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Telaga Harbour 情報

Telaga Harbour

Langkawi to Koh Lipe: Set Sail from Telaga Harbour


Nestled in enchanting Langkawi lies the captivating Telaga Harbour, the perfect starting point for your journey to the tropical paradise of Koh Lipe. With its idyllic marina and easy access to Pantai Kok's beauty, Telaga Harbour is your passage to a memorable trip.

Telaga Harbour welcomes you with its serene marina and links you to Koh Lipe's allure. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-time explorer, this hub of leisure and adventure caters to all.

Your 90-minute boat ride from Telaga Harbour to Koh Lipe promises not just a journey, but an experience. The long-tail boat, a staple of local maritime culture, takes you on a visual feast of turquoise waters and breathtaking scenery.

For a seamless voyage, remember that at Telaga Harbour International Terminal, the check-in counter closes 30 minutes before departure. The courteous staff of Satun Pakbara Speedboat Club ensures your journey begins without a hitch.

As your boat glides towards Koh Lipe, leave behind the familiar and embrace the extraordinary. The fishing village of Koh Lipe beckons with its laid-back charm and vibrant culture.


Pantai Kok's Splendor: Begin your journey by soaking in Pantai Kok's beauty near Telaga Harbour. This pristine beach invites you to unwind and enjoy the warm sun and gentle waves.

Seamless Transitions: Telaga Harbour's marina seamlessly connects you to the boat trip to Koh Lipe. Departing from this tranquil harbor makes your voyage even more memorable. The 90 Mins Boat Journey Unveiling Breathtaking Vistas. Your eyes feast on Langkawi's beauty as you sail towards the tropical haven of Koh Lipe.

Entering Koh Lipe's Gateway: As you step onto Koh Lipe's shores, the welcoming embrace of this Thai paradise greets you. The long-tail boat journey is a prelude to the island's tranquility. Island Essentials: Departure from Telaga Harbour International Terminal is a breeze. Arrive on time, present your departure card, and prepare for the beauty of Koh Lipe.

Seafaring Comfort: Satun Pakbara Speedboat Club's vessels ensure your comfort throughout the journey. Unwind and Anticipate: Take a Seat, Unwind, and Eagerly Await Koh Lipe's Marvels Enchanting Koh Lipe: The Unparalleled Beauty of an Island Beyond Description With its stunning beaches, clear waters, and vibrant marine life, it's a haven for snorkelers, divers, and beach lovers.

Thai Charm: Experience the heartwarming Thai hospitality as you arrive at Koh Lipe. The island's fishing village atmosphere adds authenticity to your getaway.

Discover Koh Ngai and Koh Bulon: Just a short boat journey away from Telaga Harbour, you can uncover the hidden gems of Koh Ngai and Koh Bulon. Koh Ngai, also known as Ko Hai, enchants visitors with its tranquil beaches and crystal-clear waters. The island's serene ambiance invites you to unwind and immerse yourself in its natural beauty.

On the other hand, Koh Bulon, often referred to as paradise on Earth, boasts a rustic charm that captivates every traveler's heart. With its pristine beaches, lush greenery, and warm-hearted locals, Koh Bulon offers an authentic and unspoiled island experience. These two islands, each with its unique allure, provide a seamless extension to your journey from Telaga Harbour, making your island-hopping adventure even more memorable.

Yachting Marvels: Koh Lipe's charm extends to yachting. Witness yachts of various sizes, including mega yachts, adding a touch of luxury to the island's ambiance.


From Telaga Harbour's marina to the magical shores of Koh Lipe, your journey is a symphony of comfort, beauty, and exploration. As you set forth on this adventure, may the memories of this unique experience remain etched in your heart.

Things to Know: Interesting Facts and Tips

Gateway from Sky to Sea: Telaga Harbour's proximity to Langkawi International Airport ensures easy access to your Koh Lipe adventure.

Ferry Services: Secure your ferry tickets in advance to guarantee your spot on this captivating journey.

Departure Details: Familiarize yourself with departure times from Telaga Harbour International Terminal for a smooth transition.

Seafaring Traditions: The long-tail boat that carries you to Koh Lipe holds a rich cultural significance in local maritime history.

Koh Lipe's Charms: Koh Lipe, Thailand, promises an unforgettable retreat with its stunning beaches and vibrant underwater world.

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クラダン島の穏やかな雰囲気やピピ島の活気ある魅力を発見してください - 私たちのサービスは、これらの素晴らしい場所にスムーズにリンクします。サトゥンパクバラ・スピードボートクラブでは、単なる移動手段ではなく、お客様と一緒に素敵な思い出を作ることを目的としています。冒険と驚嘆の世界へご案内する、あなたの海のパートナーとして、私たちを頼ってください。


ミッション サトゥンパクバラスピードボートクラブは、旅行者が安全で簡単な方法でタイの素晴らしい島々を探索するお手伝いをしたいと考えています。私たちと一緒に旅をしている間、お客様が素晴らしい時間を過ごし、快適に過ごせるようにしたいと考えています。

私たちのビジョン 私たちは、タイの美しい島々へのスムーズで信頼できる乗り物を求める旅行者にとって、一番の選択肢でありたいと考えています。私たちの目標は、安全性とサービスの質を最重要視しながら、探検への情熱を奨励することです。




効率的な輸送: タイで最も愛されている島々を結ぶ、手間のかからない効率的な輸送サービスをお楽しみください。

安全優先: 熟練したクルーと整備されたスピードボートはお客様の安全を第一に考え、安全な航海をお約束します。

複数の目的地: 魅惑的なリペ島から絵のように美しいンガイ島まで、様々な魅惑的な目的地を探索してください。

便利さ: ご予約は簡単で、定刻通りの出発でストレスのない旅をお約束します。

一目でわかる 運航会社が提供する目的地の一部


ピピ島アドベンチャー: 手つかずのビーチと活気あふれるナイトライフで、ピピ島の伝説的な魅力を発見してください。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

クラダン島ゲッタウェイ 透明度の高い海と柔らかい砂浜が待つ、静かな楽園クラダン島を体験してください。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

ンガイ島エクスカーション: ンガイ島の静かな海岸でくつろぎ、この隠れた宝石の美しさに浸ってください。詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。



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