コークラダン - 美しさのバランス。コークラダンを訪れる多くの旅行者は、まるで天国の一部を見たかのような気持ちで帰ります。この島は保護されたトラン国立海洋公園の中に位置し、タイ全土で最も美しく素晴らしいビーチのいくつかがあることで知られています。コークラダンは、全長約1キロメートルにわたるサンゴ礁があり、多くの種類の魚が生息する、一級のシュノーケリングエリアでもあります。コークラダンには、小道で探検できる緑豊かな丘もあり、東側のメインビーチから10分ほど歩くとパラダイス・ロスト・リゾート を通り、西側の岩場にたどり着きます。そこでは、今まで見た中で最も素晴らしい夕日を楽しむことができます!コークラダンは、ぜひ訪れたい島であり、素晴らしい思い出を残してくれる場所です。
Koh Kradan - Natural Beauty
The beaches, crystalline waters and coral reefs may be enough for some, but for the adventurous there is more to see on the beautiful island of Koh Kradan. As mentioned above, a walking trail that runs from the east to the west of the island will give you snapsots of what the sun sees on a daily basis as it rolls around heaven overhead (poetic license taken). And keep your eyes peeled, because you may just spot a soaring sea eagle or a colorful kingfisher, and Koh Kradan is home to dozens of butterfly species too. Then at twighlight and beyond on the beaches it seems like all the little crabs come out for a party. Take a flashlight and watch them dancing and sidestepping all around!
Koh Kradan Beach Life
Complete with the clear turquoise waters and coral beds, Koh Kradan has some of the most splendid beaches in Thailand, so it's not surprising to imagine tourists and travellers sailing up to her shores, finding a spot on the white sands and remaining there till sunset. The sea is perfect for swimming, the sea bed is kind on the feet, and at low tide it's possible to walk and wade out quite far. All very romantic and idyllic. Take a snorkel and head out to the coral reef where you might find a lionfish and a sea turtle or two, because this is a great place for water exploring. Also, it's possible to hire a kayak and adventure round to Sunset Beach on the west side, or even further to some great little coves and hideouts. Splendid stuff!
Koh Kradan - Staying Overnight?
Over three quarters of koh Kradan's 600 acres is a national park, and so is protected from development. Of course this enhances the island's natural beauty and may it long remain the case! However, a few basic but nice little straw/wooden bungalow resorts have emerged over the years, much to the delight of those who might fall in love with Koh Kradan and want to stay at least one or two more days! One such place, the Paradise Lost Resort has been well reviewed and is set amidst nice gardens, with simple amenities and an ex-seafaring owner with a jovial character and no doubt a story or two to tell of this island in the sun since he arrived a good few years ago and made Koh Kradan his home.
Koh Kradan "Underwater Weddings"?!
Yes, believe it or not Koh Kradan actually holds a place in the Guiness Book of Records for having the world's "largest underwater wedding" (well if you're going to get married on a paradise island, why not underwater)! Since the year 1997, every year especially on Valentines Day, couples have headed for the waters of Koh Kradan and submerged to approximately 12 meters below sea level - and tied the knot! Well actually, they don't arrive together. In true wedding tradition, the bride enters the sub-aquatic venue to the sandy bed below amidst a supporting cast of a thousand tropical fish (we assume), to meet her husband to be and the wedding official where "two become one". We believe that the certificate is signed later!
チェンマイ・フラワー・フェスティバル(Chiang Mai Flower Festival)は、毎年2月の第1週末に3日間開催される。お祭りのハイライトは土曜日の朝に行われるフラワーパレードです。駅から出発し、ナワラット橋(観客席がある)まで続き、ノンブアック・ハット公園(Nong... 続きを読む
タイ、アンダマン海地域の天気予報 1月17日(金) 気温: 最高: 30°C、最低: 23°C ... 続きを読む
2025年1月17日から19日にかけて、プーケットで開催されるEDCタイランド2025ミュージックフェスティバルの会場周辺の道路は交通渋滞が予想されるため、運転手の方はこのルートを避けることをお勧めします。以下の道路および地域では渋滞が予想されます。... 続きを読む
タイ北部および中部で気温が急低下 タイ気象局(TMD)によると、タイ北部および中部では気温が急激に低下し、南部の州では雷雨が発生しています... 続きを読む