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Haad Rin Queen Pier 情報

Haad Rin Queen Pier

Unveiling Haad Rin Pier: Koh Phangan's Doorway to Paradise


At the southern tip of the beautiful island of Koh Phangan is a place called Haad Rin. People from all over the world come to visit it. Mainly because Haad Rin has some of the most beautiful white beaches you've ever seen. And when the sun goes down, the place comes alive with music and dancing. It's like a door that opens up to a really fun and exciting island adventure. If you come here, you'll have memories to cherish forever.


Haad Rin Pier is like the front door to the amazing island of Koh Phangan. Many people also call it "Haad Rin Queen Pier." The Haad Rin Pier is in a really good spot, right in the middle of the Gulf of Thailand. This means that if you're coming from the lively island of Koh Samui, it's easy to get to. And if you're looking for the calm and chill vibes of Ko Pha Ngan, you're in the right place too. There's also a big city called Surat Thani that's not too far away. This is great because if you're coming from Bangkok, you can easily get to Surat Thani and then hop over to Haad Rin Pier.

A mere 15 km from the renowned Thong Sala, Haad Rin Pier transcends its role as a mere mooring spot. Upon disembarking, you are immediately embraced by the breathtaking natural marvels of Koh Phangan.

Are you interested in a beach party? The legendary Full Moon Party at Haad Rin Nok Beach awaits, a pulsating blend of music, dance, and celebration like no other. Might you prefer a serene retreat? The serene beaches of Thong Nai Pan and Nai Pan Yai are perfect getaways.

From this distinguished pier, voyagers have the privilege to set forth to proximate landmarks and sights. The majestic Koh Tao and Ban Tai beckon just a short distance away, offering unparalleled coastal beauty. For aficionados of nature, the nearby national park serves as a sanctuary brimming with rich biodiversity. Additionally, for connoisseurs of history, the region resonates with narratives of the illustrious kings of Thailand, adding a layer of cultural depth to your seaside sojourn.


At its core, Haad Rin Pier is more than just a place to start your trip. It's like the main beat in a song that is all about your Koh Phangan journey. Whether you came for the sandy beaches, the fun parties, or just some peace and quiet, remember that it all kicks off from this special pier.

Things to Know:

Haad Rin Pier is the closest point to attend the world-renowned Full Moon Party. From Haad Rin, the quieter Thong Nai Pan and Nai Pan Yai beaches are just a short ride away. Direct boat services link Haad Rin Queen Pier to Koh Samui and Surat Thani.

If you would like to see more of Koh Phangan, there are plenty of local transport options to get you around.

Make sure to enjoy the scenic views as you approach the pier, especially during sunrise or sunset.

  • {pc}

  • {p} {c} per person


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