Koh Chang has a captivating set of waterfalls. It offers a refreshing change from beaches and exciting activities. Some waterfalls are easy to walk to and some can be reached by motorbikes or a good long hike. There are about 6 breathtaking waterfalls and most of them are perfectly safe for swimming or diving off the rocks. The main waterfall is on the northern end of Klong Prao Beach while others are on the eastern side of the island.
Koh Chang is well known for its stunning beaches and picturesque views. One of those beaches is Klong Prao Beach which is the longest beach on the island, the beach is cut into 3 by a small estuary in the south and another huge one right in the middle of the beach. The beach is installed with great resorts and huts. You will also find near the north end restaurants and shops on the side of the road.
Diving is one of the best things you could do off the island. It has so many amazing dive sites, especially near Koh Rang’s coral reefs. For all diving beginners, you could always take a class at any of the diving schools available in Koh Chang. Scuba diving and snorkeling are only one of the super fun activities you could take part in when you are in the gorgeous Koh Chang.
Elephant Treks
You can’t reach the elephant island without getting to meet some elephants on your time there. It is a great activity for all parts of the family as everyone will enjoy it. You can also swim with the elephants and even better, shower them! Most companies that arrange the treks are located in Klong Prao Beach. The trek usually takes between 1-2 hours, depending on your preference.
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