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Ao Sapporot Pier 情報

Ao Sapporot Pier

Unlock the Wonders of Koh Chang: Start at Ao Sapparot Pier


Ao Sapporot Pier (alternative spelling) isn't just a transportation hub; it's the beginning of your Koh Chang adventure. Situated in Trat Province, this station serves as the doorway to the island's various delights. From Lonely Beach to Kai Bae and beyond, Ao Sapparot is where your tropical dreams take flight. Come for the voyage; stay for the experiences that await.


Your journey starts at Ao Sapparot Pier, the essential gateway to Koh Chang, Thailand’s second-largest island. Well situated in Trat Province, the pier is a well-organized station. It links you to the island and its surrounding locales, including Laem Ngop and beyond.

This pier is integral to the experience of Koh Chang, part of the Mu Ko Chang National Park. From here, you can explore Koh Chang’s highest peak or relax on its various beaches such as White Sand Beach.

As you step onto Ao Sapparot Pier, Elephant Island, also known as Koh Chang, immediately welcomes you. The island gets its name from its elephant-shaped headland, but it's also a sanctuary for real elephants. Here, you can get up close with these magnificent creatures in ethical elephant camps. Being on Elephant Island gives you the unique opportunity to merge beachside relaxation with meaningful encounters with the local wildlife.

One of the must-visit spots is Lonely Beach, easily accessible from Ao Sapparot. This beach offers a tranquil setting perfect for soul-searching or simply escaping daily grind. Alternatively, Kai Bae Beach provides a blend of serenity and community, ideal for families and groups.

While Bangkok Airways may bring you to Trat Province, it's Ao Sapparot Pier that truly opens the region up for exploration. Whether you're a local resident or a world traveler, this pier serves as your reliable link to the island’s treasures.

Sapparot Pier serves as a transportation nexus between the mainland and Koh Chang. It's also a starting point for trips to other places. For instance, Koh Mak is another destination accessible via Ao Sapparot Pier that offers a distinct set of experiences.

Unlike the bustling Koh Chang, Koh Mak provides a more serene environment, allowing visitors an intimate respite from the crowds. This island is ideal for those seeking tranquility and privacy.

Salak Phet is another intriguing stop you can make. Located on Koh Chang's southern side, it offers a more laid-back environment and unique water activities.

The pier is also your gateway to the west coast of Koh Chang, home to attractions like Klong Prao. Here, you can engage in various activities such as kayaking or even elephant trekking. It’s an area bursting with opportunities for adventure.

Additionally, Bang Bao is a noteworthy destination accessible from Ao Sapparot Pier. This village earns its fame from its floating markets, where commerce and tradition come together.

Here, one has the opportunity to promenade on wooden walkways suspended over the water. You can also shop for or taste authentic cuisine. From Ao Sapparot, you can easily reach this cultural spectacle. Walk along the wooden planks and discover a plethora of local goods, from handmade crafts to delectable treats.

In summary, Ao Sapparot is more than just a transportation node. It embodies the essence of Koh Chang and its encompassing areas. It connects you to the island's highest peaks, its tranquil beaches, and even the heart of Trat Province itself.


Ao Sapparot Pier is the cornerstone of your Koh Chang adventure. It serves as the crucial link to destinations such as Lonely Beach, Kai Bae, Salak Phet, and Bang Bao. When you step onto this pier, you're not just transferring to another location; you're stepping into a realm of endless possibilities.

Ao Sapparot Pier is more than a stop on your journey; it's the opening chapter of your Koh Chang adventure. Here, the island's many offerings begin to unfold before you.

Things to Know:

Ao Sapparot Pier serves as a direct entry point to the Mu Ko Chang National Park.

The pier is well-connected to various parts of Trat Province, facilitating easy commutes.

Aside from Koh Chang, the pier is also a starting point for journeys to other islands like Koh Mak.

Near the pier, you'll find various vendors offering authentic Thai food and crafts.

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ブンシリ高速フェリー スムーズな島のつながり




ミッション ブンシリ高速フェリーは、普通の旅を特別な体験に変えることを使命としています。私たちは、タイ本土とタイの素晴らしい島々を結ぶためにたゆまぬ努力を続け、単なる移動手段以上のものを提供しています。私たちの旅は、快適さと好奇心を融合させ、大切な思い出を作ります。高速フェリーサービスを通じて、私たちは旅に革命を起こし、それぞれの航海が分かち合う価値のある物語になることを確信しています。

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簡単な冒険: 私たちの高速ボートは、高速旅行についての考え方を変え、全く問題なくあなたの島の楽園に素早くお連れします。

リラックスした旅: エアコン完備の快適な客室で、大きな窓から美しい景色をお楽しみください。

スムーズな移動: 陸から海への移動は簡単で、陸と海がスムーズに混ざり合い、まるで物語が動き続けるような旅を演出します。

お客様中心の旅: 思いやりのある乗務員と献身的なカスタマーサービスチームが、お客様の旅を素晴らしいものにするために、航海の細部にまで気を配ります。

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ブンシリ高速フェリー(Boonsiri Ferries)はフェリーだけの会社ではありません。ブンシリ高速フェリー(通称ブンシリフェリー)は、フェリーだけでなく、お客様が快適に過ごせるよう、そして素晴らしい思い出を作ることができるよう、心を配っています。






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