成人 (>9 年)
儿童 (2-9 年)
  • {l}



大城府 信息


大城是一座现代城市,也是泰国的古都,位于 曼谷 北部85公里的中部平原。该市的特别之处在于其丰富的历史,体现在每个角落。前往古城有多种方式。不幸的是,你无法直接乘飞机到达那里,但你可以飞往曼谷的廊曼机场,然后从廊曼火车站乘火车到达大城。前往大城的火车从多个目的地发车,例如彭世洛、素林、廊开、乌汶叻差他尼以及曼谷的华南蓬火车站。如果你愿意,也可以乘坐从清迈或曼谷开往大城的巴士或小型面包车。




大城府 Wat Chaiwatthanaram

Wat Chaiwatthanaram
One of the most amazing things about Ayutthaya is the fact that it’s an ancient city that contains so many historic monuments and magnificent temples like you’ve never seen before such as Wat Chaiwatthanaram, which is an ancient Buddhist temple located on the west bank of the river of Chao Phraya. The temple is known for its Chedis or chapels that are attached to secret pathways and filled with beautiful colorful illustrations of the life of Buddha. Surrounding the area, you’ll find 120 Buddha statues making the place more peaceful.

大城府 Wat Yai Chai Mang Khon

Wat Yai Chai Mang Khon
Wat Yai Chai Mang Khon is maybe not one of the most typical go-to tourist temple sites, but it definitely gives you a more intimate insight on Thai culture and traditions. Inside the temple, you’ll find magnificent statues with amazing molded golden leaves. One of the special things you might notice is the giant statue of a sleeping Buddha, which the locals believe its sole has magical abilities. To be blessed with good luck, the locals even rub coins on the statue’s feet. The temple hosts many festival and celebrations inside its holy grounds.

大城府 Ayutthaya Historical Park

Ayutthaya Historical Park
Calling all archaeology lovers and historians! The Ayutthaya Historical Park is the place to be. It is located in the zone which is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has over 65 beautiful ruins and temples. The view here is unbeatable as you revel upon the greenery, the amazing landscape with some impressive Buddha statues, imparting a more serene and tranquil vibe. Visiting the Ayutthaya Historical Park is one of many ways to explore the once most powerful commerce hub in all of Asia.

大城府 Wat Lokaya Sutha

Wat Lokaya Sutha
Located in the Pratu Chi sub-district northwest of Ayutthaya and west of the Royal Palace, Wat Lokaya Sutha is an amazing restored ruin of a monastery where intrigued visitors can go and witness the reclining Buddha image that was restored in 1954, as well as explore the ancient and historic remains of its long-standing walls and grounds. A small altar is displayed where visitors can make offerings. There are many cafes overlooking the temple where you can wind down and enjoy a nice beverage.





15 一月 2025 - 28 二月 2025

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2025 年春节

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2025 年清迈鲜花节

2025 年清迈鲜花节

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