ハットヤイという活気あふれる街に行く方法はいくつもあります。 バンコク、マレーシア、シンガポールからのフライトが毎日ハットヤイ国際空港に到着します。この空港は市内中心部から14キロメートル離れた場所にあります。空港の到着ホールの外にはシャトルバスがあり、ハットヤイの市内中心部まで移動できます。陸路での旅行を希望される場合、ハットヤイにはバンコクやマレーシアからの列車が停車する鉄道駅がありますが、これらの旅は約15時間かかる場合があり、最も安価な旅行手段ではありません。そのため、多くの旅行代理店がバスとスピードボート & フェリーを組み合わせた迅速で簡単なルートを提供しています。この送迎サービスはハットヤイ、サムイ島、パンガン島、タオ島の間で運行しており、価格と快適さからタイを旅行する最適な方法です。さらに、道中では素晴らしい景色も楽しめます!当社では、ミニバス/フェリーサービスを予約して、旅行をさらに快適で楽しいものにすることができます。
Vivace e dinamica, la terza città più grande della Thailandia ti lascerà incantato! Hat Yai si trova nella provincia di Songkhla, situata nel sud del paese, ed è la destinazione preferita dai malesi e dai singaporiani per trascorrere un fine settimana. La città cosmopolita offre un mix di cultura ricca e storia, combinando architettura audace, mercati vivaci e una vita notturna sfrenata con bellezze naturali affascinanti, composte da grandi cascate e foreste rigogliose.
Fabulous Views
Hat Yai Municipal Park is the most distinguished park in the zone, it is ideal to spend the day having a stroll and discovering the multiple temples and gold statues around you. Planning to catch some sun? Then Samila Beach is the perfect spot for you! This isolated beach is ideal for sunbathing or horse riding while gazing at a breath-taking sunset. Whether or not you like sports, hiking the iconic Hat Yai waterfalls Ton Nga Chang is a must on your checklist, you can finish your long walk with a refreshing dip or relax at the top enjoying the beautiful landscape.
Shopping Time
Surrounded by bazaars and markets, leaving Hat Yai without buying a souvenir won't be possible! Start with Asean Night Bazaar, a big market where you will find the cheapest clothes in Hat Yai, as well as a wide range of beauty products. Kim Yong Market and Santisuk Market, also deserve a shot. These markets are excellent if you are looking for economic prices, however, for those who want to avoid bustled places, then Diana Complex Shopping Center is a good option for shopping, this is a typical mall in Hat Yai, yet, it’s a very interesting one too.
Food, please!
It's not a secret that Hat Yai is bonded with restaurants and bars. Looking for cheap food? head to Greenway Night Market, one of the most popular markets in Thailand, as soon as you arrive here you can smell the aromas of the curries being prepared, this is a great option if you are looking for cheap and local food. Rim Rua Kratha Ron Restaurant offers a buffet service around 280 Baht. Its vibrant atmosphere makes it an excellent place if you want to eat fresh seafood and enjoy some live Thai music.
Discover New Places
You’re obliged to take a walk inside Buddha Hat Yai if you are visiting this city, the prominent statue lies in the temple Wat Hat Yai Nai and is the third largest reclining Buddha in Thailand and definitely worth a glance. For an alternative experience visit the Pruska Theme Park, where you can feed goats and sheep, interact with birds and even explore a medieval castle taken from a fairy-tale story. Fool your friends with amazing photos taken at The Magic Eye museum, ideal for those traveling with children.
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タイ、アンダマン海地域の天気予報 1月17日(金) 気温: 最高: 30°C、最低: 23°C ... 続きを読む
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タイ北部および中部で気温が急低下 タイ気象局(TMD)によると、タイ北部および中部では気温が急激に低下し、南部の州では雷雨が発生しています... 続きを読む