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Koh Bulon 情報

Koh Bulon

Koh Bulon: Embrace Serenity on a Tropical Haven


Welcome to the enchanting destination of Koh Bulon! Nestled in the embrace of azure waters, this pristine island offers a serene retreat for all seeking tranquility. From its charming pier to the captivating Bulon Island, your journey to Koh Bulon promises an great experience.


Koh Bulon, a hidden gem in Thailand's Andaman Sea, is a paradise that beckons travelers with its untouched beauty. Whether you're an adventurer or a relaxation enthusiast, this island has something extraordinary to offer.

At the heart of Koh Bulon lies the Koh Bulon Pier, where your adventure commences. With its bustling yet friendly atmosphere, the pier is a gateway to the island's wonders. Feel the excitement as you step onto this remarkable land.

Bulon Island itself is a captivating haven that seems to have frozen in time. Palm-fringed beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant marine life await your exploration. As you stroll along the shores, a sense of tranquility envelops you.

For nature lovers, the surrounding area boasts lush forests and captivating hiking trails. The island's diverse ecosystem invites you to witness its flora and fauna, creating opportunities for remarkable encounters.

As the sun dips below the horizon, don't miss the mesmerizing sunset views from Bulon Island. The sky's warm hues reflect upon the tranquil waters, painting a picture-perfect moment you'll cherish forever.

Bulon Leh's Tranquility: A short boat ride away lies Bulon Leh, a sister island equally captivating. Its serene beaches and relaxed atmosphere offer a perfect escape from the bustle of modern life.

Exploring Thai Island Life: Immerse yourself in the essence of Thai island life on Koh Bulon. Experience the unhurried pace, the warm smiles, and the simple pleasures that define this paradise.

Island-Hopping to Koh Ngai: Extend your adventure by island-hopping to nearby Koh Ngai. This island's powdery sands and clear waters make for an idyllic day trip.

La Ngu's Coastal Charms: If you're journeying from Trang or Hat Yai, consider a visit to La Ngu. Authentic Experience: Explore this coastal town to catch glimpses of local life and truly immerse yourself in the region's genuine charm.

Gateway at Pakbara Pier: Your gateway to this island utopia starts at Pakbara Pier. The pier's bustling energy contrasts the tranquility you'll soon encounter on Koh Bulon.

Koh Mook's Emerald Cave: Venture to Koh Mook, famous for its Emerald Cave. Accessible only by swimming through a narrow passage, the cave opens to reveal an enchanting hidden lagoon.

Charm of Koh Bulon Lae: Nearby Koh Bulon Lae offers beautiful views and a chance to see the everyday life of a fishing village. This glimpse into local culture is a memorable experience.

Phi Phi's Allure: For those craving more exploration, the famous Phi Phi Islands are within reach. Discover the bustling scene and vibrant nightlife of this popular destination.

Best Time to Visit: Aim for November to April during the high season for great weather and a lively atmosphere. It's a good idea to book ahead during this time.

Chao Lae Beach Bliss: Spend your days relaxing on Chao Lae Beach, relishing the sun's warmth and the sound of gentle waves. The simplicity of sandy beaches and clear waters is unparalleled.

Trang or Hat Yai Excursion: If you're arriving from Trang or Hat Yai, Koh Bulon is an accessible escape from urban life. Let the turquoise waters of the Andaman Sea wash away your worries.

Andaman Sea Wonders: Koh Bulon's prime location in the Andaman Sea grants you easy access to a tapestry of underwater wonders. Snorkel or dive to uncover the vibrant marine life beneath the surface.

Ko Bulon Lae's Enigmatic Allure: Experience the enigmatic allure of Ko Bulon Lae, where time slows down, and the island's natural beauty takes center stage.

Koh Kradan's Underwater Marvels: Embark on a journey to Koh Kradan, celebrated for its underwater marvels. Snorkel in the crystal-clear waters to glimpse the breathtaking coral gardens.

Bulon Resort Retreat: Enhance your stay at Bulon Resort, where comfortable lodging seamlessly merge with the island's beauty. Enjoy the harmony of nature and modern comforts.

Tranquil Allure: Koh Bulon's Enchantment Lies in Its Simplicity.This unspoiled paradise invites you to unwind, with its white sandy beaches and gentle waves lapping the shore.

Explore Underwater Wonders: Snorkelers and divers will delight in the vibrant marine world around the island, where colorful coral reefs teem with life, creating an immersive experience.

Immerse in Island Culture: Connect with the welcoming locals, whose kindness enriches your experience and makes you feel at home.

Exploration Opportunities: From beach picnics to jungle treks, Koh Bulon presents various ways to explore its natural wonders. Follow the trails, discover hidden coves, and embrace the island's tranquility.

Island Excursions: Embark on Day Trips to Ko Lipe or Koh Tarutao. Guided Adventures: Recommended trips from travel guides let you explore beyond Koh Bulon's beaches.


In the embrace of Koh Bulon's beauty, time seems to slow down. As you leave the island, its serene spirit and memorable moments will stay with you, reminding you of the paradise you've experienced.

Things to Know:

Cash is King: Remember to carry enough Thai Baht as there are limited ATMs on the island.

Show Cultural Respect: While the island has a laid-back vibe, remember to dress modestly and honor local customs. Disconnect from the digital world due to limited internet connection.

Keep the Island Beautiful: Help by reducing waste and respecting the ecosystem.

Peak Season Planning: Plan your visit between November and April to make the most of the pleasant weather and vibrant marine life.

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  • {p} {c} per person
Speedboat / Fairus

Speed Boat

Bundhaya Speedboat

Bundhaya Speedboat has 2 types of boats there are 3 engines for 45 seats and 4 engines for 75 seats.






クラダン島の穏やかな雰囲気やピピ島の活気ある魅力を発見してください - 私たちのサービスは、これらの素晴らしい場所にスムーズにリンクします。サトゥンパクバラ・スピードボートクラブでは、単なる移動手段ではなく、お客様と一緒に素敵な思い出を作ることを目的としています。冒険と驚嘆の世界へご案内する、あなたの海のパートナーとして、私たちを頼ってください。


ミッション サトゥンパクバラスピードボートクラブは、旅行者が安全で簡単な方法でタイの素晴らしい島々を探索するお手伝いをしたいと考えています。私たちと一緒に旅をしている間、お客様が素晴らしい時間を過ごし、快適に過ごせるようにしたいと考えています。

私たちのビジョン 私たちは、タイの美しい島々へのスムーズで信頼できる乗り物を求める旅行者にとって、一番の選択肢でありたいと考えています。私たちの目標は、安全性とサービスの質を最重要視しながら、探検への情熱を奨励することです。




効率的な輸送: タイで最も愛されている島々を結ぶ、手間のかからない効率的な輸送サービスをお楽しみください。

安全優先: 熟練したクルーと整備されたスピードボートはお客様の安全を第一に考え、安全な航海をお約束します。

複数の目的地: 魅惑的なリペ島から絵のように美しいンガイ島まで、様々な魅惑的な目的地を探索してください。

便利さ: ご予約は簡単で、定刻通りの出発でストレスのない旅をお約束します。

一目でわかる 運航会社が提供する目的地の一部


ピピ島アドベンチャー: 手つかずのビーチと活気あふれるナイトライフで、ピピ島の伝説的な魅力を発見してください。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

クラダン島ゲッタウェイ 透明度の高い海と柔らかい砂浜が待つ、静かな楽園クラダン島を体験してください。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

ンガイ島エクスカーション: ンガイ島の静かな海岸でくつろぎ、この隠れた宝石の美しさに浸ってください。詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。


ブンダヤ・スピード・ボート - 島の冒険を高速で!





Bundhaya Speed Boatの使命は、シームレスな島々のつながりを求める旅行者に選ばれることです。私たちはリペ島やその他の魅力的な目的地へ、効率的で楽しいスピードボートサービスを提供することをお約束します。安全性と顧客満足度を重視し、ブンダヤ・スピードボートはすべてのお客様に忘れられない思い出を作ることを目指しています。


迅速で効率的: ブンダヤ・スピードボートは迅速な接続を提供し、より多くの時間を探索に費やし、移動時間を短縮します。

安全性と快適性: 最新の高速ボートは安全性を優先し、すべてのお客様に快適な乗り心地を提供します。

島の専門知識: 経験豊富なクルーが地元を知り尽くし、貴重な洞察力で島での体験をより豊かなものにします。

便利な予約: ユーザーフレンドリーなオンラインプラットフォームで、スピードボートの旅を素早く簡単にご予約いただけます。

壮大な景色 アンダマン海と島々の息をのむような景色をお楽しみください。


