand.

Imagine stepping off the pier onto a boat that whisks you away to heavenly islands like Koh Tao (or Ko Tao), Koh Phangan, and Koh Samui (Ko Samui). That's precisely what Tapee Pier offers.

With top-notch services like the Lomprayah High Speed Catamaran, you're looking at incredibly efficient travel times.

What’s more, the pier is smack-dab in the heart of Surat Thani town. This makes it exceedingly easy to hop from urban excursions to island adventures. From retail spaces to delicious eateries, the surroundings add an extra layer to your travel experience.

So, whether you're here for the islands or the mainland attractions, Tapee Pier serves as your one-stop travel HQ. Ready to start your island-hopping journey? Tapee Pier is the gateway to your dream vacation.


First up, let's get the logistics out of the way. Tapee Pier is very well-located in Surat Thani Province. That makes it not just an essential part of the town but also the broader region.

You'll find an array of boats and services destined for the jewels of the Gulf of Thailand.

There are multiple routes to consider. Koh Tao, renowned for its scuba diving opportunities.

It is very easy to go from Tapee Pier to Koh Tao. But if you're craving more of a resort experience, you might want to check out Koh Samui. The island promises luxury, coupled with mesmerizing beaches.

One of the best things about Tapee Pier is the range of ferry services available. Lomprayah High Speed Catamaran is a favorite for its speed and comfort. On good days, you could find yourself reaching your island destination in less than 30 minutes.

Close to the pier, you'll find retail and convenience stores. Whether you’re looking to grab some last-minute essentials or indulge in local Thai delicacies, the options are abundant. Plus, you're never too far away from the main attractions of Surat Thani town.

Tapee Pier also serves as a docking point for local fishing boats. This adds a touch of local flair to the place. It’s a constant reminder of the rich marine life in the Gulf of Thailand.

If you find yourself with some time to spare, consider a quick visit to Lan Lake. Just a stone's throw away, it offers a serene backdrop perfect for some relaxation before you embark on your sea journey.

For those interested in a more lively island experience, please visit Ko Pha Ngan (local spelling). This island isn’t just famous for its Full Moon Parties. It also has some of the most stunning natural landscapes you'll ever see.

Koh Phangan, as it is internationally spelled, is easy to reach from Tapee Pier. Many boats go to the island. You can easily pick a time that fits your schedule.

Ready to book your trip? Phuketferry.com offers many routes. We recommend both Koh Tao and Koh Samui as premium destinations. We provide a seamless booking experience for travelers.

As for the commute to the pier, you have several options. Taxis and buses ply regularly between the pier and Surat Thani town, making the entire experience hassle-free.

Safety is paramount at Tapee Pier. Rest assured, you'll find the staff helpful and well-versed in ensuring a smooth boarding process.

If you’re looking for food, Tapee Pier won’t disappoint. From local snacks to quick bites, there’s something to satisfy every palate.

And don't forget about souvenirs! Grab a keepsake from one of the local shops to make your journey memorable.

Overall, Tapee Pier is more than a travel station; it’s the starting point for countless memorable experiences. From luxury islands like Koh Samui to diving paradises like Koh Tao, your choices are aplenty.


Tapee Pier serves as an essential cornerstone for any traveler looking to explore Surat Thani and its surrounding islands. From high-speed catamarans to a diverse array of destinations, the pier is the quintessence of adventure and leisure.

Beyond just serving as a transit point, Tapee Pier represents the perfect blend of urban convenience and natural splendor. It’s a hub that connects the mainland to the islands, making it an essential part of your travel plans.

Your options for islands are varied, each offering unique experiences. Whether you're a party animal targeting Koh Phangan or a tranquility-seeker heading to Koh Samui, there's something for everyone.

The availability of various services, like Lomprayah High Speed Catamaran, ensures a smooth transition from mainland to island. It is amplifying the overall travel experience.

If you're planning to visit Surat Thani or any other islands around, Tapee Pier is your go-to gateway. It’s the starting point that sets the tone for the rest of your epic journey.

Things to Know:

Lomprayah High Speed Catamaran is a quick and comfortable ferry service.

Nearby Lan Lake is a quick escape for nature lovers.

The pier offers a range of culinary options, ensuring you won't board hungry.

Souvenir shops are available for last-minute gift shopping.

Luggage storage facilities are available, allowing you to travel light.

Mae Haad Pier

Mae Haad Pier: Your Island Adventure Starting Point


Imagine the moment you step onto the beautiful Mae Haad Pier, nestled on the serene north-western shores of Koh Tao. It's more than just a place for boats; it's your entryway to all the amazing things this island offers.


Positioned in the peaceful north-west, this pier is like a shortcut to the quiet and beauty of this part of Koh Tao. As you step off the boat, you're greeted by amazing views of the coastline and the clear blue waters that stretch ahead. But this pier is more than a spot for boats – it's a place where you can start your journey, exploring the exciting heart and the peaceful corners of Koh Tao.

Take a trip to the secret paradise of Jansom Bay, right near the ferry pier. The water here is so clear you can see all the way to the bottom, and there are lots of colorful fish and things to see. When you go snorkeling, you'll feel like you're in another world, surrounded by pretty corals and curious fish. The bay is so peaceful that you'll want to spend time just relaxing and enjoying the natural beauty.

If you walk a little from the pier, you'll find Mae Haad Beach, a truly lovely place. The sand is soft and nice to walk on, and the water is perfect for swimming. Being so close to the pier means you can easily go between the beach and the pier, so you get the best of both worlds – the chill beach life and the exciting stuff happening at the pier.

But the cool things on Koh Tao aren't only on the land; they're also under the water. Go to Koh Ma, which is pretty close, and you'll see a special sand bar that connects the small island to the main one. This natural happening makes it perfect for snorkeling and checking out the sea life. The water isn't too deep, so you can see lots of tropical fish and colorful corals up close.

Mae Haad Pier isn't just a way to get to Koh Tao – it's also how you get to other cool places like Koh Phangan and Koh Samui.

You board a high-speed ferry, and suddenly, you've arrived at your destination in a swift manner. Each place has its own fun stuff to do. You can dance at the Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan or explore the interesting things on Koh Samui. With Mae Haad Pier, your options are endless.

For exploring the island, phuketferry.com has your back. They give you tips and links to different places you can check out.

You can visit Maenam Pier on Koh Samui, where you'll find peaceful scenes and beautiful views. Or, you can visit the splendid Mae Haad Beach located on the island of Koh Phangan.. Mae Haad Pier is like the starting line for all your adventures.

When you step onto Mae Haad Pier, you're stepping into a world of endless adventures. This lively pier isn't just a door – it's your key to Koh Tao's beauty and more.

Let the gentle waves and stunning sights lead you to exciting journeys. Start your island adventure now with phuketferry.com and get ready for fun, nature, and memories that will stay with you forever.

Mae Haad Pier is more than a pier—it's your gateway to a world of island adventures waiting to unfold. Imagine stepping onto its wooden planks, situated gracefully on Koh Tao's tranquil north-western shores. This iconic pier serves not only as a point of arrival and departure but also as a portal to the enchanting treasures that define the serene north-west of the island.

As you disembark from the ferry, a breathtaking panorama of the coastline and the azure expanse of the sea welcomes you, setting the stage for a remarkable journey ahead. Positioned strategically, this pier isn't merely a docking point; it's a hub of exploration, offering seamless access to both the vibrant heart and the serene corners of Koh Tao.

Let your curiosity guide you to the nearby Jansom Bay, a hidden gem that lies in the vicinity of the ferry pier. Its crystalline waters hold a world of wonder beneath the surface, where vibrant marine life dances among colorful corals. Exploring this underwater haven through snorkeling is like stepping into a living aquarium, with each glance revealing new marvels. The serenity of the bay forms an ideal setting for unwinding, offering you a chance to detach from the world and bond with the encompassing natural beauty.

Taking a leisurely stroll from the pier, you'll find yourself on Mae Haad Beach, a pristine haven for unwinding. The soft sands beckon you to sink your toes into their warmth, while the gentle waves invite you to take a refreshing dip.

What's remarkable is the close proximity of this beach to the pier, enabling you to effortlessly transition between the soothing embrace of the shoreline and the vibrant energy of the pier's activities. This harmonious blend embodies the essence of the island's laid-back lifestyle, ensuring you can enjoy both relaxation and excitement in perfect harmony.

However, the charm of Koh Tao goes well past what meets the eye, extending into the underwater world and even reaching out to the nearby islands. Venture to Koh Ma, a short distance away, where a captivating sand bar connects the small islet to the main island. This natural phenomenon creates an aquatic playground, ideal for snorkeling and observing marine life in their natural habitat. The shallow waters of the sand bar provide an intimate encounter with tropical fish and vibrant corals, inviting you to immerse yourself in a world of underwater splendor.

Mae Haad Pier isn't merely a gateway to Koh Tao; it's also your portal to neighboring paradises like Koh Phangan and Koh Samui. High-speed ferries whisk you away to these captivating destinations, each with its own distinctive allure. From the vibrant celebrations of the Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan to the cultural abundance of Koh Samui, the options are both varied and thrilling. Mae Haad Pier serves as your gateway to embark on these explorations. To make island hopping seamless, rely on the expertise of phuketferry.com.

Using their tips and helpful links, you can fully embrace your journey with complete ease and enthusiasm. Whether it's the serene vistas of Maenam Pier on Koh Samui or the enchanting Mae Haad Beach on Koh Phangan, Mae Haad Pier sets the stage for an expedition brimming with discovery.

As you step onto Mae Pier, you're embarking on more than just a journey—it's a gateway to discovery, adventure, and cherished memories. Let these tips be your compass as you venture around the island and more, making sure you're not just having a great time but also leaving a positive mark on the environment and the local community. Start your island adventure now with phuketferry.com and let the exploration begin!

With each step onto Mae Haad Pier, you step into a world of boundless exploration. Beyond being a mere pier, it serves as your gateway to Koh Tao's splendor and beyond. Let the gentle lapping of waves and the awe-inspiring vistas guide you toward unforgettable journeys.

Embark on your island adventure today with phuketferry.com and be prepared for an odyssey filled with fun, nature, and memories that will forever illuminate your heart.

Things to Know

As you embark on your island adventure starting from Mae Haad Pier, here are some valuable tips to keep in mind:

Respect Nature: When snorkeling in Jansom Bay, practice responsible techniques to preserve the marine ecosystem's delicate balance. Be a mindful snorkeler and ensure the underwater world remains pristine for generations to come.

Effortless Travel: Mae Haad Pier isn't just any pier—it's your gateway to swift high-speed ferry connections, making island hopping a breeze.Don't miss out on the chance to easily explore nearby islands. Use these convenient and stress-free transportation options to make the most of your adventure.

Local Flavors: Immerse yourself in the lively ambiance of Mae Haad Village, a stone's throw from the ferry pier. Indulge in the island's authentic culinary delights, savoring the unique flavors that define Koh Tao's culture.

Dive into the local culture by mingling with the community, giving you a precious peek into their traditions and everyday routines. Connecting with the locals provides a chance to delve into the island's essence, fostering a deeper connection to its authentic spirit.

Nature's Masterpiece: Don't miss the opportunity to witness the breathtaking sunset at Sairee Beach. As the sky and sea blend in a stunning display of colors, this natural spectacle promises a moment of tranquility and beauty.

With these essential tips, you're well-equipped to make the most of your island journey starting from Mae Haad Pier. By embracing these insights, you won't just enhance your adventure; you'll also contribute to preserving the island's natural splendor and its culturally rich heritage. So, step onto the pier with confidence, knowing that you're ready to embrace the wonders that Koh Tao has to offer.

Thung Makham Noi Pier

Thung Makham Noi Pier: Your Gateway to Chumphon


Hey there, get ready to kickstart your amazing journey from Thung Makham Noi Pier, where your exciting Chumphon adventure begins! This spot is like the doorway to a whole bunch of cool experiences. Nestled in Thailand, it's your starting point to reach Chumphon and even more awesome places.


Just imagine arriving at Thung Makham Noi Pier – the waves greeting you, a peaceful vibe all around – it's a pretty awesome feeling. This special pier not only makes it super easy to begin your journey but also introduces you to the wonders of Chumphon. The water is crystal clear, and the whole place looks like something out of a postcard.

And here's the coolest part: Thung Makham Noi Pier isn't just a waiting area – it's your launchpad to go places! You can hop on a ferry and head to Koh Tao, a place known for its underwater beauty with colorful fish and exciting diving spots. Or, check out Koh Phangan, where you'll find stunning beaches and lots of fun activities. These travel ideas are like the top picks from phuketferry.com, so you know they're going to be amazing.

Thung Makham Noi Pier also connects you to Maenam Pier, which can take you to incredible destinations like Koh Samui. Picture palm-fringed beaches, clear blue waters, and a chill island vibe – that's what Koh Samui is all about. It's like a tropical paradise waiting for you.


So there you have it, my fellow adventurers! Thung Makham Noi Pier is like the first exciting chapter in your travel story. As you step away from this welcoming pier, you're not just starting a journey to Chumphon, but you're also embarking on a path to create cherished memories that will stay with you forever.

Imagine the tales you'll have to share with your friends – the underwater marvels you'll witness in Koh Tao and the laughter-filled days on the beaches of Koh Phangan. And don't forget about Koh Samui, the dreamy tropical island waiting for you at Lomprayah Pier. It's like a treasure trove of experiences that you're about to unlock!

Remember, Thung Makham Noi Pier isn't just a place – it's a starting point for new friendships, thrilling adventures, and unforgettable moments. It's where your journey truly begins. So let the waves be your guide, and let your spirit of exploration lead the way.

Things to Know:

Thung Makham Noi Pier is known for being super punctual and making sure your journey is smooth sailing.

Don't miss out on the chance to try delicious local food right at the pier – it's like a taste of real Thailand.

The folks at the pier are friendly and always ready to help, so feel free to ask them anything you need.

Sunsets near the pier are breathtaking – the perfect opportunity for stunning photos.

If you're a nature lover, keep your eyes peeled for the various bird species that call the forests around here home.