考尧亚伊岛,又称为Ko Yao Yai,是一个田园诗般的岛屿。它坐落在攀牙湾的中心,是一个完美的度假胜地,特别适合那些想要远离繁忙旅游景点、寻求宁静的旅行者。 考尧亚伊岛拥有迷人的白色沙滩、郁郁葱葱的绿色植物和宁静的翡翠水,提供了独特的自然美景和当地魅力。这使它成为那些想要放松身心、重新与大自然联系的人的理想目的地。 由于多种交通方式的选择,探索周边地区变得轻而易举。无论您是想探索附近的岛屿还是返回大陆,这里是您继续旅程的方法: 奥南:通过考尧亚伊岛的快艇服务可到达这个旅游热点。它提供了一条前往甲米最受欢迎的海滩之一的快捷而风景优美的路线。从奥南,旅行者可以轻松前往诺帕拉特塔拉码头或前往甲米机场。 莱利:甲米省的另一颗宝石,莱利以其高耸的石灰岩悬崖和原始海滩而闻名。从考尧亚伊岛搭乘快艇,您将很快到达这个攀岩者的天堂。 皮皮岛(Phi Phi):每个岛屿跳跃者都必须参观的地方,皮皮岛距离考尧亚伊岛只有短短的快艇路程。它以其活力四射的夜生活和美丽的珊瑚礁而闻名,是难忘一日游的绝佳下一站。 普吉岛:对于那些需要连接到更大范围的旅行选择的人,考尧亚伊岛的渡轮和快艇提供前往普吉岛的定期转运服务。从那里,您可以搭乘考尧亚伊岛的巴士,或继续乘坐渡轮前往其他目的地。普吉岛的邦荣码头是前往考尧亚伊岛和考尧诺伊岛的渡轮票务和船运服务的关键枢纽。从考尧亚伊岛去哪里
考尧亚伊岛不仅是各种旅程的起点,也是一个充满活动和景点的目的地: 海滩:岛上的白色沙滩风景如画,游客较少,是一个宁静的度假胜地。无论您是在日光浴、在翡翠般的海水中游泳,还是只是欣赏日落,这里的海滩都不容错过。 岛屿游览:乘坐考尧亚伊岛的快艇游览附近的岛屿。每个岛屿都有独特的风景,从莱利的壮丽悬崖到奥南热闹的市场。前往皮皮岛或攀牙湾的一日游是受欢迎的选择。 美丽的自然风光:考尧亚伊岛的内陆是一片郁郁葱葱的丛林和橡胶种植园的避风港。参加导游可以帮助您探索这个岛屿,发现隐藏的瀑布、当地野生动物和令人惊叹的观景点。 文化体验:参观考尧亚伊村庄和附近的考尧诺伊岛,了解传统的生活方式。您可以参加烹饪课程,或者在海边餐厅品尝当地美食。 旅行灵活性:大多数渡轮票和船只服务都提供免费取消,旅客可以放心计划他们的行程。当地的巴士和火车服务提供方便的连接,前往诺帕拉特塔拉码头、邦荣码头和甲米机场。 选择考尧亚伊岛作为您的旅行基地,您将拥有充满难忘冒险、轻松转移以及宁静的岛屿生活的旅程。无论您乘坐渡轮、快艇还是巴士,您的旅程将像目的地一样令人愉快。加入那些已经发现了这颗隐藏宝石的人,让您的下一个假期成为值得铭记的热带逃离!
Development & Facilities
The island is more undeveloped than a lot of islands in Thailand but it still contains most modern facilities any traveler will need. The island has good infrastructure, the main road is mostly smoothed out and easy for navigation with decent internet and phone services throughout the island. The villagers on the island built their own wooden homes that are surrounded by tropical potted plants all over. The island also has a hospital, ATMs and Wi-Fi and well-established resorts. It still remains unspoiled and one of the most tranquil islands of the Andaman.
It is known very well that this is one of the most undeveloped islands in Thailand when it comes to tourism which makes its nature all the more exciting. Filled with beautiful landscapes and rubber plantations as well as refreshing coconut groves. The beaches on the island are to die for and perfect for you swimmers out there seeking some water fun and for people who just want to kick it back and chill while getting the perfect suntan. It is a suitable place to slow down time for a while.
Healing of the mind, body & soul
Do you have anybody pain that western medicine couldn’t treat? Well then, you should try the new healing methods of the famous guru in Koh Yao Yai named Dr. Saad. He has been practicing his ways and curing people for over 30 years now from all around the world. He channels his healing powers through massage and he does it right from head to toe. You won’t believe his spiritual healing powers until you exist in his presence, he is located in Ban Lo Po of Koh Yao Yai.
ATV Tour
Attention! To all the adrenaline junkies out there, Koh Yao Yai has something that you might be interested in. exploring the island cannot get more exciting due to riding on your ATV and seeing the island from a different perspective, giving you another taste of the beautiful region. Many travelers love riding the ATV on the breathtaking white sand beaches of Ko Yao Yai, other travelers love riding it through the jungle and witnessing all the island’s glory in the fastest way possible.
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