瑶诺伊岛位于泰国安达曼海的中心。这座岛屿是一个宁静的乐园。它提供了一个从城市生活的喧嚣中逃离的真实体验。它以迷人的海滩、茂密的绿地和友好的当地人而闻名。 这使它成为寻求宁静和自然美景的旅行者的理想目的地。通过多种交通方式,如瑶诺伊岛渡轮、瑶诺伊岛快艇和方便的瑶诺伊岛接送服务,前往这个田园诗般的岛屿变得比以往任何时候都容易。 旅行者可以从普吉岛的邦隆码头或甲米的塔兰码头出发,乘坐快艇约30分钟即可到达瑶诺伊岛的主要码头——马诺码头。这次经济实惠的旅程,每人只需几百泰铢,提供了围绕攀牙湾及其姐妹岛屿瑶亚岛的壮丽景色。 从瑶诺伊岛,您可以轻松探索泰国一些最美丽的目的地。以下是如何前往其他令人惊叹的地方: 奥南和莱利海滩:从瑶诺伊岛的马诺码头或塔丹码头乘坐快艇,短时间内即可到达充满活力的奥南或迷人的莱利海滩。这里以繁忙的海滩生活、清澈的海水和陡峭的悬崖而闻名,是冒险爱好者和阳光追逐者必去的地方。 皮皮岛 :乘坐直达快艇前往热闹的皮皮岛,沉浸在世界闻名的海滩和充满活力的夜生活中。这里是浮潜和潜水的绝佳地点,水下美景丰富,是任何泰国岛屿跳跃之旅的亮点。 普吉岛 或 甲米 :通过从瑶诺伊岛乘坐渡轮和快艇前往,普吉岛和甲米都是拥有国际机场的主要门户,提供各种购物、餐饮和娱乐选择。 跳岛游:从瑶诺伊岛,您可以参与一次难忘的跳岛之旅。探索攀牙湾的岛屿,或前往甲米或普吉岛附近的壮丽岛屿。乘坐快艇,通常不到一小时的航程让您有更多的时间进行探索。 从瑶诺伊岛出发去哪里
小长岛(Koh Yao Noi) 本身就是一个充满活动和壮丽景色的宝库: 海滩:岛上的海滩风景如画,宁静祥和,拥有绵延数英里的柔软沙滩和清澈海水。非常适合日光浴、游泳,或者只是简单地放松身心。 岛屿:附近的小岛,如小瑶亚岛(Koh Yao Yai)和攀牙湾(Phang Nga Bay)内的岛屿,为一日游提供了绝佳的机会。乘坐快艇,探索这些隐藏的瑰宝,来一场难忘的冒险之旅。 美丽的自然景观:小长岛被自然美景所环绕。悠闲地骑自行车环岛,或划独木舟穿越红树林,探索岛上的郁郁葱葱的风光。千万不要错过照亮安达曼海的壮丽日落。 当地文化:通过参观小长岛的小村庄,沉浸在当地的生活方式中。与友好的当地人互动,探索传统市场,享用地道的泰国美食。岛上的慢节奏和热情的氛围,非常适合那些想要体验真正泰国岛屿生活的人。 你是计划一次轻松的假期,还是一次激动人心的探索?小长岛提供了一个完美假期的所有元素。通过小长岛巴士、渡轮和快艇,以及从普吉岛或甲米的国际机场直接接驳,下一次冒险离你只有一步之遥。
The Food
Not all travelers discover culture in the same way. Some do it by visiting monuments and landmarks, some participate in cultural activities, others immerse themselves in the arts, while foodies explore the culture by gaining some of the region’s pallet and somehow this makes people from different backgrounds come together and indulge in the same thing. Koh Yao Noi is a great place when it comes to food, providing many restaurants and delicious seafood dishes. You can also learn at the cooking school some of the traditional dishes. Taking a part of the culture home with you.
Muay Thai
Thailand is well known for being a pioneer of many things. And one of those things is a famous sport that is heavily attached to the culture of the country. That sport is Muay Thai also known as Thai boxing. While you are in Koh Yao Noi, you can take a Muay Thai class to get some energy pumping through your veins if you are into getting adrenaline rushes. There is a gym on the island giving classes twice a day with special individual attention. It is a definitely a lingering experience.
Koh Yao Noi has a very distinct natural vibe, as it is one of the least overdeveloped islands in the region. It is mountainous around the center of the island and on the other side, there are beaches everywhere. Beaches are very suitable for snorkeling and swimming on the East side while the West side is a very picturesque blend of Mangrove trees and rice flats. The island is considered a sanctuary for 4 species at least of hornbills. It is an island designed for relaxation.
Water Adventures
This island is full of aquatic opportunities. It is a haven for sea lovers who take part in the activity of snorkeling, it has a good proportion of Flora and Fauna as well as appropriate sea level. While on this island you can have a Kayak Expedition, it is a fun and friendly activity as you paddle your way into the beautiful waters of the island. Koh Yao also has a diving school for people interested in becoming a part-time visitor of the sea world.
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安达曼海地区天气预报:普吉岛,泰国 星期六,12月21日 温度:最高:30°C,最低:26°C 天气:早晨有短暂的阵雨;随后部分... 更多信息
一场彻夜的大雨导致合艾郊区发生了严重的洪灾,尤其影响了Kho Hong分区的Baan Plak Thong地区。洪水淹没了房屋,深度高达90厘米,使得多条道路无法通行,即使是高底盘皮卡车也无法通行。居民们正在将物品搬到更高的地方,并使用大型卡车将车辆转移到更安全的区域... 更多信息