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乘快艇游Koh Bulon:终极旅行指南

布隆岛 信息

乘快艇游Koh Bulon:终极旅行指南

Koh Bulon 是安达曼海的一颗隐藏宝石。它是一个宁静的目的地,以迷人的海滩、清澈的海水和丰富的海洋生物而闻名。这座岛屿天堂,尤其是 Koh Bulon Lae,提供了远离喧嚣的世外桃源。这里的宁静环境让您可以在大自然的美景中放松和享受。无论您是在寻找冒险还是安静的休憩,Koh Bulon 都是每一位旅行者的理想选择。

从 Koh Bulon 出发的目的地

从 Koh Bulon 出发探索周边地区既方便又快捷,多种交通选择让旅行变得轻松,包括 Koh Bulon 渡轮、Koh Bulon 快艇、Koh Bulon 巴士以及其他本地服务。以下是从 Koh Bulon 可以前往的一些热门目的地:

Koh Ngai (Koh Ngai 岛): 只需乘坐短途快艇即可抵达。Koh Ngai 因其白色沙滩和绝佳的浮潜地点而闻名。

普吉岛: 可通过渡轮和巴士到达。普吉岛是一座更大的岛屿,拥有繁华的市场、充满活力的夜生活和丰富的旅游景点,所有这些都位于壮丽的安达曼海之中。

Koh Phi Phi (皮皮岛): 因其壮丽的悬崖和美丽的风景而闻名,是追求自然美景的旅行者必去的地方。

Koh Kradan: 另一个附近的岛屿。Koh Kradan 拥有原始的海滩和宁静的海水,非常适合放松或浮潜。

Koh Mook: 这是一颗不太为人所知的小岛宝石,提供了宁静的海滩和原汁原味的本地体验。

Koh Lipe: 这座安达曼海的小岛以其充满活力的珊瑚礁和悠闲的氛围而闻名。

Koh Lanta: 这是一个较大的岛屿,结合了丰富的旅游设施和原始的自然景观,非常适合旺季探索。

Koh Bulon及周边活动指南

Koh Bulon,特别是位于Bulone度假村周围的区域,是户外爱好者和自然美景爱好者的天堂。以下是一些使Koh Bulon成为独特目的地的活动和景点:

海滩:在Koh Bulon的一些风景如画的海滩上,如Koh Bulon Lae附近的海滩,享受阳光浴或游泳。柔软的白色沙滩和温和的海浪为放松提供了完美的环境。

跳岛游:使用Koh Bulon的快艇服务,探索附近的岛屿,例如 Koh Ngai、Koh Mook 和 Koh Lipe。每个岛屿都有其独特的魅力,从隐秘的海滩到丰富多彩的珊瑚礁和清澈的海水。

自然漫步:该岛拥有茂密的热带森林。悠闲地散步,享受大自然的宁静声音,或者在Bulone度假村和Koh Bulon其他地方观察当地野生动物的自然栖息地。



在Bulone度假村放松:享受Bulone度假村的设施,这里提供舒适的住宿,并且可以轻松前往Koh Bulon的美丽海滩。

无论您是计划去像Koh Lanta这样的附近岛屿一日游,还是寻找Koh Bulon的本地景点,这都是一个很好的起点。凭借便捷的Koh Bulon交通服务,包括从Trang或合艾等主要枢纽出发的渡轮、快艇和巴士服务,您的下一个冒险旅程就在眼前。探索Koh Bulon及其邻近岛屿的自然美景和宁静环境,为您带来难忘的体验。

Koh Bulon Highlights

布隆岛 Lovely nature

Lovely nature

The island is very calm; there are no vehicles in here which helps with the cleanliness and the environment conservation. The island has a stunning beach: white sands and crystal blue waters; rocky coves, a lovely fishermen village and a bit of forest. Everything is perfectly combined in a charming place. The main attraction of Koh Bulon is undoubtedly Koh Bulon Lee Beach, it is a unique combination of soft and fine sand and sheer water; the bay has the shape of a boomerang surrounded by trees and lush forests.  

As the island is small enough to walk from any point to another, every travel will be self-delighted with the amazing views of limestone cliffs emerging from the sea as he walks through the island.

布隆岛 Eating out

Eating out

Food in the island is just incredible! Special dishes include seafood, of course. Fresh plates are served everyday as a product of early fishing labor locals do. There are a few restaurants spread over the island, some of them in the street, some others are a part of a resort. In Koh Bulon, food screams Thai tradition everywhere, each plate is prepared in the original way which makes it an amazing opportunity to get to know the Thai culture through your taste buds. 

In case you were looking for something more occidental, there is a small pizzeria and a couple of classic cafés where you may find something international.

布隆岛 Chao Ley heritage

Chao Ley heritage

This lovely island is inhabit by this ancient community called Chao Ley; as they are not used to receive big numbers of travelers to their shores, they continue practicing their traditional lifestyle. Getting along with this rich and maintained culture is completely easy in Koh Bulon, they are gentle and kind, will offer you everything to make your days in the island an unforgettable experience. Also, Chao Ley people has no problem about tourists staring at them as they practice day to day activities such as fishing, join them for a couple of hours and thank us later.

布隆岛 Nightlife


There is no way to expect crazy and wild parties like the ones that occur in other islands of the Andaman Sea. The entire island is quite, calm, and the laid back vibe is in the air. However, it does not mean going straight to bed after dinner. In Koh Bulon, you will find few yet interesting options: a reggae bar, a beach bar and some others that belongs to resorts; all of them are incredible places to grab a drink while listening to music. The island is very safe; there is no need to worry about walking on the streets at night. 



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