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Lanta Petpailin 情報

Lanta Petpailin










超簡単な旅: 当社のフェリーサービスは、旅を本当に便利にしてくれます。ランタ島とランタ島をスムーズに結んでいるので、2つの島を移動するのは本当に簡単です。

快適な旅: 当社のフェリーで快適な旅に出かけましょう。素敵な景色を眺めることができ、期待通りの楽しい旅になります。

簡単な旅行シフト: 私たちのフェリーはランタ島とランタ島を本当にスムーズに行き来できます。まるでシンプルな島めぐりの冒険のようです。
あなたのために 私たちはお客様が楽しく快適に過ごせるよう尽力しています。お客様のニーズに合わせて旅をカスタマイズし、喜びをお届けします。

一目でわかる 私たちが提供する目的地

プーケット 賑やかな雰囲気と息をのむようなビーチが魅力のプーケット。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

ランタ島 ランタ島からランタ島の魅力を再発見してください。フェリーの乗り継ぎが簡単なので、ランタ島の賑やかな文化と美しい景色に浸ってください。詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。

ピピ島 ピピ島の自然の美しさと賑やかなナイトライフに飛び込み、忘れられない島の冒険に出かけましょう。詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。




  • {pc}

  • {p} {c} per person
Phi Phi Cruiser

Ferry from Phi Phi Island to Phuket and Phuket to Phi Phi Island.

Lanta Petpailin

Ferry from Koh Lanta to Phi Phi Island and return

Koh Ngai Pier

Koh Ngai Pier: Your Simple Start to Island Hopping


Nestled in Thailand's enchanting region, Koh Ngai Pier is a gateway to some of the most beautiful islands in the country, including Koh Lanta and Koh Kradan. It's a place where travelers gather to start their journey, eager to explore the east coast's famous small islands, sandy beaches, and beautiful beach resorts.


Starting from Koh Ngai Pier, you can easily hop onto a longtail boat for a scenic journey. The waters around are dotted with islands like Koh Phi Phi and Koh Lipe, each offering a slice of paradise with their beautiful beaches and clear waters. Koh Phi Phi, in particular, is a haven of activity with its vibrant atmosphere, while Koh Lipe offers a more laid-back experience, perfect for those seeking peace on a small island.

A short 30 minutes boat ride from the pier takes you to the Emerald Cave, a remarkable natural wonder that's a must-visit for anyone in the area. The cave's interior, lit by natural light, creates an ethereal and memorable experience.

Koh Ngai Pier also serves as a perfect starting point for day trips to other islands. Koh Rok, for instance, is a less crowded option, offering quiet, pristine beaches, and Koh Kradan is known for its crystal-clear waters ideal for snorkeling and exploring the vibrant coral reefs. For those visiting during the rainy season, the landscape takes on a different but equally mesmerizing character. The rain adds a fresh, lush feel to the surroundings, making it a unique time to explore these islands.

When it comes to lodging, the area around Koh Ngai Pier doesn't disappoint. From luxury beach resorts to cozy bungalows, there's something to suit every preference and budget. Paradise Beach, highly recommended for its breathtaking views, is a spot where many travelers find themselves lingering longer than planned.


Koh Ngai Pier isn't just a departure point; it's the beginning of an adventure across some of the most stunning islands in Thailand. It's where journeys to explore sandy beaches, coral reefs, and beautiful islands begin. Whether you're looking for a quick day trip or an extended stay in paradise, this pier is your starting line.

Please take a moment to Check the feedback from our valued customers. We also welcome you to share here your own experiences with us.

If you have any questions or need assistance, we encourage you to visit our help page and leave a message. Your feedback is important to us, and we are here to assist you.

Old Town Pier

オールド・タウン・ピア ランタ島のエッセンスを取り入れる


歴史を垣間見る ランタ島オールドタウン桟橋は、その機能的な役割を超えて、島の海洋遺産を要約しています。その長さを歩くと、風化した板が海の冒険の物語を囁いているようです。オールド・タウン桟橋はランタ島の歴史への通路であり、時の歩哨として佇んでいます。



文化の融合: 海ジプシーと寺院 桟橋の境界を越えて、文化の調和を目撃してみましょう。シー・ジプシーは東海岸の文化に深い影響を与えてきました。その近くには、献身と信仰の象徴として活気あふれる中国寺院が建っている。この2つの世界が融合し、伝統がシームレスに絡み合う雰囲気を作り出している。

料理の楽しみ 島の饗宴 ランタ島の真髄を味わうには、その味を堪能することです。有名なピント・レストラン(Pinto Restaurant)に入れば、料理の傑作に命が吹き込まれます。タイ料理は、島の豊かさと料理の伝統を物語るものです。一皿一皿が味覚の探求であり、美食を通してランタ島オールドタウンの本質とつながるのです。ランタ島オールドタウンでの食事:そこで料理を味わうとき、あなたはまさに島の核心にいるのです。ランタ島オールドタウンで食事をすると決めたら、島のおいしい食の歴史を探検することになります。







西海岸の楽しみ 自然のシンフォニー 東海岸が文化の物語を紡ぐ一方で、西海岸は自然のシンフォニーを披露します。黄金色の砂浜と紺碧の海が織り成す静寂。波の下には豊かな海洋世界が広がり、熱帯雨林は緑豊かな多様性の物語をささやく。ランタ島の西海岸では、自然が主役となり、その壮大さに浸ってください。

唯一無二の場所 旅行スポットという大きな世界の中で、ランタ島は貴重な宝石のような存在です。他のどこともまったく違う体験ができる特別な場所だからです。文化への没入、自然の美しさ、フレンドリーなもてなしの融合が、ランタ島を際立たせるタペストリーを作り出しています。


全体性の旅 オールド・タウン桟橋は単なる建造物ではなく、ランタ島の魂への通路なのだ。海ジプシーの伝統から中国寺院の色合いまで、あらゆる要素がこの島の複雑なタペストリーの糸となっています。桟橋から外を眺めながら、文化、自然、歴史の出会いの場にいることを思い出してください。


伝統を守る オールド・タウン桟橋は、海ジプシーの伝統とランタ島の歴史の証です。

東洋と西洋の出会い 東海岸の豊かな文化と西海岸の美しい自然は、バランスの取れた体験を提供します。

料理の旅: ピント・レストランでのお食事は、ランタ島の味を探求する食の旅です。

シームレスな探検: オールド・タウン・ピアは、30分以内で島めぐりの冒険ができる玄関口です。

自然のハーモニー: ランタ島の海岸は、波の下でも陸上でも自然の調和を見ることができます。

Beach Jetty

Koh Kradan Beach Jetty: Your Gateway to Island Beauty!


Welcome to the enchanting Koh Kradan Beach Jetty! Nestled on the shores of Koh Kradan, this gateway unveils the pristine paradise of Sunset Beach and beyond. Koh Kradan, a jewel in the Andaman Sea, awaits your discovery. From the white sands to the crystal-clear waters, your island adventure begins here.

Nestled in the heart of the Andaman Sea, Koh Kradan stands as a tranquil haven. When you walk onto the Koh Kradan Beach Jetty, you'll see the beautiful turquoise waters stretching towards the horizon.

Sunset Beach, a secluded gem on Koh Kradan, is a short stroll from the jetty. The golden sands make it the perfect spot to relax and enjoy the beauty of the sunset over the waves.

The jetty is your portal not only to Koh Kradan but also to neighboring paradises like Koh Ngai. Embark on a journey via a longtail boat to explore the beautiful beaches and coral reefs that grace the Andaman Sea.

For those seeking luxury, Reef Resort on Koh Kradan offers an escape into comfort and natural beauty. Indulge in stunning ocean views, beachfront villas, and easy access to the wonders of the sea.

Arriving from Trang Airport? The jetty welcomes you warmly, ensuring a smooth transition from the bustling airport to the island's serenity. Just a boat ride away are the white sands of Koh Kradan.

Paradise Beach lives up to its name with its powdery white sand and crystal-clear waters. The jetty is your entry point to this paradise, where relaxation and natural beauty converge.

You'll often spot longtail boats near Koh Kradan Beach Jetty. They're like water taxis, ready to take you to places like Hat Chao Mai National Park with its mangrove-rich coastline.

Venture further to Koh Lanta or Koh Lipe from the jetty. From vibrant night scenes to waiting-to-be-explored stunning coral reefs, these neighboring islands offer their own charm.

Koh Libong, another nearby gem, presents a quieter escape. Immerse yourself in local culture and laid-back vibes as you journey beyond the jetty's horizon.

Emerald Cave, a mesmerizing sea cave nearby, beckons the adventurous souls. Explore its emerald-hued waters and discover a hidden world of wonder beneath the limestone cliffs.

Kradan Beach Resort, situated near the jetty, provides a range of lodging for every traveler. Tailored to your desires, your stay on Koh Kradan ranges from cozy bungalows to sea-view suites. Don't miss the chance to explore the vibrant coral reefs beneath the Andaman Sea. Snorkel or dive and witness the kaleidoscope of marine life that calls these reefs home.

The shimmering waters of the Andaman Sea are an invitation for island hopping. Koh Kradan Beach Jetty makes it easy to island-hop to Koh Lipe, known for its stunning beaches and lively atmosphere.

Looking for a laid-back atmosphere? Seas Resort, located conveniently near the jetty, offers a cozy retreat where you can unwind in the lap of nature.


Koh Kradan is Located in Paradise: Nestled in the embrace of the Andaman Sea, Koh Kradan sits at the crossroads of beauty and tranquility. Its strategic location makes the Koh Kradan Beach Jetty the perfect starting point for your island escapade.

Visit Koh Kradan - A Must-Experience: If you're seeking a slice of heaven on earth, look no further than Koh Kradan. The Koh Kradan Beach Jetty invites you to start a journey filled with memorable moments, pristine shores, and blue waters. Visit Koh Kradan, and let its natural allure leave an indelible mark on your heart.

Welcome to Koh Kradan's Beauty: The jetty isn't just where you arrive; it's your invitation to the wonders of Koh Kradan. As you step onto this spot, you're setting foot on the most stunning beach on earth. It's a place teeming with marine life and blessed with sunsets that paint the sky in hues of orange and gold.

A Journey Beyond the Ordinary: Your visit to Koh Kradan is a journey into the extraordinary. You'll discover Sunset Beach, Paradise Beach, and venture to nearby islands like Koh Ngai and Koh Lipe on the east coast.

Discover the Coral Kingdom: Beneath the gentle waves along Koh Kradan's shores lies a hidden world of coral reefs. Dive into the emerald waters of the Andaman Sea to witness the vibrant marine life that resides among these reefs.

Planning Your Visit: Planning to visit Koh Kradan? The Koh Kradan Beach Jetty is your compass. Arrive via the nearby Trang Airport, and let the jetty welcome you into its tranquil embrace. From there, you're just a boat ride away from the island's stunning vistas and laid-back atmosphere.

Going Beyond: The Koh Kradan Beach Jetty isn't just a starting point; it's a connection that leads you to neighboring islands like Koh Lanta. Koh Lanta is famous for its diverse landscapes and lively culture.Explore beyond borders, and create a tapestry of memories.

Kradan Beach Resort - Your Island Home: Regarding lodging, Koh Kradan provides a variety of options to accommodate the preferences of every traveler. Situated conveniently close to the jetty, Kradan Beach Resort presents a diverse range of choices to guarantee an enjoyable and memorable stay.

Preserving Paradise: As you visit Koh Kradan, remember that its natural beauty is delicate. Take care to respect the island's ecosystems, from its coral reefs to its pristine beaches. Leave only footprints and carry back memories that will last a lifetime.

Visit Koh Kradan - Where Memories Begin: In the heart of the Andaman Sea, Koh Kradan beckons you with open arms. Let the Koh Kradan Beach Jetty lead the way, offering you the chance to explore, relax, and make memories that will always be remembered.


Within the embrace of Koh Kradan Beach Jetty, a world of both adventure and tranquility awaits. As you discover the island, from coral reefs to Sunset Beach's golden sands, remember that each moment is a precious treasure.

Things to Know:

Resort Splendors: Indulge in the luxury of Reef Resort and Seas Resort, both within easy reach of the jetty. Enjoy comfort and ocean views as you relax in style.

A Diver's Paradise: Koh Kradan's coral reefs are a haven for divers of all levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced diver, the underwater world here is sure to captivate you.

Local Delights: Explore beyond the jetty to savor local flavors at beachside eateries. Taste the essence of Thai cuisine as you dine with the sand beneath your toes.

Respect Nature: While enjoying the beauty of Koh Kradan, remember to respect its fragile ecosystems. Follow eco-friendly practices to ensure the island's natural wonders endure.

Island Hopping Tips: Planning to visit Koh Ngai, Koh Lanta, or Koh Lipe? Check boat schedules and explore these neighboring islands for unique experiences that complement your Koh Kradan adventure.