大人 (>9 歳)
子供 (2-9 歳)
  • {l}



スラタニ の情報






Per alcune persone, Surat Thani è un punto di partenza per visitare le isole vicine, tuttavia, è molto più di questo; dopotutto, è la provincia più grande della Thailandia. "La Città della Gente Buona" si trova a 530 chilometri da Bangkok, nel sud della Thailandia, ed è la destinazione perfetta se volete godervi la cultura del sud della Thailandia senza troppi viaggiatori intorno a voi. Surat Thani offre templi colorati, servizi di motoscafo e traghetto, delizioso cibo costiero e mercati notturni.

Surat Thani Information

スラタニ Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty
This province has an area of 68 square kilometers filled with incredible landscapes, limestones, waterfalls, coast with white sand and lush forests. Its main attraction is the Mu Koh Ang Thong National Park, this is a natural marine park made up of more than 50 islands. Daily speedboats are running trips to explore the park or if you like hiking there is a path that will take you 500feet above sea level, the panoramic view of the Thailand gulf is worth all the effort. The city is encircled by many National Parks like Tai Rom Yen and Khao Sok where you will see caves, virgin jungles, and diversity of tropical flowers. 

スラタニ What To Do

What To Do
Some tourists think that there is nothing special to do in Surat Thani but they can't be more wrong! As in many other places in Thailand, this city possesses a grand history background which is captured throughout their streets and temples. At Phra Boron That Chaiya you can contemplate an old architecture from the Srivijava times which is more than 1,200 years old, also there is a temple where there are preserved Buddha relics. If you are looking for fun activities to do, you can go to Monkey Training College. 

スラタニ The Food

The Food
Get the best southern taste of Thailand in Surat Thani. Head to Soi Tonpo to discover the night market of the city. This is the best place if you are craving some Thai food, delight your palate with some biryani rice with chicken or southern Thai curry that you will find in the many stands that overflow the street. Looking for a picturesque place to dinner and accessible price? Then Tapi River is the right place, eat fresh seafood in one of its many restaurants with live music having a river as the protagonist of the scenario, besides it’s easy to arrive here, just take the tuk-tuks located in the downtown.

スラタニ Getting Around

Getting Around
The city offers you many ways of transportations, taxis, and tuk-tuks are everywhere! However walking in Surat Thani is easy and the cheapest way to get around, follow the river located in Ban Don zone if you want to go for a stroll or straight to the downtown where all the restaurants and travel agencies are. Songthaews are located in Talad Mai Road and it has a fare of around 15 baht. Renting a bicycle is also possible and costs around 100 baht for the whole day. Setting off to other cities from Surat Thani is simple due to its bus terminals, train station and also an airport.





29 January 2025

旧正月は、華人のコミュニティがあるタイの多くの地域で祝われる。このお祭りはいつも旧暦の1月1日に行われるので、西暦に従って毎年変わります。... 続きを読む



1-3 February 2025

チェンマイ・フラワー・フェスティバル(Chiang Mai Flower Festival)は、毎年2月の第1週末に3日間開催される。お祭りのハイライトは土曜日の朝に行われるフラワーパレードです。駅から出発し、ナワラット橋(観客席がある)まで続き、ノンブアック・ハット公園(Nong... 続きを読む



1-31 March 2025

タオ・テープカサトリ-タオ・スリー・スントーン祭、またはタオ・テープ祭は、島の主要な祭りのひとつで、数多くの文化およびスポーツ活動が含まれています。祭りでは自転車レース、タクロウ(足で行うバレーボール)大会、綱引き、ミニマラソン、そして「ウパソンボット・ムー」(仏教の戒律式)などが開催されます。... 続きを読む


プーケットとアンダマン海の天気予報 (2025年1月17日~23日)

プーケットとアンダマン海の天気予報 (2025年1月17日~23日)

17 January 2025

タイ、アンダマン海地域の天気予報     1月17日(金) 気温: 最高: 30°C、最低: 23°C ... 続きを読む



16 January 2025

2025年1月17日から19日にかけて、プーケットで開催されるEDCタイランド2025ミュージックフェスティバルの会場周辺の道路は交通渋滞が予想されるため、運転手の方はこのルートを避けることをお勧めします。以下の道路および地域では渋滞が予想されます。... 続きを読む



2 January 2025

タイ北部および中部で気温が急低下 タイ気象局(TMD)によると、タイ北部および中部では気温が急激に低下し、南部の州では雷雨が発生しています... 続きを読む