大人 (>9 歳)
子供 (2-9 歳)
  • {l}

アオナン から ヤオ・ノイ島 へ

By Koh Yao Sun Smile
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


12:00 アオナン, Nopparat Thara Pier


30 分


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


12:30 ヤオ・ノイ島, Manoh Pier


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


24 Hours before departure date
  • エコノミークラス

  • 700 THB
  • Book Now


  • Cancellations made 24 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 24 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 24 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 2 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Please arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to your trip's scheduled departure time. Your E-ticket is only valid for the date and time specified on the ticket. If you are too late, your ticket will expire and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • You can check in with e-ticket on mobile or device. Please make sure you check in with the right operator you booked with.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include entrance fee and any additional fees and surcharges.
  • Each passenger is allowed of baggage shall not weigh more than 20kg.
  • Connecting Flights: The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • No pets allowed.
  • INFANTS are NOT allowed on speedboat.
  • The Speedboat trip is not suitable for children, people with heart or back problems, or other physical impediments.
  • Due to safety policies, pregnant passengers are not permitted to travel.
  • The Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • CHECK IN POINT: at Nopparat Thara Pier, please look for Koh Yao Sun Smile sign

Trip Information

ノッパラット・タラ・ピア アオナンと近隣の島々への玄関口!





魅力的なアオナン・クラビ(Ao Nang Krabi)の近くに位置するノッパラット桟橋(Nopparat Pier)からは、きらめく海の絶景を眺めることができます。到着すると、タラ・ビーチ(Thara Beach)とノッパラット・タラ・ビーチ(Noppharat Thara Beach)の心地よい砂浜が、日光浴とくつろぎにあなたを誘います。ダイビング・アドベンチャーで海洋生物を発見したり、ロングテール・ボートに乗ってピピ島、ラーイ島、クロンムアン島など周辺の島々を巡ったりすることもできます。


アオナンのビーチでリラックス。柔らかな砂浜と穏やかな波が、太陽の下でくつろぐのに最適な環境を作り出しています。ピピ島(Koh Phi Phi)やクロン・ヘン島(Klong Haeng)といった近くの島々を探検して、手付かずの美しさと穏やかな風景を体験するのもいいでしょう。一日の終わりには、クラビ・タウン(Krabi Town)やレイレイ・ビーチ(Railay Beach)で楽しいひとときをお過ごしください。

冒険がしたくなったら、ノッパラット・タラ・ピア(Nopparat Thara Pier)からエキサイティングな探検を始めましょう。ノッパラット・タラ桟橋は完璧な出発点であり、ビーチで過ごす時間が旅の素晴らしい一部となることをお約束します。

静かな島をお探しですか?ピピ島(Koh Phi Phi)やクロン・ヘン島(Klong Haeng)といった近くの島を探検すると、手つかずの美しさと静かな風景が広がります。一日が終わると、クラビ・タウンやラーライ・ビーチが現れ、文化と冒険が混ざり合い、実にエキサイティングで興味深いものを作り出しています。



ロングテールボート ノッパラット・タラ桟橋はロングテールボートで有名です。

ピピ島の旅: 透明度の高い海と素晴らしい海洋生物の宝庫、ピピ島を訪れましょう。

ノッパラット・タラ・ビーチ 桟橋からノッパラット・タラ・ビーチ(Noppharat Thara Beach)へ簡単に行くことができ、リラックスして素晴らしい景色を楽しむことができます。


多彩なダイニング: 地元料理から多国籍料理まで、さまざまなレストランで楽しい食の旅をお楽しみください。

Speed Boat: Nopparat Thara Pier - Manoh Pier

Manoh Pier: Your Passage to Koh Yao Yai's Serene Beauty


Walk into Manoh Pier, where your adventure to peaceful Koh Yao Yai begins. This simple pier is like a door to a world where nature and simple things are important. When you step on its sturdy wood, get ready for a calm journey that shows you the island's beauty.


Manoh Pier shows how special Koh Yao Yai is. With the sky so clear and the waves so gentle, the pier gives you a feeling of calm and realness. Life on the island goes smoothly, blending with the surroundings and making you feel like you're part of it.

Around Manoh Pier, you'll discover the amazing views of Koh Yao Yai. Take comfort in the warm welcome of Pasai Beach, where the soft sand meets the blue sea. And if you're up for an adventure, going to the island's Viewpoint gives you a wide look at all the beauty of the island.

If you're looking for a new view, you can easily reach Railay Beach with a short boat ride. There, you'll find tall limestone cliffs and beautiful shores waiting for you.

Manoh Pier is like a way to get to the peaceful Koh Yao Noi. When you step onto the pier's friendly planks, you're going into a place where you can escape and feel calm. Koh Yao Noi is truly pretty, and the easy way people live there makes you want to enjoy simple things. It's a special place to be.


When you leave Manoh Pier, you'll remember how simple and nice it was, along with the charm of Koh Yao Yai. You'll remember how calm the island felt and how nice it looked. Because the pier is where your journey begins, with lots of great moments to remember.

Manoh Pier invites you to uncover the untouched beauty of Koh Yao Yai. With its unassuming charm and breathtaking surroundings, this pier marks the beginning of a journey filled with tranquility and discovery.

Things to Know:

Island Flavors: Indulge in the delectable local cuisine served at eateries near the pier, providing a taste of authentic Thai dishes.

Artisanal Keepsakes: Explore the island's craft shops for handcrafted souvenirs that embody Koh Yao Yai's essence.

Cultural Respect: Adhere to the island's customs by dressing modestly and showing respect for local traditions.

Leisurely Island Life: Embrace the unhurried pace of Koh Yao Yai, allowing yourself to unwind and savor every moment.

Sustainable Exploration: Contribute to the preservation of the island's natural beauty by practicing responsible tourism.