コージュム(Ko Jum)またはコージュ(Koh Ju)は、クラビタウン近くの小さな島の南部地域で、島の北部はコープー(Koh Pu)として知られています。この美しい島は、いたるところで純粋な平和と喜びを放っています。ここでは、地元の人々と観光客が非常に良好な関係を築いています。いくつかのリゾートが湾に点在しており、至るところに美しさがあります。
Swimming is by far the best thing to do on the island, warm water in calm bays make a flawless spot to enjoy the sea. There are six beaches in Koh Jum, the northern ones are better though. Rock climbing, small walks, soccer matches, and excursions are very good options to discover the island.
The Bungalows
This type of shacks are the most common accommodation option in the island; however, they are very modern. Some resorts are established on the island and offer a wide range of prices based on the commodities of each Bungalow; from king-size beds, balconies, bathrooms, and electricity service, among others. Without any doubts, staying in one of these is an important part of the experience.
Eating Spots
Every resort counts with its very own restaurant where the staff serves you with a wide variety of dishes, from typical Thai dishes to western meals. On the other hand, a few restaurants and bars are spread on the island, the ones near the beach serve the freshest fish and seafood on the island. Do not think twice about tasting the tasty Thai flavors.
High and low tide
When the tide is high or half, beaches are perfect for swimming and splashing in the bay. Kayaking and paddle boarding are good options too as the sea is very calmed in here. Moreover, low tide makes the best spot to practice snorkeling and staring at the rich sea life around the island.
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