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Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd. 情報

Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd.

セイル・トゥ・パラダイス ロンプラヤの高速アドベンチャー!




タオ島を発見しよう : ダイバーのパラダイス


パンガン島でリラックス : 自然の隠れ家


サムイ島を体験しよう : トロピカルな宝石














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  • {p} {c} per person

Speedboat for Koh Samui - Koh Phangan - Koh Tao - Chumphon Pier.


A/C MINI VAN 15 Seats

NAMUANG Catamaran

NAMUANG Catamaran YEAR : 2004 Lenght : 26 meters Capacity : 260 passengers

Mae Haad Pier

Mae Haad Pier: Your Island Adventure Starting Point


Imagine the moment you step onto the beautiful Mae Haad Pier, nestled on the serene north-western shores of Koh Tao. It's more than just a place for boats; it's your entryway to all the amazing things this island offers.


Positioned in the peaceful north-west, this pier is like a shortcut to the quiet and beauty of this part of Koh Tao. As you step off the boat, you're greeted by amazing views of the coastline and the clear blue waters that stretch ahead. But this pier is more than a spot for boats – it's a place where you can start your journey, exploring the exciting heart and the peaceful corners of Koh Tao.

Take a trip to the secret paradise of Jansom Bay, right near the ferry pier. The water here is so clear you can see all the way to the bottom, and there are lots of colorful fish and things to see. When you go snorkeling, you'll feel like you're in another world, surrounded by pretty corals and curious fish. The bay is so peaceful that you'll want to spend time just relaxing and enjoying the natural beauty.

If you walk a little from the pier, you'll find Mae Haad Beach, a truly lovely place. The sand is soft and nice to walk on, and the water is perfect for swimming. Being so close to the pier means you can easily go between the beach and the pier, so you get the best of both worlds – the chill beach life and the exciting stuff happening at the pier.

But the cool things on Koh Tao aren't only on the land; they're also under the water. Go to Koh Ma, which is pretty close, and you'll see a special sand bar that connects the small island to the main one. This natural happening makes it perfect for snorkeling and checking out the sea life. The water isn't too deep, so you can see lots of tropical fish and colorful corals up close.

Mae Haad Pier isn't just a way to get to Koh Tao – it's also how you get to other cool places like Koh Phangan and Koh Samui.

You board a high-speed ferry, and suddenly, you've arrived at your destination in a swift manner. Each place has its own fun stuff to do. You can dance at the Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan or explore the interesting things on Koh Samui. With Mae Haad Pier, your options are endless.

For exploring the island, phuketferry.com has your back. They give you tips and links to different places you can check out.

You can visit Maenam Pier on Koh Samui, where you'll find peaceful scenes and beautiful views. Or, you can visit the splendid Mae Haad Beach located on the island of Koh Phangan.. Mae Haad Pier is like the starting line for all your adventures.

When you step onto Mae Haad Pier, you're stepping into a world of endless adventures. This lively pier isn't just a door – it's your key to Koh Tao's beauty and more.

Let the gentle waves and stunning sights lead you to exciting journeys. Start your island adventure now with phuketferry.com and get ready for fun, nature, and memories that will stay with you forever.

Mae Haad Pier is more than a pier—it's your gateway to a world of island adventures waiting to unfold. Imagine stepping onto its wooden planks, situated gracefully on Koh Tao's tranquil north-western shores. This iconic pier serves not only as a point of arrival and departure but also as a portal to the enchanting treasures that define the serene north-west of the island.

As you disembark from the ferry, a breathtaking panorama of the coastline and the azure expanse of the sea welcomes you, setting the stage for a remarkable journey ahead. Positioned strategically, this pier isn't merely a docking point; it's a hub of exploration, offering seamless access to both the vibrant heart and the serene corners of Koh Tao.

Let your curiosity guide you to the nearby Jansom Bay, a hidden gem that lies in the vicinity of the ferry pier. Its crystalline waters hold a world of wonder beneath the surface, where vibrant marine life dances among colorful corals. Exploring this underwater haven through snorkeling is like stepping into a living aquarium, with each glance revealing new marvels. The serenity of the bay forms an ideal setting for unwinding, offering you a chance to detach from the world and bond with the encompassing natural beauty.

Taking a leisurely stroll from the pier, you'll find yourself on Mae Haad Beach, a pristine haven for unwinding. The soft sands beckon you to sink your toes into their warmth, while the gentle waves invite you to take a refreshing dip.

What's remarkable is the close proximity of this beach to the pier, enabling you to effortlessly transition between the soothing embrace of the shoreline and the vibrant energy of the pier's activities. This harmonious blend embodies the essence of the island's laid-back lifestyle, ensuring you can enjoy both relaxation and excitement in perfect harmony.

However, the charm of Koh Tao goes well past what meets the eye, extending into the underwater world and even reaching out to the nearby islands. Venture to Koh Ma, a short distance away, where a captivating sand bar connects the small islet to the main island. This natural phenomenon creates an aquatic playground, ideal for snorkeling and observing marine life in their natural habitat. The shallow waters of the sand bar provide an intimate encounter with tropical fish and vibrant corals, inviting you to immerse yourself in a world of underwater splendor.

Mae Haad Pier isn't merely a gateway to Koh Tao; it's also your portal to neighboring paradises like Koh Phangan and Koh Samui. High-speed ferries whisk you away to these captivating destinations, each with its own distinctive allure. From the vibrant celebrations of the Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan to the cultural abundance of Koh Samui, the options are both varied and thrilling. Mae Haad Pier serves as your gateway to embark on these explorations. To make island hopping seamless, rely on the expertise of phuketferry.com.

Using their tips and helpful links, you can fully embrace your journey with complete ease and enthusiasm. Whether it's the serene vistas of Maenam Pier on Koh Samui or the enchanting Mae Haad Beach on Koh Phangan, Mae Haad Pier sets the stage for an expedition brimming with discovery.

As you step onto Mae Pier, you're embarking on more than just a journey—it's a gateway to discovery, adventure, and cherished memories. Let these tips be your compass as you venture around the island and more, making sure you're not just having a great time but also leaving a positive mark on the environment and the local community. Start your island adventure now with phuketferry.com and let the exploration begin!

With each step onto Mae Haad Pier, you step into a world of boundless exploration. Beyond being a mere pier, it serves as your gateway to Koh Tao's splendor and beyond. Let the gentle lapping of waves and the awe-inspiring vistas guide you toward unforgettable journeys.

Embark on your island adventure today with phuketferry.com and be prepared for an odyssey filled with fun, nature, and memories that will forever illuminate your heart.

Things to Know

As you embark on your island adventure starting from Mae Haad Pier, here are some valuable tips to keep in mind:

Respect Nature: When snorkeling in Jansom Bay, practice responsible techniques to preserve the marine ecosystem's delicate balance. Be a mindful snorkeler and ensure the underwater world remains pristine for generations to come.

Effortless Travel: Mae Haad Pier isn't just any pier—it's your gateway to swift high-speed ferry connections, making island hopping a breeze.Don't miss out on the chance to easily explore nearby islands. Use these convenient and stress-free transportation options to make the most of your adventure.

Local Flavors: Immerse yourself in the lively ambiance of Mae Haad Village, a stone's throw from the ferry pier. Indulge in the island's authentic culinary delights, savoring the unique flavors that define Koh Tao's culture.

Dive into the local culture by mingling with the community, giving you a precious peek into their traditions and everyday routines. Connecting with the locals provides a chance to delve into the island's essence, fostering a deeper connection to its authentic spirit.

Nature's Masterpiece: Don't miss the opportunity to witness the breathtaking sunset at Sairee Beach. As the sky and sea blend in a stunning display of colors, this natural spectacle promises a moment of tranquility and beauty.

With these essential tips, you're well-equipped to make the most of your island journey starting from Mae Haad Pier. By embracing these insights, you won't just enhance your adventure; you'll also contribute to preserving the island's natural splendor and its culturally rich heritage. So, step onto the pier with confidence, knowing that you're ready to embrace the wonders that Koh Tao has to offer.

Saladan Pier

サラダン桟橋 ランタ島のビーチ、そして料理の楽しみ







サラダン・ビレッジ ランタ島の中心にあるサラダン・ビレッジは、島の多様な文化に触れられる場所です。サラダン・ビレッジの通りを歩けば、地元の伝統と世界的な文化が融合しているのがわかるでしょう。この融合が、サラダン・ビレッジをランタ島の魅惑的な歴史のスナップショットに形作っているのです。


ロングビーチはその魅力で手招きしている: のどかなビーチでのんびり過ごしたい人にぴったりの楽園だ。島の南海岸に沿って広がるこの手つかずの砂浜と海は、リラクゼーションの楽園です。




島の南部を訪れることを強くお勧めします: 美しい景色、興味深い文化的な場所、そして穏やかな気分に浸ることができます。美しい景色、興味深い文化的な場所、落ち着いた雰囲気があります。これらは長く記憶に残ることでしょう。

サラダン・ピアの活気 サラダン桟橋は、島と本土、そして海外とのつながりの証です。発着する場所として、桟橋はランタ島とのシームレスな旅を保証します。このように、何の心配もなく島の美しさを完全に楽しむことができます。

ランタ島の美しさ ランタ島は自然の驚異、文化的な出会い、素晴らしい瞬間のシンフォニーです。島のビーチからサラダン村の雰囲気まで、ランタ島はあなたを探検に誘います。


ランタ・ノイ島の静かな孤独: 時が止まったような静かな島、ランタ・ノイ島の隠れた静けさを発見してください。ランタ島を訪れたら、ランタ・ノイでの穏やかなひとときを体験せずには終われません。

ランタ島での滞在 豪華なビーチフロントのリゾートか、自然に囲まれた居心地の良いバンガローをお選びください。ランタ島での滞在は、快適さと本物のつながりをお約束します。心地よい波の音で目覚め、島の静けさに包まれましょう。

ランタ・アニマル・ウェルフェア ランタ・アニマル・ウェルフェアは、島の動物たちの世話に尽力している団体です。彼らの保護施設に行き、プロジェクトを手伝うことは、動物たちの世話に参加することです。


ランタ島国立公園を発見する 自然が好きなら、ランタ島国立公園のさまざまな環境をチェックするのも楽しいでしょう。賑やかなトレイルを歩いたり、海洋生物であふれる水晶のような海を発見したり、この保護区の手つかずの魅力を満喫してください。

サラダン村: サラダン・ビレッジの土産物屋を覗いてみると、素敵な雑貨やハンドメイドのアートが目に飛び込んできます。ファンシーな布地が好きな人も、ユニークなお土産が好きな人も、これらのお店には島の一部を持ち帰ることができる。

プーケットへの旅に出かけよう: ビーチと活気あるマーケットで有名なプーケット。ビーチだけでなく、活気あふれる街でもあります。食べ物やお土産を売る屋台が並ぶマーケットを思い浮かべてください。プーケットにはアドベンチャーもあります。






ランタ島に別れを告げる: サラダン村、穏やかなクロン・コン、そして島の生活を思い出してください。サラダン桟橋は、あなたの思い出をまた戻ってくることにつなげてくれます。





Nathon Pier

Gateway to Samui Island: Nathon Pier Welcomes You!


Nathon Pier stands as the welcoming threshold to the captivating Samui Island, inviting you to step onto its shores with anticipation. This busy pier is more than just a stop. It helps you discover the heart of Samui where stunning views are waiting for you to explore.

With its dynamic ambiance and awe-inspiring surroundings, Nathon Pier is your inaugural step toward a remarkable island escapade. It is one of the best Ferry Piers in Samui.

Nathon Pier is like a lively hub on Samui Island where travelers can find hidden gems. It's more than just a place to get on and off ferries. It's a lively area that lets you experience the true spirit of Samui. The lively atmosphere and beautiful views at the pier set the stage for a relaxing and exciting journey on the island.


Nathon Pier is a busy harbor on Samui Island that warmly welcomes arriving ferries. Its strategic placement positions it as the perfect launching point for a journey of exploration, leading you toward Samui's enigmatic gems. Close to the lively pier, discover delightful shops, busy markets, and cozy cafes inviting you to experience real island living.

When you leave the ferry and step onto the pier, you'll sense the blue water and the sea breeze. This will help you appreciate Samui's beauty. As you walk along the pier, you'll see the coastline and hills, giving you a glimpse of the island's stunning beauty.

Make sure you don't miss the chance to enjoy the wonderful seafood and a variety of local treats at the nearby restaurants. It's a culinary adventure that's an important part of your entire island experience.

For those who seek to immerse themselves in local culture, Nathon Pier offers convenient access to lively local markets where vibrant textiles and handcrafted souvenirs come to life. Engaging with the welcoming locals while perusing the kaleidoscope of stalls creates a shared experience, allowing you to carry a piece of Samui's warmth back home with you.

Water Sports and Island Adventure: Seeking adventure? Head to the west coast of the island, near Lipa Noi, where water sports enthusiasts find their haven. The crystal-clear waters and gentle waves create an inviting playground for activities like snorkeling, kayaking, and paddleboarding. Delve into the underwater wonders and discover the rich tapestry of marine life that calls these shores home.

Food and Drink Delights: Your journey at Nathon Pier is not only a visual feast but a culinary odyssey that celebrates the island's flavors. Embrace the street food scene, where tantalizing aromas and bold flavors of Thai cuisine dance in the air. From aromatic curries to succulent seafood, the street food vendors offer a symphony of tastes that encapsulate the essence of Samui.

Nearby Destinations: Should your wanderlust extend beyond Nathon Pier, embark on ferry services that open doors to picturesque destinations like Koh Phangan and Koh Tao. These tropical paradises are easily accessible, allowing you to explore vibrant markets, witness cultural vibrancy, and dive into the underwater wonders that these islands hold. Koh Phangan's lively markets and handcrafted treasures beckon, while Koh Tao's crystalline waters and diverse marine life create a haven for diving enthusiasts.

And for a taste of local life, venture into the bustling walking street of Nathon. As the evening lights up, this vibrant thoroughfare transforms, adorned with stalls selling a medley of local handicrafts, textiles, and street food that caters to both your palate and your curiosity.

Visit Nathon and Discover: Make Nathon Pier your starting point and explore the enchanting side of the island. Wander through Nathon's charming streets and uncover a myriad of shops selling everything from intricate crafts to stylish clothing. Engage in the friendly banter with local artisans and find that perfect memento to carry a piece of Samui back with you.

Side of the Island Adventures: Venture beyond the vibrant hub of Nathon to the island's serene western side, where Lipa Noi's tranquil beaches await. Here, you can embrace the serenity of soft sands underfoot and bask in mesmerizing sunsets that paint the horizon. With its laid-back ambiance, Lipa Noi offers the perfect escape for those seeking a peaceful and rejuvenating retreat.

Practical Information: As you plan your journey to Nathon Pier, make note of the ferry schedule for seamless island hopping. The pier's central location and well-connected ferry services facilitate easy exploration of neighboring islands such as Koh Phangan and Koh Tao. If you're seeking a glimpse into Surat Thani Province's capital town, Nathon Koh Samui, you'll find it encapsulates the island's charm while offering insights into its local way of life.

In summation, Nathon Pier transcends its role as a passage; it becomes the threshold to Samui's treasures. With its lively environs, captivating destinations, and access to water sports and adventures, this pier beckons you to embark on a journey that encapsulates the very spirit of the island. Drawn to delicious food, cultural marvels, or exciting island adventures, Nathon Pier enthusiastically guides you into an exploration that captures the very essence of Samui.

Things to Know:

Island's Heartbeat: Nathon Pier is not just a passage; it's the vibrant heartbeat that connects you to Samui's core.

Scenic Harbor Views: Immerse yourself in picturesque seascapes as you disembark at Nathon Pier, setting the stage for your island adventure.

Local Culinary Delights: Indulge in the island's flavors with freshly caught seafood and local delicacies available at nearby eateries.

Cultural Souvenirs: Explore local markets for unique handcrafted souvenirs, allowing you to take home a piece of Samui's charm.

Gateway to Adventure: Beyond the pier, discover the awe-inspiring Ang Thong Marine Park and serene Fisherman's Village.