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Koh Mook Pier 情報

Koh Mook Pier

Discover Ease and Beauty at Koh Mook Pier


Welcome to the serene Koh Mook Pier, the starting point for an island adventure like no other. Resting gently on Koh Mook island in the Andaman Sea, this enchanting pier welcomes you with open arms.

This pier isn't like the usual ones – it's like a special door to a calm and beautiful place. Here, the sand is soft under your feet, and the water is clear. This is where you start a journey of peace and relaxation that will make your heart happy.

Imagine standing on this pier, surrounded by the soothing blue waters of the Andaman Sea. Koh Mook is not only an island; it's a unique spot with hidden secrets ready for you to discover. When you step onto the pier, each footstep takes you on an adventure. This adventure comes with promises of beauty, discoveries, and moments that will stick in your memory forever.

Feel the softness of the white sands under your feet and see the water's surface shining. This is what it's like at Koh Mook Pier. Here, time feels like it's moving slower, so you can enjoy the simple joys of nature. This pier is like a bridge to a world where the beauty of nature is the main star.

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will leave you in awe? Koh Mook Pier is your gateway, your passage to the captivating wonders that await on the island and beyond. As you step onto the pier, you're stepping into a world where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. Let your adventure begin – Koh Mook Pier is just the beginning of a memorable exploration.


Koh Mook Pier is your portal to a paradise embraced by the Andaman Sea. With its great location, you're 30 minutes away from the captivating allure of Koh Ngai and the famed Charlie Beach. Take a longtail boat, and let the sea breeze guide you to the white sands that stretch along the island's coastline.

Island Gem in the Andaman Sea: Imagine Koh Mook Pier as a special gem held by the Andaman Sea. Think of it like finding a treasure that takes you to a super calm and amazing island. Koh Mook is part of the Andaman Sea, and it's like a guarantee of beauty and really pretty scenes.

The water around the pier is like a door to a world of adventure. Every moment here could bring new and awesome things to discover.

This island in the Andaman Sea is like a special show by nature. It has pretty beaches with white sand, and when you look underwater, you can see colorful and cool life. It's a way to understand how amazing nature truly is.

Koh Mook Pier is proof of the beauty waiting here. When you're on this island, time feels slower, and being by the Andaman Sea brings a calm feeling to your heart.

One of the highlights is the Morakot Cave, also known as the Emerald Cave, which sits hidden within Koh Mook. Go on an adventure into the dark mystery of the cave. Only the light of your torches will guide you.

When you come out, you'll be in a secret lagoon. All around you are tall cliffs that are amazing to see, and everything's so green and alive.

Want to know how people here live each day? Go see Kuan Tung Ku Pier. You'll watch fishing boats gently move with the waves, showing how the island's people work.

And if that isn't thrilling, prepare yourself to visit well-known places such as Koh Phi Phi and the Trang Islands. These spots, including Koh Kradan and Koh Ngai, are really popular. These places are in the Andaman Sea and provide even more opportunities for fun exploring and having a good time.

Places to Explore: If you want a day full of adventures, go on a trip to Koh Kradan. There, you'll find beautiful white sand beaches and the Emerald Cave that's really cool. Or, you can travel to lovely Koh Ngai, an island with amazing beauty and a calm feeling in the Andaman Sea.

Exploring Koh Muk's Charms: As you step onto Koh Mook Pier, you're not just arriving at a transportation hub; you're embarking on a journey to discover the hidden treasures of Koh Muk. Koh Muk, often referred to as Koh Mook, is a paradise within reach. With the pier as your starting point, you're on the threshold of a captivating realm where white sands meet turquoise waters.

From the mesmerizing Morakot Cave to the tranquil shores of Charlie Beach, Koh Muk unfolds its charms in every corner. With each wave that gently caresses the shore, the island's allure becomes more apparent. Koh Mook Pier is your gateway to a destination that promises not just a visit, but an immersion into the essence of Koh Muk's captivating beauty.

Venturing Beyond: While Koh Mook Pier is your entryway to the wonders of Koh Mook, it also beckons you to explore nearby marvels like the charming Koh Lanta. Just a boat ride away, Koh Lanta offers a different facet of island life. With its laid-back vibe and pristine beaches, it's a haven for those seeking a slower pace.

Go from Koh Mook Pier to Koh Lanta, and you'll see how easily you move from one amazing place to another. Remember the fun times on these nearby islands, as the excitement of finding new things continues in the Andaman Sea.

National Parks: Koh Mook Pier is not just a passage to paradise; it's a doorway to the treasures of national parks. Surrounding the pier are some of Thailand's most cherished national parks, each a sanctuary for diverse ecosystems. The Andaman Sea embraces these safe places, giving you a chance to see nature's wonderful beauty that nobody has changed.

Whether you enjoy checking out the incredible sea life in marine national parks or the beautiful land-based ones with lots of green, the journey from Koh Mook Pier leads you to these living showcases of many amazing things. While you're exploring the beauty of Koh Mook, keep in mind that you're part of a big journey that involves national parks and work to protect nature.

The wonderful thing about Koh Mook Pier is that it's beautiful all through the year. But picking the right time to go can make your visit even better. From November to April, it's the dry season, and the weather is really nice.

The skies are clear, and the winds are gentle, which makes it a great time to go explore places like Koh Ngai and the Morakot Cave, which are close by. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts will find the crystal-clear waters during this period an inviting playground to discover marine wonders.

On the other hand, the monsoon season, from May to October, brings occasional rainfall and a more tranquil ambiance. This time is perfect for those seeking solitude and serene moments amidst the lush landscapes. If you like the exciting vibes of the dry season or the calm and peaceful feeling of the monsoon, Koh Mook Pier always has a special experience waiting for you, no matter the time of year.


When the sun goes down and the sky turns warm colors, you might not want to leave Koh Mook Pier. Many people keep coming back here every year because the island has something really special that holds them. If you want to relax, find secret spots, or enjoy nature's beauty, Koh Mook Pier gives you an experience you'll always remember.

Things to Know:

Emerald Cave: Make sure you don't skip the Morakot Cave. It's a really cool place in nature that gets more beautiful the deeper you go inside. So, if you're up for an adventure, don't miss out on checking out the Morakot Cave!

Get ready for a fun island hopping experience! Koh Mook Pier is like your starting point for exciting adventures.

You can hop from one island to another, and guess what? Famous places like Koh Phi Phi and the Trang Islands are on the list. So, get ready to explore these well-known spots and have a blast while island hopping from Koh Mook Pier!

Crystal Clarity: The crystalline waters surrounding Koh Mook Pier are perfect for snorkeling, revealing a mesmerizing underwater world.

Perfect Timing: Plan your visit for a truly memorable experience; each season paints a different masterpiece of colors and moods.

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  • {p} {c} per person
Bundhaya Speedboat

Bundhaya Speedboat has 2 types of boats there are 3 engines for 45 seats and 4 engines for 75 seats.

Speedboat / Fairus

Speed Boat






クラダン島の穏やかな雰囲気やピピ島の活気ある魅力を発見してください - 私たちのサービスは、これらの素晴らしい場所にスムーズにリンクします。サトゥンパクバラ・スピードボートクラブでは、単なる移動手段ではなく、お客様と一緒に素敵な思い出を作ることを目的としています。冒険と驚嘆の世界へご案内する、あなたの海のパートナーとして、私たちを頼ってください。


ミッション サトゥンパクバラスピードボートクラブは、旅行者が安全で簡単な方法でタイの素晴らしい島々を探索するお手伝いをしたいと考えています。私たちと一緒に旅をしている間、お客様が素晴らしい時間を過ごし、快適に過ごせるようにしたいと考えています。

私たちのビジョン 私たちは、タイの美しい島々へのスムーズで信頼できる乗り物を求める旅行者にとって、一番の選択肢でありたいと考えています。私たちの目標は、安全性とサービスの質を最重要視しながら、探検への情熱を奨励することです。




効率的な輸送: タイで最も愛されている島々を結ぶ、手間のかからない効率的な輸送サービスをお楽しみください。

安全優先: 熟練したクルーと整備されたスピードボートはお客様の安全を第一に考え、安全な航海をお約束します。

複数の目的地: 魅惑的なリペ島から絵のように美しいンガイ島まで、様々な魅惑的な目的地を探索してください。

便利さ: ご予約は簡単で、定刻通りの出発でストレスのない旅をお約束します。

一目でわかる 運航会社が提供する目的地の一部


ピピ島アドベンチャー: 手つかずのビーチと活気あふれるナイトライフで、ピピ島の伝説的な魅力を発見してください。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

クラダン島ゲッタウェイ 透明度の高い海と柔らかい砂浜が待つ、静かな楽園クラダン島を体験してください。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

ンガイ島エクスカーション: ンガイ島の静かな海岸でくつろぎ、この隠れた宝石の美しさに浸ってください。詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。











超簡単な旅: 当社のフェリーサービスは、旅を本当に便利にしてくれます。ランタ島とランタ島をスムーズに結んでいるので、2つの島を移動するのは本当に簡単です。

快適な旅: 当社のフェリーで快適な旅に出かけましょう。素敵な景色を眺めることができ、期待通りの楽しい旅になります。

簡単な旅行シフト: 私たちのフェリーはランタ島とランタ島を本当にスムーズに行き来できます。まるでシンプルな島めぐりの冒険のようです。
あなたのために 私たちはお客様が楽しく快適に過ごせるよう尽力しています。お客様のニーズに合わせて旅をカスタマイズし、喜びをお届けします。

一目でわかる 私たちが提供する目的地

プーケット 賑やかな雰囲気と息をのむようなビーチが魅力のプーケット。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

ランタ島 ランタ島からランタ島の魅力を再発見してください。フェリーの乗り継ぎが簡単なので、ランタ島の賑やかな文化と美しい景色に浸ってください。詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。

ピピ島 ピピ島の自然の美しさと賑やかなナイトライフに飛び込み、忘れられない島の冒険に出かけましょう。詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。




ブンダヤ・スピード・ボート - 島の冒険を高速で!





Bundhaya Speed Boatの使命は、シームレスな島々のつながりを求める旅行者に選ばれることです。私たちはリペ島やその他の魅力的な目的地へ、効率的で楽しいスピードボートサービスを提供することをお約束します。安全性と顧客満足度を重視し、ブンダヤ・スピードボートはすべてのお客様に忘れられない思い出を作ることを目指しています。


迅速で効率的: ブンダヤ・スピードボートは迅速な接続を提供し、より多くの時間を探索に費やし、移動時間を短縮します。

安全性と快適性: 最新の高速ボートは安全性を優先し、すべてのお客様に快適な乗り心地を提供します。

島の専門知識: 経験豊富なクルーが地元を知り尽くし、貴重な洞察力で島での体験をより豊かなものにします。

便利な予約: ユーザーフレンドリーなオンラインプラットフォームで、スピードボートの旅を素早く簡単にご予約いただけます。

壮大な景色 アンダマン海と島々の息をのむような景色をお楽しみください。


