Samui Robot Group
Located right outside the doors of the Samui International airport is the Samui Robot Group, which is a very interesting place for those who enjoy reveling upon the mysterious and the unusual. It is a very special recycling shop that sells items of unique relevance such as monsters that got right out of the movies Predator or Alien. You’d be surprised that these monsters are made out of used auto and motorcycle parts, making it even more environmentally friendly.
Samui Park Avenue
Adding up to this spectacular airport is the Samui Park Avenue, which is really great shopping and dining area that the Samui International Airport hosts. This is by far the most entertaining aspect of the whole airport, as you get many choices whether it was to dine at one of the restaurants offering delicious culinary delights or grab a cup of joe at one of the cafes as you wait for your next flight. The airport doesn’t stop at this, as it also features plush boutiques offering a set of stylish accessories and pieces of clothing.
Airport’s Garden
You probably haven’t heard of many airports in the world that are known for their outstanding gardens like Samui International Airport. Aiming for a more special and natural look and really succeeding at it, the addition of the colorful gardens was definitely a major plus. The gardens feature a botanical spectacle you’ve never seen before with certainly one tree that truly stands out and that will be the cannonball tree, which is a one of a kind looking tree that you just have to see to believe.
Samui Crocodile Farm
Also, in close proximity to the airport, in fact, it's just behind it is a farm that is far unlike anything you've seen before. Located in Bophut, the Samui Crocodile Farm features countless species of crocodile for those reptile lovers, including saltwater, Siamese and caimans. The farm doesn't strict its features for crocodile only, as it also hosts a good number of animals like monkeys, lizards, and snakes. For entertainment purposes the farm hosts snake shows that are just so dangerously thrilling, you just might not handle it when the snake enters its handler’s mouth.
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